


Lilian's POV


He turned to me and growled.

/"What did I say about going off on your own?/"

I sighed and nodded.

/"Fine, I'll listen to you from now on bu-/"

Kegan groaned and slowly stood up.


Before he could finish his sentence, Romeo walked over and kneed him in the gut making him spit out blood.

He fell to the floor and started groaning in pain but Romeo didn't even let him regain his composure as he grabbed his left arms and twisted it then stomped on it, releasing a bone crushing sound.

I couldn't even understand what was going on as the only thing that filled my ears were Kegan's screams.

He dropped to the floor and started to crawl away but Romeo grabbed his right arm and smirked.

/"You touched her, didn't you? I thought I told you never to fucking touch her but you didn't listen./"

/"Please, I-I-I'm s-s-sorry. I won-/"