
Chapter 1

*Walks slowly* *Opens a door*.

"Son your on you're 30's now you should start dating" Said the chairman "Dad not right now I get I'm a CEO ofcourse it'll be easy to find a girlfriend I can't just fake my death and try to be homeless."Said Jaydon "Actually you could do just that alright pack your stuff's Jay you're going to be homeless now go to another country and pretend to be homeless I'll take care of the comoany dont worry" "Dad are you sure? It's just like your giving me a vacati-"

"NO! you are going to find a wife and give a me grandchild that's what you're doing if you don't I'm not gonna be happy,please Jay find the right one don't be stupid like me to be marrying you're mother was the worst I thought she kind turns out she was just after my money." *Sigh's*"Fine if that's what you want I'll do it..."

1 month later

"Sigh nothing I can do seems like I'm just a Homeless guy right now"

A super fast man run past him and a girl screamed for help


Jaydon suddenly ran and tackled the man cathing the theif

"Here's your bag ma'am please becareful"

"Thank you for helping me,You can live with me,I think that'll help you?"

"Sure I would love to if that doesnt bother you"

At her house

"Ummm..Sir I've never gotten you're name?"

"Oh..It's Jay Jaydon"

"Nice to meet you Jaydon,I'm Christine you knoe you're name kind of sounds familiar...Oh yeah you're name is the same as the CEO who died last month,Do you know him?"

"Well umm.. It's so kind of you to let me stay at you're place also,I Dont really know anything about that "CEO"."

"Well umm... you can sleep in with me don't worry it's got a lot of space"

"So where's your bathroom cause maybe I should get a shower first"

"It's over there just to the left of that corner"

After taking a shower He looked for the bedroom Christine was talking about

And then suddenly a hand grabbed Jay's shoulder luckily it was just Christine

"The Room's over there I'll go when I'm done cleaning the dishes"

"Are you sure you're really okay if I stay here? i can leave if it bothers you?"

"No it's totally fine I've had no one to trust ever since I was a child so if you could please be my friend a Trustable one?" She stared at me with a beautiful face and I replied back with a Nod,While going inside her room and the first thing I saw was...