
Chapter 1






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〘 Sector B-Jungle base 〙

〘 California - Segment 30K 〙


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Quest (?)

" Quest: The lost heirloom "

* Type: Retrieve object.

* Given by: Marlene Oswald 〈 Hide details ▲ 〉

[ Female. Age: 38 ]

[ Job: Weaver, Cleaner ]

[ Reputation: 50 〈 Show details ▼ 〉

[ Background: A refugee originating from New Promise, Marlene ... 〈 more ► 〉]

* Location(s):

- Defiance 〈 Show details ▼ 〉

- New Promise 〈 Show details ▼ 〉

* Details:

While hastily evacuating from New Promise, Marlene Oswald dropped her bracelet in her house. She has asked you to travel New Promise and retrieve it.

* Difficulty: F+

* Dialogue 〈 Show details ▼ 〉






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This "novel" is for testing formatting and stuff.

For the final product, pls visit

Legend of the Gunslinger Mage


ImBloocreators' thoughts