
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 49: Talents 2.

The demon detached itself from its skin and took on a life of its own; He advanced toward Sophie, throwing red flames toward his head.

Sophie dropped backward to avoid them, knocking down a library.

The beast, the size of a shoe, threw lightning to set his clothes on fire, but Sophie dodged it.

In a couple of quick movements, she reached the front of the classroom, after throwing a book at the demon that distracted him for a few seconds.

— Use your talents, you incompetent blonde girl! — Sheeba yelled. — Or maybe your talent is parkour?

— One of many—Sophie said as she passed by.

As if to emphasize it, she jumped on a couple of desks with ease and managed to reach the window that he opened wide.

— Your talent! — Sheeba roared.

Sophie threw another book at the demon and delayed it.

But he recovered quickly.

The demon, with a lethal smile, held a beam high as if it were a dagger.

Sheeba was quick to intervene and Anadil tripped her up.

Squealing, the demon aimed at Sophie's face.

But when the demon was about to throw the lightning, Sophie Turned to the window and made a magnificent whistle.

At the signal, a swarm of black wasps entered the window and pounced on the demon.

Hester jumped backward as if she had been stabbed.

She whistled again, but this time bats burst in and plunged their fangs into the demon while the wasps continued to sting him.

The demon collapsed to the ground like a scorched moth.

On her seat, Hester's skin turned white and moist, bloodless.

Sophie whistle louder, calling a swarm of bees, hornets, and locusts, who assaulted the creature while Hester writhed violently.

In a corner, Sophie stood watching while the villains, screaming, scared the swarm away from the demon with books and chairs, but this, without mercy, continued to attack savagely until Hester gave his last rattle.

Sophie decided that was enough.

— STOP! — She said firmly and forcefully so that they would hear her over the noise of the other students.

The swarm stood still. Like children, they whimpered obediently and fled through the window in a black cloud.

With a wheezing, the wounded demon crawled to Hester and crumbled on his neck.

Hester choked and coughed, back to life.

She gawked at Sophie, scared to death.

Sophie reached out to her to help her.

— If you stop the jokes—Sophie began—I'll leave mine—she offered her hand to help her up.

Hester refused his contact.

Sophie shrugged.

I would have to go over the references for tomorrow.

Not that it bothered him.

— Explain! — I demanded the teacher.

By surprise, he still did not get up from the ground.

It was kind of funny to see her demanding from her position lying on the ground.

— My talent—Sophie began to explain—is the same as that of all princesses, but in evil, beauty, singing, animal friends, etc.

— Thank you, Beelzebub!

Sophie turned around.

She smiled at Hester sweetly and sent her another kiss.

— She looks like a princess! She behaves like a princess! But she is a witch! — Sheeba exclaimed as he stood up with effort. — You see, my useless! She will win the Circus Crown!

Sophie looked toward the three witches and noticed that her companions no longer looked at her with contempt or ridiculed her.

They looked at her with another attitude: respect.

With each passing minute, the number one spot among villains was getting more and more secure.

Sophie returned to her seat between Aric and Japeth with the gait of a queen.

— I'm counting on you to steal the show—she whispered to Japeth.

The boy winked at him, he realized that Sophie did not believe him at all, that he knew about sewing and in a way he thanked him.

— You too—Sophie said, touching Aric's side.

He straightened his back and nodded solemnly, though a laugh was evident in her gaze.

— So what? — asked Adam.

— Do you know what your talent is? — asked Sophie.

— Be charming—the boy smiled sweetly.

— Maybe I shouldn't leave you so much time with Japeth and Aric - Sophie said suspiciously.

— Huh! Don't blame us - Japeth complained.

— It was already like that when we found it—second Aric.

— I know, it is genetic—Sophie clarifies—paternal inheritance, but I think it is developing faster near you.



The two boys didn't know how to answer that.

Whether it was because Sophie was right or because of the chutzpah of the statement.

It's a question you will never get answered.

— Adam, that's not talent, not the kind we talked about at the time.

Adam kept thinking about it, but he didn't know what to answer.

— You still have little time - Aric said.

Adam nodded, but he immediately took out the book from that class and began to look for ways to discover his talent.

Meanwhile, Aric's turn had come.

— And what is your talent? — asked the teacher, apparently not expecting anything more incredible than what she had just seen.

— I can handle any weapon - Aric replied simply—even if I've never touched it before.

The teacher blinked.

No other surprise was expected.

But even with doubts about his good luck, she decided to confirm.

— Whatever? — She asked.

— Whatever—he confirmed.

— What weapons have you tried? — I ask the teacher between closing her eyes with doubt.

— Knives and swords of all kinds, whip, staff, nunchaku, spear, shield and sword, double hilt … — so he went on to list the most common.

— How about it, trident? — asked the teacher.

Aric frowned and shook his head.

— Are you trying to hint at something? — I ask sarically Aric.

— Nothing you haven't heard before, the young devil—the teacher dismissed with a gesture—since you haven't used one, then it's perfect as a test—the teacher said, going to a trunk at the end of the room.

After taking out numerous weapons, he found what he was looking for, a golden trident in the purest Aquaman style was in his hands.

Aric got up and went for the trident, studying it with admiration.

He began to move it and after a few seconds swung and wielded it as if it had been born with one in her hands, the teacher was impressed.

She was pulling out different guns that he knew a Foxwood kid would never have access to.

Hammers, maces, sansetsukon, antler spears, halberd, some types of swords, and exotic daggers that Aric had never seen because they were too expensive or from other countries.