
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 47: Being locked in a tower is not so bad, if your friends are villains.

After the fire they locked Agatha in her room for two days; She was only allowed to use the bathroom and receive food, raw vegetables, and plum juice brought to her by the fairies, looking at her with antipathy.

Luckily they let Jacob visit her and Sophie, helped by her new black swan (Alana), sneaked through the window of her room.

This had finally enabled him to fix both his clothes and Jacob's, who was now wearing a smaller version of the school boys' uniform.

This one had some modifications with different embroidery and patterns for different days, but basically, it was the same.

Apparently, the boys could not modify their attire too much, since it was intended to promote equality between them and camaraderie instead of just making them look better like those of the girls.

Agatha spent more than an hour of protests, railing against sexism on her side of the school.

Sophie left her because she totally agreed.

What she found incredible is that Aric and Japeth also supported her.

— I thought they hated women—Sophie said—and I thought I felt special.

— We do—they said in chorus.

— But it's because we don't trust them - Aric clarified.

— Not because we create them crippled, as seems to be the case in the school of good—added Japeth.

— Personally, I find few creatures more dangerous, cunning, and versatile - Aric concluded.

— Thank you! — chanted the girls.


The two friends were speechless at the impudence.

Sophie reflected and thought that, considering the mothers they had, it was an opinion that had its foundations and since all the surrounding girls were witches she had no way to refute it.

What was he going to tell them?

"They're not all harpies, just the surrounding ones."

— He wants to kill me, I swear—Agatha complained to the group.

Agatha had told everyone about Tedros' theatrical show.

It seems that the scolding of the four school authorities entered him through one ear and came out the other.

Aric and Japeth looked at each other and then at Agatha, not very convinced.

Jacob frowned, and Adam looked as convinced as the other 3.

Agatha insisted a little more.

At the end, Japeth raised his hands with a calming gesture.

— Calm down Agi - said the boy—you don't think it could be a misunderstanding, there's no way for a "prince"—I emphasize the word—to try to kill a princess.

— Do I look like a princess to you? — Agatha asked as if the answer is a big "NO".

But he got a surprise when his five visitors answered "YES" in chorus.

I look at them like they're all crazy.

— What am I like, a princess? — demanded to know.

— A nice smile—said Jacob.

— You are kind – continued Japeth.

— You see yourself pretty angry—Adam added.

— You have compassion - Aric continued.

— You have a good heart—added, Sophie.

Agatha blushes, but she was happy.

— Do you know that they are the best friends a girl can have?

— We are villains, Agi – Aric clarified.

— I said good friends, not good people.

— Oh, then thank you and your precious equal—replied the boy with a wink.

Sophie was finishing taking the measurements of Agatha, who was now standing on a bench turned into a pig.

Agatha was uncomfortably removed on the bench, trying not to puncture.

— You're right, a prince would never attack a princess—Sophie clarified—unless that prince didn't think you're a princess.

She gave an inquisitive look at the four boys, and after thinking for a moment they understood.

— You think Tedros thinks Agi is a witch - Japeth asked.

— I don't think so—she said, and for a second everyone breathed a sigh of relief – I'm sure.

Everyone became alert.

— And I thought we had left the fools in Gavaldon - Adam commented, falling on Agatha's bed.

— Do I no longer have to hang out with him? — asked Jacob hopefully.

He really only talked to Tedros because his sister told him, the same with Rhian and Chaddick only Tristan really liked him.

— You don't have to hang out with anyone you don't want to—Sophie clarified.

— I am free! — shouted the boy as he jumped.

Sophie smiled at him resignedly.

She had already heard from the boy that he was being interrogated about her.

Apparently, despite all those questions, none had realized that Jacob had only been his brother for less than a week.

Sophie finished pinning Agatha's new dress and was ready to sew the patterns.

— Very well you can take it off, be careful that the pins do not fall off.

Agatha saw what it was like practically just pins and gave Sophie a look of helplessness.

Sophie understood that it was impossible for her to move alone and beckoned to the boys, who had also understood the problem.

They brought the folding dressing room next to the wall and put it in front of Agatha, so she could change without fear of being seen.

Apparently, she was more demure than her best friend, as Sophie had no difficulty paying them for morning shows with her own underwear show.

Sophie did it with the knowledge that, to begin with, they were not interested, but of course, the boys did not know it.

After a couple of hours of conspiracy theories and needlework Sophie finished Agatha's new dress at the request of the girl recreated her own blue dress with delicate embroidery of the last day in Gavaldon and even made her a black steed and replaced the original white lace with black lace that looked much better in the dress and made the pink tone more bearable.

Agatha looked at the happy result and even, betraying herself a little, turned around in the mirror to show it off.

She realized that somehow it looked even better than the first time Sophie had fixed it, she soon realized why.

In this school he had been eating properly, he had gained more meat in his bones and after knowing that he had freed at least one poor girl and that poor gargoyle he felt so good that he slept for hours.

Now there was a healthy, rested and well-groomed girl in front of the mirror, obviously it had to be a nice picture, Agatha thought.

— You're lovely—said Sophie reaching through Agatha's back and squeezing her cheeks to add natural color, she knew that Agatha would never agree to use rouge and a little also to annoy her.

Well, mainly to annoy her.

Agatha turned and tried to tickle Sophie, and she returned the attempts.

Thus, the friends began an attack and a small chase between them.

They each received a pillow which, as they turned around, noticed that it came from both Aric and Japeth apparently wanting to join in the fun.

They went to the other beds and took each one on a pillow and hit them back.

Jacob and Adam began to jump over the unused beds, each supporting a team.

After a while, the four of them were exhausted, with no definite winner, but the kids were super happy laughing on the beds, and the four friends were satisfied after exercising and laughing a lot.

Agatha thought that at the end of the day, if it were bad, why she didn't think the punishments were something to regret.