
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 32: Two Mistakes and a Chat.

- I repeat - Pollux firmly declared - those who are of Evil cannot belong to Good, and those who are of Good cannot belong to Evil, no matter how much they are persuaded or punished, sometimes they will feel impulses from both, but that only means that in your family tree there are branches in which Good and Evil have suffered a toxic combination. Here, in the School of Good and Evil, we will free them from these impulses, from confusion, we will try to make them as pure as possible...


- Next time I'll put the muzzle on you! - Pollux shouted.

Beaver lowered his head.

- None of these brilliant students will postpone, there is no doubt - Pollux continued, smiling at the students, now calmer.

- That's what you always say, and then someone postpones - Castor murmured.

—All the children of the Infinite Forest dream of being chosen to attend our school. But the Directors chose you - Pollux continued, looking both ways. They searched their hearts and saw something unusual. Good and Evil at their best.

- If we are so pure, then what is this? - A mischievous blonde girl with pointed ears stood in the Evil sector and pointed at Sophie.

A burly boy on the side of Good pointed to Agatha.

- We have one too!

- Ours smells like flowers! A villain shouted.

- Ours fought with the fairies!

- Ours is smiling too much!

- Ours has a suitcase full of dog tongues!

- In each promotion we bring two Readers from the Distant Forest - Pollux declared. They know our world from books and drawings, but they know what our rules are as well as you do. They have the same talent and the same goals, the same potential for glory. Our best students have also been Readers.

- Like two hundred years ago - Castor snorted.

- You are not so different from the rest of you - Pollux explained, defending himself.

- They look very different from the rest - joked a greasy, dark-skinned villain.

The pupils of the two schools nodded.

- Don't question the Director's choices - Pollux warned. You must all respect each other, whether you are Good or Evil, whether you come from a famous storytelling family or one that failed, be you a prince of blue blood or a Reader. You have all been chosen to protect the balance between Good and Evil. Because when that balance is compromised, his face darkened. Our world will disappear.

There was a silence throughout the hall.

- Students, you all have one concern - Pollux proclaimed, in a sweeter voice. Do the best job you can. The best will become sorcerer princes and sorcerers, knights and witches, queens and necromancers...

- OR IN TROLLS OR PIGS IF THEY STINK! —Castor blurted out.

The students looked at each other on both sides of the corridor, aware of what was at stake.

- So, if there are no more interruptions - Pollux continued, looking hatefully at his brother - let's review the rules.

30 minutes later, all the students looked straight ahead with dead fish eyes while Pollux continued to list the rules of the school.

—Rule number thirteen. The Intermediate Bridge and the roofs of the tower are forbidden places for students - Pollux lectured on stage - Gargoyles have orders to kill intruders without warning, and they still don't know the difference between pupils and intruders...

Adam was now sitting on Aric's lap as Aric used the boy's wooden sword to explain how he should properly use a knife or long dagger to stab someone else.

Japeth would blurt out some suggestions from time to time and several tips for the child.

The 3 witches had fallen asleep in their chairs.

Hort was enraptured watching Sophie blog draw future designs for all her friends' clothes.

I was sure that Agatha would not last for long in the pink dress, at least not in the model she was in now.

Aric and Japeth made it clear that there was no force on earth that would make them wear the uniform of the school of evil in its original state.

This uniform was very big for Adam And Jacob was wearing a shirt that seemed to have shrunk in a dryer and the same for the pants, even so he had to roll up his sleeves many times, he could not use the corresponding jacket and was still barefoot.

She was foolish to think they were waiting for them, obviously they altered the lists with magic as soon as they arrived.

Sophie was in the middle of the jacket design when she felt something fall into her lap.

He closed his eyes breathing to calm himself down as he had an idea of what it was, although since he had made Agatha change her dress he hoped to be wrong.

He lowered his gaze and his fears were confirmed, a headless canary was in his lap with the help of the blog threw him to the ground and suppressing a shudder turned to see Agatha.

- What do you want? —he articulated silently.

- We have to get together - Agatha said.

- Lunch - Sophie articles in response – system – complete before turning onto the stage.

Agatha patted her face for forgetting that messages could be written through the systems.

Soon, Sophie received a notification.





"Accepted" Sophie confirmed.


SOPHIE: You should be embarrassed to throw away your pets 😔 food.

You didn't say Death ran out of birds.

AGATHA: Very funny 🙄, what are we going to do on time?

SOPHIE: straight to the point 🤨, how are you? Study hard and try not to fail 📘📕📚.

AGATHA: 😐Is it serious?😡

SOPHIE: If you are thinking of escaping or try 😒that would be considered a failure and that means disappearing as beaver said, from here you only get away with a diploma.😓


SOPHIE: I encourage you with your classes and if we have good grades we can go home for summer, or so the privileges say.😁

AGATHA: What privileges?🤨

SOPHIE: the ones Pollux 😄mentioned I heard in passing between connecting and disconnecting the brain😜

AGATHA: Well, 🙄we will follow that plan, but only if we see that it is possible to pass this school.🏃‍♀️

SOPHIE: ok👍🤜



Sophie and Agatha concluded their conversation because they already heard that Pollux had finished with the rules and began to talk about the class system.

Hester and Anadil looked at the decapitated bird and then at Agatha.

- We like her - Anadil joked, as the rats squealed accordingly.

- The first year consists of the necessary preparation courses for the three main tests: the Great Test, the Talent Circus and the Snow Dance - Castor growled.- In the second year they will be separated into three groups: one of leaders, villains and heroes, another of followers, henchmen and helpers, and another of mogrifos, or those who undergo transformations.

- Over the next two years, we will train leaders to fight their future archenemies - Pollux explained - Followers will develop skills to defend their future leaders. Mogrifos will learn to adapt to their new ways and survive in the forests. Finally, after the third year, the leaders will have their followers and mogrifos assigned, and all will move to the Infinite Forest to begin their journey.

Agatha shuddered as she remembered the mice and other animals in the gallery of good.