
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 31: The brother of good and his identical but handsome twin... I say evil.

- It's curious - Sophie began - as I need to show mercy, but her teacher could not grant it to a student who was just trying to protect a child, judging him as weak despite being one of the few who had the courage to speak - he said every word with restrained rage and between teeth.

- And I'll talk to him about it - Sophie looked at him even angrier - and he will get an appropriate disciplinary sanction - he quickly added - his little brother can use his sister's beautiful gift, for the rest of his classes and a metal one with a blunt point and edge for the classes in which he needs it.

Sophie didn't take away his murderous look for a second.

- My little brother, I shouldn't even be here considering that you are 10 years younger than the average income in your school - I continue between teeth.

- He's very talented - Rhian tried to defend himself with a bit of hesitation.

It seemed that the director of good was afraid to take the place of the fencing teacher.

Sophie was about to forget about the knife and use her own perfectly groomed nails to pull out the eyes of the director of good, but out of nowhere she felt a strong arm hugging her waist and pushing her away a few steps.

He turned his gaze and found an even more beautiful picture than he had seen in the illustration.

Reality that is more extreme than fiction, my children.

That Adonis with Jack Frost colors was there to eat him.

The director of the estate breathed calmly when he saw the missing girl's thirst for blood.

Her brother, who was holding Sophie, gave the girl in his arms a sidelong smile.

While the girl almost got her heart out.

That smile was on the same level as chaos.

Why didn't Japeth's work, or Aric's?

Because she knew those two had each other.

So in a way I had isolated them in a separate category.

So her mind could withstand the blows of her inner fangirl.

But here I was receiving them with all the intensity and renewed power.

He drew strength from anger and managed to stand and stand firm.

He coughed a little to recover the tone and although his discomfort was perceived there was no longer thirst for blood, thanks to his fangirl, for the first time in his life, instead of losing rationality he had recovered it.

- I'm also upset with you evil director - began Sophie - my brother Adam is barely two years older than Jacob - she said squinting and seeing the headmaster trying to think that I needed to intimidate him and not get lost in them.

- And a great talent for chaos - Rafael said with a smiling slack.

Sophie opened her eyes and quickly asked Alex.

"Does he know anything?"






Sophie relaxed, let out a sigh that the director took out of resignation.

From what he had seen yesterday at the boys' house and after the time they spent with his sister, there was no denying that the boy had a talent for sowing discord wherever he went.

Sophie rubbed her temples, imagining where the director's thoughts were going.

- Still, I'd prefer... - he began to say.

- It is only a previous preparation - Rafal began to explain - you will not see the most advanced classes, see it as we thought it would be opportune that they will start earlier both for their safety and for their future development and progress.

- Had you really planned to kidnap a couple of children in addition to the two corresponding students? - asked Sophie, incredulity.

- No - chanted the twins.

- We had them written down for future years clarified - Rafal - but since they were tied to you.

- And that we would have wasted a lot of time trying to separate them - continued Rhian.

- We decided that it was better to bring them and overtake – I finish Rafal.

Sophie smiled at them and asked them to come closer.

They did, and she quickly grabbed each other's shirt and smashed their foreheads against each other.

-eey! - The two directors exclaimed.

- That - said Sophie - was because of the brilliant idea - concluded with all the sarcasm he could imprint on every word syllable and letter.

Then she left with the dignity of a queen back to her friends.

Rhian saw her somewhat annoyed as she rubbed her forehead.

Rafal, who had really hurt the blow more (no one more hard-headed than his brother) had almost forgotten the pain while watching the girl sway with obvious intention of showing off her figure while returning to her friends.

Although Sophie had obviously done it for him, he wasn't the only one staring at him.

All the princes and villains watched as "the Queen of the school," as she had begun to be called, returned to her favorite group.

Agatha raised her hand to high-fives with her friend and she did, and then lowered them with a Ban! While both girls bumped hips.

And to the sound of that Ban!, Sophie rearmed both the hearts and the conviction of all the princes in the auditorium.


- Welcome to the School of Good and Evil - greeted the nicer two-headed one.

From their seats on opposite sides of the aisle, Sophie and Agatha watched the gigantic dog with two heads, walking across the Silverstone stage.

One of the heads, fierce, drooling and male, had a grayish mane.

The other head was pretty and adorable, with a small jaw, sparse fur and singing voice.

No one was sure if the prettiest head was a man's or a woman's, but whatever it was, it seemed to be the one giving the orders.

- I'm Pollux, welcome leader - he saluted his pretty head.


All the students seemed to fear Beaver, even the villains.

- The schedule does not say that he is also the training teacher of henchmen - commented Sophie as she watched the paper with her class schedule - this is labor exploitation.

- He is a professor of evil after all, Japeth replied.

- Occupational hazards - Aric commented amused.

The two boys were sitting on each side of Sophie.

Both boys had stretched their arms around Sophie's shoulder so that they crossed behind her.

Adam was sitting on her sister's lap and, because the 3 witches had taken the seat behind her, she was surrounded on all flanks so that no boy, evil or good, could approach her.

Most of the male population glared at the two teenagers sitting on either side of the Queen of the school, the only section was Hort, who glared mainly at Adam for having the best place.

It didn't help that Adam had a fully paid expression of himself, like a king sitting on the throne, and was directing it precisely to Hort.

- Thank you, Castor - said Pollux. Let me remind you of the reason why you are in this place. All children are born with good or bad souls. Some souls are purer than others...

- AND SOME SOULS ARE CRAP! —Castor barked.

- As I said - Pollux continued - some souls are purer than others, but all belong fundamentally to Good or Evil. Souls who belong to Evil cannot convert to Good, nor can those who belong to Good convert to Evil...


The truth seeming to be paid for in itself.

The students of good (mainly the princesses) began to reply, and those of evil began to answer them.

The students of Good began to cheer, "EVERS!, EVERS!"; the students of Evil replied, "NEVERS! NEVERS!"

The wolves soaked the Evers with buckets of water and the fairies threw rainbows on the Nevers, after which both sides fell silent.