
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 27: There are no sensible adults in this school.

Each of the schools had its own entrance to the Story Theatre, divided into two halves.

The west portico was the entrance to the sector of the students of the Good, which was decorated with reverential pink and blue benches, glass friezes and twinkling bouquets of crystal flowers.

The eastern portico gave entrance to the side for the students of Evil, black marble benches with legs and armrests that gave the image of ferocious animals and fearsome gargoyles were arranged in a row.

The parts of the decoration recalled vines and brambles and where the roses should have been blood-red diamonds and onyx blacks were seen, as well as in the eyes of the different animals, there were no flowers, but a carpet of an intense carmine red opened the way for the students of the school.

The effect would have been of a group of Nosferatu walking to a black mass if it were not for the 3 leaders of the procession of new students of evil.

Sophie walked forward with the grace of a queen entering the throne room.

Aric and Japeth walked beside her as if they were the Kings of the place.

Adam was doing his own parade, since when he saw the carpet he ignored all protocol and with the help of a wooden cane that his sister had given him he was doing several martial arts movements and pirouettes that he had practiced before arriving in the room after knowing that Jacob would make his own presentation.

The effect was that of an acrobat making way for royalty while her courtiers followed her.

The teachers were left with their mouths open when they saw this exhibition, since somehow it seemed that the wolves had also joined, since instead of entering although not disorderly but discreetly in the room, they had decided to march at one at the pace that the 3 leaders walked, making it seem that they were escorting them.

The princesses who were already in their seats gawked at them.

Agatha, who was among them at the back of the line to see the teachers, but in the front row to watch the parade, patted her forehead in frustration while trying to contain her laughter.

She could only think about how her friend was biologically unable to allow her first day at a magic school to be simple and peaceful.

Sophie was not incapable of that, rather death than boring.

The 3 leaders of the procession and the little acrobat arrived at the beginning of the pews.

With a sign from her hand, Sophie dismissed the rest of the students to take a seat.

The queen lets go of her courtiers.

Except for the 3 witches who saw this looked at her with annoyance two of them, and Dot who wanted to stay with her new friend, everyone else obeyed the order and went to take their seats.

Sophie quickly approached Agatha once attention was scattered.

Agatha got up and welcomed her with a hug that she returned with force.

Then Agate threw herself into catching the little acrobat.

- Hi Agi, did you see my ticket? - asked Adam very paid of himself.

- Of course, you are a one-man show - replied Agatha solemnly.

Adams swelled with pride.

- Would you believe me if I told you it was improvised? - said Sophie innocently as she blinked adorably at her friend.

- Would you believe it? - Agatha asked back.

Sophie hesitated for a second, but then shrugged.

- No, probably not after that show, but believe me if I had planned it wouldn't have gone so well - Sophie replied with a laugh.

Agatha stared at her for a second and then opened her eyes and mouth in such a way that it looked like both were going to hit the floor.

- You didn't plan anything? - asked incredulously.

Sophie and Adam shook their heads.

- No - they responded in chorus.

- I certify them - Japeth and Aric replied in chorus.

Agatha closed her mouth because she noticed that two more boys and 3 girls were still there.

- Did you know anything about Jacob? - asked Sophie, but then noticed that her friend saw the people behind her – oh! God! Where I left manners - Sophie set out to introduce Agatha to her roommates - these are Aric - I point to the black-haired boy - and Rafal Japeth - pointed to the blue-eyed brown boy - Japeth in a way you've seen him before - he said with a wry smile.

Agatha nodded.

It was not difficult to recognize Rhian's twin.

Japeth looked at them strangely without understanding.

- Have we met before? - he asked Agatha.

- Something like that - replied the girl - I've seen your face before to be more specific - she clarified.

Japeth seemed to take a second to understand, but he quickly got the joke.

- You saw my brother - he understood - how did you think? - he asked with a raised eyebrow and half a smile.

- He was... - Agatha began - a prince - she concluded without finding a better way to describe the boy.

- And?... - Japeth inquires.

- And I can't really think of what else to say - said Agatha, blushing - that was the impression it gave me in general.

Aric and Japeth looked at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing and giving Agatha a thumbs up, she returned them to him and then returned to Sophie.

- No, I haven't heard anything from Jacob, but as far as I know the princes are about to make their entrance.

Said and done.

Both girls paid attention to the approaching sound of a sound that any good girl was attentive to, a sound that she had waited all her life, from the hallway, the tread of boots, the clash of swords...

The portico of the west opened to make way for 60 attractive boys in sword duel

The sun-caressed skin could be guessed through their thin blue sleeves and stiff collars; The tall military boots matched the short vests and slender knotted ties, each of which had a single gold initial embroidered.

As the youngsters clashed with swords, shirts popped out of their tight beige riding pants, exposing thin waists and suggestive muscles.

Their faces bathed in sweat, the swordsmen struggled along the corridor, their boots crashing into the marble, until, quickly, the sword duel reached its climax when some pinned their companions on the benches.

In one last choreography, they took roses from their shirts and shouted "my lady!" threw them at the girls they were most attracted to.

But neither Agatha nor Sophie saw any of this.

The two had their eyes fixed on a small figure that fought against the most clumsy of princes or so they thought, because in a couple of lunges with his dagger Jacob had almost made the boy, with a sword almost twice the size of his opponent, lose his grip.

Agatha thought for a second that it might be Jacob's talent.

Sophie, more perspective, noticed that Jacob's opponent was weighed down by his own sword.

The ignorant believed that this was the best thing for Jacob, but the truth was that someone using a weapon that he did not know how to handle, regardless of what this weapon was, was more dangerous than an expert, both for the opponent and for himself.

Sophie spent the entire performance with a scared white face and occasionally letting out muffled screams worthy of a frightened damsel.

She was so worried that she did not notice that, contrary to what happened in the original book, instead of Beatrix receiving more roses, almost all of them had fallen at her feet at the end of the presentation.

This was because the first thing he did was run straight to take Jacob in his arms and take away that dreadful weapon.

- There is not a single sensible adult in this school - he said as he kept it in his storage and hugged his little brother with concern.

He ran back with Agatha once he had Jacob in his arms.

Once the boy was away from all the sharp and pointed objects in the place, she was able to breathe easy.

He was one step away from arriving with Agatha, when he realized that the area where he was standing before was full of roses.

She opened her eyes in surprise and turned to the princes, who looked at her as if they had all fallen in love at first sight.

Sophie sighed and thought about how she was fulfilling the biggest dream of what the original protagonist should have been.

Now all that remained was for Tedros to come in and wake up all the boys.

Again, ask and it will be granted.

Suddenly, the portico of the west opened again... And two more guys came in.

in gratitude for my first stone of power an additional chapter

Michijiangcreators' thoughts