
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Livros e literatura
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57 Chs

Chapter 23: Good twins are bad brothers.

Practically the entire fourth book was a theater set up by him.

Rhian, who the play was for and who was the protagonist, at best appeared to play his role, but he didn't really plan anything.

Sophie remembered why she loved the character even though, in the dictionary of this world, next to evil there was probably a photo of Rafal as the first meaning, Japeth as second and Aric as third.

It was the same reason he liked the other two characters.

All 3 were incredibly loyal, not only to the cause, for them that was secondary, but to the people they loved and appreciated.

Unfortunately, the people they loved and cherished had never returned the same loyalty.

With the sole exception of Aric whose most appreciated person was Japeth his best friend.

But, Aric died in the third book, leaving only Japeth who asked Rhian, his twin brother, to help him bring back the "person he loved most".

But Rhian believed that this person was his mother, whom he himself wanted to bring.

He was never very good at discerning Japeth's feelings, or rather never tried.

He believed that what he wanted was what Japeth wanted and when he knew what Japeth wanted he still didn't give it to him because he thought it was bad for him.

He never stopped to consider his twin's wishes because he believed that what he wanted was the best for both of them.

And when he learned that it was Aric whom his brother wanted to bring back, he betrayed his trust and refused to keep his promise.

This provoked a fight between brothers to the death, which ended with the victory of Japeth.

Sophie sighed to remember the events of the book.

He shook his head and decided to forget it.

I would ensure that, on this occasion, neither Rafal nor Japeth will end up killing their twins.

Or well I would do what I could because from what I remembered from the book In fact the boys had excellent reasons to get rid of their less considered half.

Why should we admit it may have been the good guys and all that, but really the two Rhian were inconsiderate and a couple of ungrateful.

He admitted he was being biased, but wasn't going to change his mind.

The boys were happy with their uniforms and even though the girls in front of them, I was happy eating chocolates together while watching them get dressed.

Obviously he was enjoying dressing them up as his tea dolls, seeing the other gruesome uniforms the two boys with a much greater sense of aesthetics than their fellow evil-schoolers couldn't help but think they made the right choice.

But, although they were grateful, they would make the joke at the first opportunity.

- Enjoying the view? - said Aric pulling up his pants with his torso still uncovered.

- Assessing future potentials - said Sophie, bringing a piece of leaf turned into chocolate by Dot in her mouth.

Hearing this, no matter how scoundrels Aric and Japeth were when they changed in front of the girls, they decided to turn around and pull up their pants quickly.

Sophie smiled maliciously as she returned to the sewing machine to finish the finishing touches on her own uniform.

This ended up being a Gothic Loli suit in the style of Misa Amane only that Sophie left the skirt slightly longer, otherwise it was the classic Death Note mass dress so to complete it she took two black ribbons and considered making two high waves.

He looked for a moment at the full-length mirror he had brought from his room while the girls and boys continued to watch incredulously as he took things out-and-out of "God knows where", but since this world was magical, they did not think so much about it and assumed that the girl would have fairy or sorceress blood.

Something that they confirmed in a certain way when the one who claimed to be her brother, who they assumed had the same blood as her, also began to take things out of nowhere.

This time they were toys that the boy in order to test the system had quickly put in his inventory while his new system friend explained how it worked.

Adam had only kept the toys he had brought to Sophie's house, such as the wooden sword, strollers, and other things, but he was not as equipped as she was.

Sofia in the end decided that the tails were too much, and it was better to leave her hair loose, instead took the sewing materials to make flowers that the original Sophie had and made two black roses.

For the first one, she took one of the thickest red ribbons and placed it in the center, and then attached it to the side of the dress.

The second with the help of a brooch was placed in his hair.

Lolita's mass dress had always reminded a little of a ballet dancer, with these ornaments Sophie reminded of a black swan.

This made the outfit perfect for school presentation.

After all, what greater school spirit than to represent the school crest.

- Do you try to demonstrate student spirit? - asked Aric seeing the outfit.

-Ah! How did you know? - said Sophie between sensual and funny.

She turned around and leaned over like a ballerina so that the dress would be appreciated in all its splendor.

Once again Japeth and Aric stared at her for her impudence, and this time Hesper and Anadil were added.

Adam and Dot For their part, they began a round of applause, totally admired by the design of the outfit.

Sophie made several theatrical bows of ballerina towards them.

Are you sure we can't kill her? —Anadil wanted to know, watching his rats devour a mouse.

- What part of the forest do you come from, charms? - Dot asked Sophie and Adam, while sharing chocolate with the boy.

- We didn't come from the forest - Sophie replied.

- What do you mean by "you don't come from the forest"? - Hester wanted to know.

- I come from Gavaldon - she explained.

- Is that near the Murmuring Mountains? - Dot asked.

- Only the 'Nevers' live in the Murmuring Mountains, silly - Hester grumbled.

- I bet it's near the Rainbow Gale - Anadil said.- That's where the most annoying "Evers" come from.

- Excuse me, I'm lost - Adam objected. - What does "Evers" mean? And "Nevers"?

- They are a kind of Rapunzel and their pet who live in a world apart - Anadil added. - That explains everything.

- The "Evers" are what we call benefactors, charm - Dot explained to Adam. - You know, all that nonsense about being happily ever after.

- So you are "Nevers"? - Adam asked, remembering the columns with legends in the stairwell.

- It's short for "Never Again" - replied Hester, pleased. - The paradise of evildoers. In Never Again, we will have infinite power.

- We will control time and space - Anadil observed.

- We will take on new forms - Hester added - We will split our souls, we will conquer death.

- Only the most evil villains enter there - Anadil explained.

- And the best thing is that there is no one else, Each villain has his own private kingdom.

- Eternal solitude - Anadil proclaimed.

- It seems like an ordeal - Sophie said.

- The rest of the people are tortures - Hester objected.

- Gavaldon... is it near the Pifflepaff Hills? - Dot asked dismissively.

- It's nowhere near - clarified Sophie Gavaldon is beyond the forest, what they call the distant forest.