
My personal multiverse travel system

I died. Guilty? Mr. Truck, of course. I met a god, and he gave me a system, and he told me: - I do this for fun, so have fun too. -Well, since you insist. When Sophie is given the chance to reincarnate a multi verse system in exchange for entertaining the heavens, she doesn't think twice and accepts. New worlds, new friends, freedom, and who knows, maybe a reverse harem. If the boys can, why can't I? NT: I will start with Soman Chainani's School of Good and Evil as the first world, this is my first job, so I accept constructive criticism, tomatoes and all kinds of opinions. English is not my mother tongue.

Michijiang · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 20: The Three Witches of Room 66.

Sophie had left Adam in the room for a moment because she believed it was possible for Agatha to somehow stick with the original script and reach the bridge between schools.

After winking at one of the wolves, Sophie walked to the center of the bridge.

Upon seeing Agatha, his concern for both the girl and his brother was rekindled.

He recalled that, in the book, Agatha had fled to the bridge because she "broke" under the pressure of the school's expectations.

Sophie mentally reviewed the causes of her friend's collapse.

All the books, the subjects, the uniform and the way Professor Sanders looked at her.

Sophie wondered, what had been, this time, "the straw that broke the camel's back".

It was between the pink dress and the book about how to conquer princes.

While he had managed to get Agatha into a dress.

It was a simple white summer model, and had not yet overcome under any circumstances the distaste for princes or for boys in general.

After chatting for a moment, Agatha seemed to leave calmer.

The fairies who accompanied her, although a little sore, seemed to have reached an agreement of better not trying to do things with violence with that girl after having received so many blows.

Sophie once again opened the door of room 66 of the evil tower, this would be her home for the next 3 years.

When he arrived, he saw the 3 witches unpacking.

They stared at her.

None of the boys were there, but from the sound of water coming from the bathroom, it was obvious that all 3 were taking a bath.

Sophie made a gesture of recognition to the 3 girls and proceeded to her bed, where she had already left the trunk.

- I told you they would bring her here - a harsh voice complained.

Sophie looked up and saw a tall, greasy-haired girl with reddish streaks and black-painted lips, with a terrifying tattoo around her neck: a demon with deer horns and a red skull.

The girl looked hatefully at Sophie; His black eyes were blazing.

- It even smells like an Always.

- The fairies will take her away soon - said a voice from across the room.

Sophie twisted her head and saw an albino girl with white hair, pale skin and drooping eyelids feeding stew from a cauldron to three white rats.

- A pity, since we could slit her throat and hang her in the lobby as an ornament.

-How impolite! - exclaimed a third. Sophie turned around and watched a smiling, brown-haired girl sitting on the bed, fat as a hot air balloon, with chocolate ice cream in each round hand - In addition, it is against the rules to kill other students.

- What if we just mutilated her a little? —suggested the albino.

- I think she's lovely - said the plump girl as she bit into the ice cream - Not all villains have to smell ugly and look depressed.

- She's not a villain - said the albino and the tattooed girl in unison.

- That's not up to you, it seems to me - Sophie finally replied, as she unpacked her trunk.

She took out all the dreadful uniforms from the closet and arranged her dresses.

Hester and Anadil looked down at the furniture now filled with dresses of different colors.

Sophie moved her hand, and a sewing machine and other tailoring equipment appeared after the bedside table disappeared.

She took a huge sewing scissors that pushed back the other 3 girls and looked with a completely murderous gesture at the 10 hideous garments in front of her.

These made up the female school uniform of the school of evil.

You didn't have to be a genius to guess his purpose in taking the scissors.

It was going to completely destroy that offense to good taste.

The 3 witches watched with amazement, how Sophie destroyed the uniforms passed them through the sewing machine and little by little they were acquiring the shapes of a dress.

- that's allowed - Dot asked.

- The rules of the school say that: as long as the ones you are wearing are the uniform, it is allowed to customize it; The level of that personalization depends entirely on the student's abilities and resources.

Sophie explained as she pulled out a small booklet that it had the very few rules of the school of evil and the broader rules of the school in general.

He had found it in one of the hallways, in front of a dwarf full of sleeping smallpox, who surely should have been distributing them.

In the rules of the school in general, you could see the one mentioned by Sophie and the rule of not killing other students that Dot mentioned.

Most likely made so that "the Nevers" would not kill "the Evers" before graduation, or so that "the Evers" who did not yet understand that good only defended, like Tedros, will not kill "the Nevers" as a "preemptive" attack.

- Let me guess - Hester growled - It's Bella, Ariel or Anastasia.

- Rather, she looks like the Princess Bride or the Sugar Fairy - Anadil said.

- Or Clarabella, or Little Red Riding Hood or Winnie Pooh - Dot contributed.

- My name is Sophie.

Hesper and Anadil laughed.

- Sophie! —squawked the second—It's worse than I imagined!

- Anything called Sophie can't be here - the albino wheezed. - It has to be in a cage.

- Since my name literally translates to "wisdom", I understand why they think so, but I don't think it's very practical to lock up their brains a day before school starts - he said as he continued to reform the awful uniform into something more decent than putting on.

The two girls stopped laughing and laminated with murderous intentions

Sophie looked at them out of the corner of her eye for a moment and activated the system analysis.

In front of her appeared a statistics panel:









ABILITIES: Summon soul demon LV. 5








SKILLS: Animal support LV. 5






CHARISMA: 8 (-4) 4


SKILLS: Gourmet Conversion LV. 10
