

DANIEL CLIFFORD (35 years) Jean Aideen's best friend as a famous actor in New York City, really loves Jeany his first love. Since Jeany decided to marry Jian, the man she loves so much, Daniel's life has been thrown into darkness. Daniel became a cigarette addict and heavy drinker as well as drug user for years, making Daniel suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. Dhenisa Zee (23 years), a young doctor who was chosen by her senior doctor to care for and take care of Daniel's health, so that unconsciously love has grown in the heart of Dhenisa who will marry Justine. How is the story of the continuation of the love life of a Daniel? will his love end sadly for the second time?

Nickscart_2 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
145 Chs


"That's right, introduce my future husband, his name is Daniel." Dhenisa said to Liana.

Liana's body was motionless, with a gaze that was fascinated by Daniel's appearance, which was like a typical movie actor.

"Daniel, are you a film actor? Looks like your face is familiar in the celebrity world." Liana said with a seductive smile.

"Oh, Liana, where is Sabrina?" Dhenisa asked, not liking Liana's excessive gaze and smile.

"Oh, you're looking for Sabrina? She's in her study working on a people event. For your event, let me handle it, because I'm currently empty, there are no other events." Liana replied with a very seductive body language.

Daniel who saw this, just swallowed his saliva.

"I'm going to Sabrina first." Dhenisa said leaving Daniel with Liana.

"Daniel, are you really an actor? Your name seems to be familiar in the world of foreign films." Liana asked with an unblinking gaze.