
Chapter 159 He's Going Against Her

"Next, I would like to invite the last competitor for today, Mr. Webster, the president of the Webster Group, to the stage."

The host said.

The crowd looked at Nathaniel one after another.

Anyone could tell that the winner today would be either the Longfellow Group or the Webster Group.

Janet's explanation had been very detailed just now, so Nathaniel couldn't win unless he had a very unique understanding and innovative method.

This competition was going to be interesting.

Nathaniel stepped on the stage calmly.

When he walked past Janet who had stepped off the stage, he stopped and looked sideways, saying in a low voice, "The narration just now was very good. Janet, you have indeed exceeded my expectations."

Janet smiled proudly, "As I said, I won't lose."

Nathaniel didn't say much and started his speech on the stage.