
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


When I enter the third floor of the armory, I am immediately met with a breathtaking sight. Although the number of weapons on this floor are much fewer in number than on the first floor, the quality seem to be night and day in comparison. The lower floor contained mostly Iron and some steel weapons, while on the third floor, the weapons seem to be made out of different colored metals as well as have elaborately carved handles/shafts. Glancing at the longsword on my right, I notice that the blade is made out of what looks similar to the mineral Amethyst. Even the grip looks light and durable, resembling the carbon fiber handles I've seen in my father's storeroom.

Counting the number of weapons, I estimate that there are around 50 of these unique weapons up ahead. Suddenly, a realization hits me.

Wait. Where are those zealots?

Distracted by the weapons, I failed to notice that the group ahead of me are not in the room with me. I focus on my senses and…


Dodging to the right, I manage to avoid a gold dagger from piercing through my head.

Glancing in the direction the dagger originated from, I see Parker and another guy emerge from the shadows.

"Why are you here sneaking around? Do you have a death wish?" [Parker]

"Woah, woah, woah, Wait! I came in here to just get a weapon." I didn't' come to mess with you.!" [Shin]

"Then why not announce yourself when you entered. Instead, Seisyll informed me that you snuck in here behind us as if following us. Considering you were with that Sandra, I assumed you were here to spy on us." [Parker]

I guess I should answer semi-honestly if I want to leave here without fighting.

"Wait, I have nothing to do with Sandra. The reason she was near me when you showed up was because I was beside Laura, a friend of hers. As for why I was sneaking, wouldn't you be wary if a group of people who used force to break into the armory were in the same building as you? I didn't want to get noticed and just slip by you and grab a weapon." [Shin]

""You didn't want to get noticed?" You should give up on that, Seisyll is a Scout so he can detect people's presences easily. He knew you were here as soon as you stepped into the building. As for weapons, there are plenty downstairs that you could have taken, yet you followed us up here. What is your rational behind that?" [Parker]

"The weapons down there are cool and all, but I don't believe that her excellency, The Grand Goddess, would allow the most promising of her soldiers to have those simple weapons. That's why I was looking for a good weapon and ended up here." [Shin]

"Yes, that is indeed true, which is why we entered here as well. Our hypothesis was indeed correct, there were strong weapons located further inside." [Parker]

" Great, I'll go and look them ov…" [Shin]

"No. That will not happen. We, The Swords of Divinity, have taken ownership of the 20 powerful weapons hidden further ahead. Only we are worthy of using them. You may look over the other weapons here and take what you want." [Parker]

Wait, there's 20 yet your group tool them all? I'm fairly sure that there was 12 of you earlier?" [Shin]

"Indeed, we have taken it among ourselves to distribute the remaining weapons to those that are worthy." [Parker]

You mean entice people to join your group by using the weapons as bribes if your coercion or philosophy doesn't work.

"Now that we have confiscated the weapons of power, we will be leaving." [Parker]

The other group members emerge from further in the room and all walk towards the door.

This'll probably get me in trouble but I kind of need to see what kind of danger those weapons can inflict on the rest of the people if I want to keep my promise to Ms. Garcia.

"Wait, can I look at the weapons? I just want to see those powerful weapons Her Excellency, The Grand Goddess graced us with." [Shin]

When I mention this, the air around the group seems to shift and the warm air that had been circling inside the building seems to have fallen several degrees in temperature.

"Oh? You think you are worthy of one of these weapons? You, who has associations with that lippy and tactless woman." [Parker]

The air surrounding the group has lost its chill and has turned outright murderous. I sense quite a bit of killing intent form some members of the group. Especially the one who wields a staff.

"Would you like to test your worthiness? You should consider yourself fortuitous to be tested by I, Sechnall." [Sechnall]

The one who gave off the most murderous aura steps forward with a glint of danger in his eyes. With a wave of his staff his staff, He mutters, "Fire, come to me," and three spheres of fire appear over his head.

"Now, do you still feel like you are worthy? Or have you perhaps realized your place, you mite." [Sechnall]

Crap, I knew that asking that would end up with me in this situation. Why did I have to ask that? I should have just ignored them and let them walk out. Looks like I'm going to have to fight my way out of this one. Considering that they nonchalantly threw a dagger at my head earlier, I can be sure that they won't hesitate to kill me.

If it's either kill or be killed, I apologize, but the end result is not me meeting the grim reaper.

Shifting my backpack and changing my stance to a better combat oriented one, I wait for him to unleash his spells. Sensing the shift in his staff, the adrenaline seeps through my body, hastening my body's reaction time so I'm ready to dodge and attack.


Hearing a crashing sound behind them, all of the SODs turn their heads back towards the stairwell. Quickly glancing there, I see that a weapon rack has fallen over, allowing the 4 weapons it housed to fall on the floor.

"Seisyll, what was that?" [Parker]

"No presences in the building aside us. Might have been some sort of telekinetic skills or wind magic." [Seisyll]

"Quick, take 3 others and go take a look." [Parker]

"Understood" [Seisyll]

Now that the weapon rack fell over, the mood as shifted from its murderous aura to one of wonder and caution. Parker, as if realizing there are more important things to concern himself with, speaks to Sechnall.

"Sech, leave that one be, it's not worth killing him over a trivial question. I spoke with him earlier and he explained his transgressions to some extent. Let us take our leave before more trouble finds our way and hinders our plan." [Parker]

"Fine, but I don't trust him." [Sechnall]

"Neither do I but let's go take care of the wind magic user from earlier." [Parker]

Saying this, the remaining members of SOD turn their backs to me and make their way down the stairs.

SOD? More like SOBs. They were about to attack me for simply asking to see the weapons. What the hell is happening to people in this world. Their personalities are all strange. Plus, what's with their lack of fear? I'm starting to think that a certain procedure is responsible for the attitude and emotional issues I noticed when people where brought to this world.

After waiting a couple minutes to make sure that they are gone, I make my descent down the stairs and make my way outside the building. Finally getting outside, I notice that dusk is fast approaching. I should quickly finish my inspection before heading back to the gate to complete Ms. Garcia's request.

"How did it go Sir Shin? I didn't hear any fighting and they left earlier so it should have gone well, correct?" [Laura]

"Although there was no fighting, there was a point where tensions rose and a fight almost broke out, but it resolved itself." [Shin]

"Good. I was worried that something happened so I'm glad it went fine." [Laura]

You were worried huh?

Now, we should finish the inspection before you head of to the gate, right? Where did you want to go next, Sir Shin?" [Laura]

Saying this, Laura begins to walk ahead without looking back.

"Miss Laura, wait a moment." [Shin]

Turning around with a confused look on her face, Laura asks, "What is the matter? Did you change your mind about inspecting the walls?" [Laura]

"No not that, I would like to both lecture you and thank you." [Shin]

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about?" [Laura]

"First, when I told you to hide yourself and stay close to the door, I said that to make sure that you wouldn't be caught in a fight if it happened. That is why you should have stayed by the outer door. Second, thank you for your help back there. If you didn't cause a distraction, I'm pretty sure I would have had to either hurt them all or kill them depending on the situation. Thank you, Miss Laura." [Shin]

"What do you mean? I was outside here the whole time, much less touch any weapons." [Laura]

"Weapons? I never said anything about weapons?" [Shin]

A look of guilt flashes on her face as she realizes her blunder.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Sir Shin." [Laura]

"I think you do Miss Laura." [Shin]

"And why do you still call me Miss Laura, enough of that. You called me Laura when you walked in so why are you using Miss now? Call me Laura, just Laura." [Laura]

"As you saved me from some trouble, I guess I can comply if that is your request. However, I also have a request. Please stop calling me Sir Shin, its creepy. Just call me Shin like a normal person please." [Shin]

"I can't do that Sir Shin" [Laura]

"Fine then it's Miss Laura till I die" [Shin]

"Waa... why?" [Laura]

"You refused so I did as well." [Shin]

"Fine, please call me Laura… Shin" [Laura]

"Sounds good, shall we continue with the inspection, Laura?" [Shin]

"Y-Yes Shin" [Laura]

With that being settled, we set off towards the walls to continue the inspection with one person's cheeks having a much redder tinge than the other.

Hey everyone,

Chapters are going to get longer from here on out. I've also changed aaround some of the wording for chapter 5 and 6 for reasons so that is why some things appear different. Sorry for the inconvienience and hope you're having a good day!

Take care and have fun!

Your Author,

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