
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


After showering and making sure I don't smell bad; I dry off and change into the school uniform.

"Uhm why did there have to be a tie?" I say to myself while I struggle to make the knot.

I never understood why we all had to wear school uniforms. The reason the school always provided was to reduce bullying of lower income students. Sure, that might matter for other schools, but this is supposed to be a pretty nice private school. I don't think anyone here would have those problems, right? And why is that their focus? I'm quite sure association and people's likes are a much higher target for bullying. Wait? Doesn't that mean I'm screwed then? I've only been to school twice since the start of the semester and that was three months ago...

Yup I'm screwed.

After finally getting somewhat presentable I decide to head on over to class. It seems that I'll arrive a little late due to my thinking in the shower. Actually, this might be better for me. I'll just walk in and pretend I'm a transfer student. That way I won't look like someone who just skips class all day. As I get closer to the classroom, I hear a bunch if people talking.

Should they really be talking during class time? Maybe the teacher isn't in yet?

I slide open the door and the class goes deathly silent.

I enter the class and am met with stares from all my classmates. While getting stared at, I scan around for the teacher, but I guess they are not in. I look over at the person closest to me and ask, "Where's the teacher?"

The girl I ask looks startled a bit before answering, "umm...she just went out to get some papers for class?""

Why is that a question!?!? Do you really not know?

"Oh okay thank you. Since she's not here right now where can I sit in the class? Is there arranged seating or can I just sit anywhere I like?" [Shin]

"No... there's nothing like that...you can sit where you like..." [Laura]

"Thanks, then is that seat next to you taken?" [Shin]

She looks at me startled, "you want to sit next to me?!?!?" [Laura]

"Uhm...yeah, you seem nice so I thought I would sit beside you. Is that no good?" [Shin]

She stares down at her lap and mutters to herself "he thinks I'm nice..."

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. What did you say?" [Shin]

"I said it's fine. Please sit if you would like" [Laura]

"Oh okay thanks, let's get along." [Shin]

"Yes I look forward to working with you Sir Okamoto." [Laura]

Wait huh? How did she know my name? I haven't even Introduced myself yet.

Um excuse me? Is she a stalker?

"Sorry to bother you but how do you know my name?" [Shin]

"I mean aren't you the son of the founder of this school?" [Laura]

"Huh? I don't think...Oh yeah that's true, mom did mention that she was helping out at a school. I didn't know that she founded it though." [Shin]

She gave me an incredulous look and said, "you didn't know that your mother founded a school?"

I might not have been paying attention at the time," I say while shrugging my shoulders. "Wait, that still doesn't really explain how you know my name."

"You know you are quite famous at this school right?" She whispers to me.

Me? Famous? I don't remember doing anything fantastic or cool. Of course, I am both of these things, but I have no idea how she knows that.

"Why am I famous? I've barely ever been to school and I haven't done a thing?"

You where the valedictorian and gave a speech in the Introduction ceremony right? You also never show up to class and still have the highest marks in the class. There are also rumors that are not so favorable as well, so you're pretty well known around here."

I kind of wanted to pretend I was a new transfer student but if everyone knows who I am I guess that won't work out. I should thank her for the heads up before I did something embarrassing. Oh, I actually don't know her name.

"Oh I never asked for your name, what is it?"

"My name is Laura Silva, please call me Laura, Sir Okamoto."

"Drop the Sir, I don't even know why you're using that with me. Please just call me by my first name as well."

"O... ok S-Sir Shin." [Laura]

Her face turns a little red while she whispers my name. Does she have a fever or something? Why is she still using Sir when saying my name? Why does it only show up when I look at her though? Wait. Maybe she thinks I'm hot or something... nah never mind. The odds of her blushing because of me are the same odds of me getting struck by lightning. She's probably just sick or something. As I go back and forth in my head, the teach walks through the door and begins the class.