
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


Becoming influenced by emotions seems to hold a much greater importance on the nobility than the deaths of the teachers as they now speak amongst themselves in panicked voices.

"That is true. I was wondering why the peasants were acting out, so there's a reason for this." [Member #2]

"What is the purpose behind controlling our emotions? Who is responsible for this?" [Member #3]

"Everyone, there is no need to panic. You say that we will all "descend into his madness? Do you have any proof to substantiate your claims?" [Prince Eren]

There is some proof, but nothing substantial. However, you have just witnessed the rapid change in temperament by your colleague. I would gather that you've know for a while now that his behavior has drastically changed from when we arrived here." [Shin]

"Do you not have anything else substantial? As of now, the only basis we have to support your argument is pure conjecture." [Daichi]

"While I do have something to corroborate my claims, it will come of as hearsay. Not exactly acceptable evidence." [Shin]

"Do you swear on your name, my name, and the crown that you will be telling the truth?" [Prince]

"Yes, Of course, Your Highness" [Shin]

After uttering these words, a small billowing wind spreads from behind Prince Eren and creeps towards me. Reaching my side, it spreads out in a cascading spiral beneath my chair.

"This is a Skill of mine I discovered. It can create an area where falsehoods are forbidden, making any who've entered the circle only able to mention the truths." [Prince Eren]

{So, it's truth serum gas? I wonder how this works?}

I think of a phrase that would be considered a lie and try to speak.

"…" [Shin]

{Hmm. So, it just stops you from speaking in general if you think it will be a lie. I guess Prince Eren can't decided on what is considered a lie.}

"I should also mention that I am able to hear the lies that are uttered within the circle. I'm also concerned on your test phrase you just uttered." [Prince Eren]

{Oh… I guess maybe "Prince Eren is fit to rule the empire" wasn't the best test sentence to use here…}

"Disregarding your rudeness, what is the evidence that you mentioned earlier?" [Prince Eren]

"Right. When I first woke up after the events in the classroom…" [Shin]

I spend several minutes discussing the meeting of Emmaline, what she was implanting in my head. Of course, I didn't mention her story or history, considering that it's not something that should be shared now.

The nobles are seemingly shocked at as I wrap up my encounter with Emmaline.

"…Which is the reason I believe that whatever was implanted is what is causing the nature of the students and teachers to skew away from the norm." [Shin]

"What do you think the goal behind this implant is?" [Prince Eren]

"I think this was implanted to both monitor us and control our emotions. I believe that her reasoning behind this is to aid us with the culture shock, so to speak. We come from a world without monsters, or ever seeing a higher power. Therefore, it makes sense in the short term to aid our mental states so that we can acclimate to this unfamiliar environment. For example, Removing our sense of danger or increasing our anger can be beneficial in hunting monsters we've never seen as well as violence in general." [Shin]

"You sound as if you support the tampering of our mental states. Have you no shame in being puppeteered?" [Daichi]

{Hah. Jokes on you, the procedure didn't work on me so I'm fine. Well…relatedly speaking.}

"I can sympathize with her thought process at the most. The execution is something else entirely. The emotional changes seem to appear in those who are under stress or have feelings of anger. If these feelings are limited, or until more information is uncovered, this should keep the incidents to a minimum." [Shin]

{How easy this has been… Turning people's attention away from my crimes and presenting a greater issue. Almost a textbook example of diversion if I do say so myself!}

"Now that this issue has been brought to light, let us get back to the tribunal at hand so we can divert our attention to this more prominent issue." [Prince Eren]

{…Spoke too soon.}

"Now that my Skill is active, we should be able to get effective testimony. Shin Okamoto, did you assault Vilmos without being provoked?" [Prince Eren]

"No, Vilmos attacked me first. I suspect that he had ulterior motives as well." [Shin]

"Alright, then I believe that this matter is settled for the moment, anyone disagree?

My instant and "honest" response makes a couple people shocked.

"Two of the other students said that you interfered, even under His Highness' Skill. Is there a flaw in the Skill?" [Lady Róża]

"Perhaps there is a flaw in the way you asked the question. After all, he might truly believe that he didn't stop the others from aiding." [Daichi]

"I didn't stop them from rescuing the teachers. They could have called for help, they could have summoned wind magi to lift them above the wall to our side. The only thing I did is stop them from opening the gate and letting those monsters in.

"Did you voice this opinion to the people rather than rile them up further?" [Daichi]

"…" [Shin]

"Then do you admit that you were perfectly fine with leaving the gates closed, placing the teachers in danger?" [Prince Eren]

"…" [Shin]

"Well then, I believe we have all that we need to form our decision. We shall convene for the moment and decide his fate. Could the guards please escort Shin to a room close by. I believe that this won't take too long." [Prince Eren]

With the committee convening to decide my sentence, I get up and head out of the room. Elea and Astrid guide me to the waiting room a couple of doors down. When we exit the room, I approach Astrid and lower my head, saying,

"Thank you for saving my life. I wasn't sure what to do about Parker when he attacked me unexpectedly. I owe you one." [Shin]

"Don't mention it. We are even after you've saved me from my fall." [Astrid]

Adding in a monotone tone, Elea says,

"Not true Astrid. You owe him a hug as well if you truly want to be equal." [Elea]

"E-Elea. That's a little much and not appropriate." [Astrid]

"She often talks about your strong arms embracing her. She always talks about it." [Elea]

"ELEA! That is not true! Forgiver her, she doesn't have any capacity for saying funny jokes." [Elea]

"No... in your sleep you always whisper his name. Saying please be gentle down th..." [Elea]

"OH LOOK, HERE WE ARE. Well Shin, please sit here and wait for the committee to make their decision. Please don't' run away either." [Astrid]

After grabbing Elea by her ear and dragging her out of the room, they disappear leaving me alone with my thoughts. Taking a seat on the couch, I try to close my eyes for a quick nap. However, I'm not alone for long before I hear someone open the door and enter. After which, a somewhat familiar voice calls out to.

"Can we borrow a moment of your time, Shin?" [???]

"We need help…" [???]

When I entered the large set of doors and saw the Nobles on the opposite side of the table, two faces stood out amongst the twelve. Especially the face of the person who almost broke my nose with a gymnasium door.

"Lady Sandra, Lady Linda. I was not aware that you were of Noble birth. Please excuse my prior behavior. How may I be of use to you?" [Shin]

"Drop the act. We believe that Laura is going to be in trouble. We didn't want to ask for your help, but we won't be able to interfere as the nobility." [Sandra]

"Laura has an enemy. Save her…" [Linda]

At an incredibly large mansion located on what seems to be an entirely different planet, a lone woman sits at a large desk. With a cup of tea in hand, she gazes at a thin plate of mist that hovers above the center desk.

"I must say, these deliberations between humans are lengthy and tiring. While he is right about some things, he can't even begin to image the variables at play. Here I thought that "God Aishal" chose a human that was special, what a fool I was. The only somewhat interesting thing is his ability to understand his standing. Other than that, he is much too…plain." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"I was hoping to pressure him into revealing why you, "High God Aiueb Gnshal" chose to provide your Divine Protection. If only Grand God Azathoth didn't offer you his protection. Otherwise, I would have had your interfering head an eon ago." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

"I must say however, your little nickname was a little on the nose, even for you. "God Aishal…" was it? You didn't even use your prefix as a High God on his Spirit Plate, which is out of character, even for you. I summoned them from your realm and broke your oh so important decorum. Is this your way of letting me know that you're observing my actions? Or is it a simple reminder that you still live?" [Grand Goddess Mariella]

Placing down her cup on a floating saucer, she begins flipping through some papers on her desk, as if searching for something.

"Everything seems to be going according to his that human's plan, which is dull. At this point, all this meddling will have been for nothing… Ah, here we are." [Grand Goddess]

With a triumphant smile, the Grand Goddess holds up a piece of paper that was in the pile.

"Here we are… I believe this person holds some animosity towards a certain someone. This should work in my favor…"

The triumphant smile turns malicious, all sense of purity vanishing form her aura in favor of a contaminated mess of anger.

"I'm still unsure of why the emotional connecter didn't work on you which…displeases me. However, you and your brethren are abundantly easy to manipulate. So, even without the emotional connector, I can control your emotions and actions with ease." [Grand Goddess Mariella]


Interrupting her devious plot is a red buzzer which reveals itself form a compartment on the desk.

"Tch... just when the fun was beginning." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

Pressing the button reveals a display resembling a Spirit Plate; one of the plethora of Skills a Grand God/Goddess earns form their Title. Instead of a window which shows the user it's Skills and Titles, this special version shows all Grand Goddess' property, all 24 universes worth of it.

"A black hole is approaching planet βµɸ 45. Why must my subordinates be all so inadequate. Fine, Shin Okamoto, I leave you this hastily put together present. Make sure to enjoy it." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

The Grand Goddess stands up from her chair, moving towards the door in the back of the room.

With a slam, the presence of the Grand Goddess fades from the room, leaving those within with a more pleasant atmosphere. The forgotten teacup and saucer slowly float down to the desk, making sure that none of the liquid splashes onto the furniture in the room. Almost as if it were a trick of the light, one could almost see a frightening resemblance to a certain giant within the dainty teacup. But of course, the barbaric Giant God could never become such a dainty and feminine tea set…right?

Hey Everyone,

I hope you're all liking these newer chapters. The lack of feedback is leaving me a little anxious since i don't know if people like it or not.

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Your Anxious Author,

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