
my own CYOA

mc gets the chance to acquire essences and travel through several different types of worlds

xiao_long92 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


essence of scholar- perfect memory with infinite storage, beyond genius level intellect able to calculate and process things faster than supercomputers, immunity to insanity and memetic hazards, mastery of many sciences even ones not discovered, can reverse ingener anything with time, gain practically infinite trains of thought and ability to multitask, gain knowledge just by touching books and other data storage.

essence of crafter - able to design, build and maintain any type of craft, flawless work anything created will never rot or rust being only destroyed by violence, works will be better than if made by others, can conjure dead or inorganic materials from thin air, capable of crafting items on par with those of myths, can force specific abilities through skills and crafting on conceptual level.

essence of home- gains personal home outside of reality, impenetrable to any not allowed, can be designed or self generated to your desires and wants as well as expanded as needed, basic utilities automatically taken care of and infinite supply of food and drink, no aging illnesses or physiological needs inside the house, can manage itself travel through the multiverse and grant passage to anywhere, placing itself or open a portal outside, any other essences will add things from rooms and facilities depending on what they are.

essence of evolution- what doesn't kill you will be adapted and evolved, whether environments or being cut, whatever can kill you will make you immune to it, whatever is consumed will let you evolve.

essence of L337hacker- mental multitasking capabilities, create and understand any form of code from basic to abstract visual languages as well as ciphers and encoding methods, instinctual understanding of exploits to accomplish both what you want and don't want to happen both on computers and hardware, make and tailor viruses, malware as well as not infective nature programs, faster computers processes by increasing speed of input data, better speed and accuracy in input and receiving data from any device.

ROB insurance- any power, skill as well as abilities will not be affected by others, you are able to turn them on or off as well as dialed up or down, no being can manipulate you or are punished.

for better information on essences visit:Essence Meta version 2.2 - View on Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/uGMND94