
my overpowered cultivator system


cyuo · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Extreme Determination

The next day Lu shang immediately went to the Tiger mountain's middle part to hunt the dark beasts

Lu shang hunted for 5 hours straight and gained 9 crystal cores

Lu shang went to the restaurant close to the Tiger mountain and ate some food before going back at hunting dark beasts

Another 5 hours have passed and Lu shang gained 13 more crystal cores after hunting nonstop

Lu shang went back to his home and immediately cultivated the crystal cores

The next day Lu shang only absorbed 7 crystal cores even after cultivating the crystal cores all night

Lu shang went to the south forest to eat some leaves from the spirit tree

When Lu shang arrived at the spirit tree he ate 5 leafs of the spirit tree

Lu shang immediately felt the pain from absorbing the leafs

8 minutes later the pain from Lu shang's body finally disappear. Lu shang then cultivated the crystal cores while his body is recovering from so much chi the leafs had

11 hours later Lu shang's body is already half full of chi but it's already getting dark

Lu shang went back to his home and slept to get much more energy next day

The next day Lu shang put all 7 crystal cores to his bag and went back to the spirit tree

When Lu shang arrived at the spirit tree he immediately did what he did yesterday 'absorb spirit tree's leafs, cultivate the crystal cores and repeat'

He did this all day and was manage to breakthrough to the tenth level of propound mortal cultivator

But his body was too tired to stand up while it's already night and because of his tiredness he fell asleep in the forest

Suddenly a beast appear and saw Lu shang sleeping peacefully

The beast jumped towards Lu shang and tried attacking him but a flame suddenly engulfed the beast and instantly turned it to ashes

Turn out it's actually the lady from before who protected Lu shang

"I can't let any beast kill a possible disciple of my sect" The lady said

The lady then made a barrier around the area to protect Lu shang from the other beasts

The lady then went back to the middle of the forest leaving Lu shang sleep there without him even knowing that he almost died from the beast's attack

The next day when Lu shang was about to wake up the barrier disappeared

When Lu shang opened his eyes he was suddenly realize that he actually fell asleep in the forest

Lu shang then went back to his home without even noticing that there's a pile of ashes not far from his sleeping spot

When Lu shang got home he quickly showered and ate before going to the Tiger mountain to hunt some beasts

When Lu shang arrived at the Tiger mountain he tried getting to the peak of it but suddenly a winged dark beast suddenly attacked him

"Chi barrier"

Lu shang quickly blocked the attack from the beast and used one of the techniques he learned from the TV 'Wind hurricane'

A hurricane suddenly formed and the sharp stones got pulled by the wind hurricane and hit the beast's left wing

The beast got furious when his wing got pierced, the beast then used one of it's technique 'devil's blast'

A crimson colored beam was fired from the beast's mouth and went towards Lu shang

Lu shang felt the danger coming from the beam and quickly used 'twin fire dragon,and chi barrier' the twin fire dragon clash with the devil's blast but in a few moments the twin fire dragon got destroyed only weakening the devil's blast

The devil's blast hit Lu shang's chi barrier. But the barrier broke when the devil's blast disappear

A large smoke was made because of the explosion the devil's blast

The beast was waiting for Lu shang to appear in the smoke. but Lu shang took advantage of the smoke and went behind of the beast

"Twin fire dragon,Chi spear,Chi strike' Lu shang used different kind of techniques to the beast

The beast was a bit late to block it and got weakened and injured from the barrage of attacks

The beast tried to escape but Lu shang quickly catch up to it using chi dash and attacking it with another barrage of techniques

A few minutes later Lu shang finally killed the winged beast. He then took the crystal core from the beast's body and went back at hunting in the middle part of the mountain

7 hours later Lu shang left the Tiger mountain and went to the restaurant to ate some delicious foods after eating Lu shang went home and started absorbing the crystal cores