
my overpowered cultivator system


cyuo · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chi humans

When Lu shang arrived at the city he suddenly saw a faint light that was the same as the chi's light

Lu shang quickly rushed towards the alley and when he got in the alley he saw a translucent human made from chi

Lu shang then pulled his sword and attacked the translucent human using chi strike but when Lu shang thought he was about cut the translucent human it only passed through the translucent human's body

It then attacked Lu shang with a beam of chi but Lu shang quickly dodge it and this time he tried using chi slash only to get the same result as the last one

"How do i even kill this thing" Lu shang said while blocking the translucent human's attack

"You can damage it using your fire technique and other more technique that isn't chi type" the system suddenly said giving Lu shang a chance to defeat the translucent human

Lu shang then used twin fire dragon to the translucent human but it only damage the body by a bit

"Huh i thought you said it will work when it's not a chi type technique but now it doesn't seem to hurt it at all" Lu shang was already panicking from the situation his in right now

"You did damage it but seems like it has a lot of chi stored inside it's body because of the cultivators in this city that only knows chi type techniques giving it more chi inside the body" the system explained and Lu shang got angry by how it actually got this strong but he didn't act rashly knowing that he can only weaken it bit by bit until it was weak enough to be killed by his twin fire dragon

Lu shang suddenly realize that he can't actually damage it with normal slash making him more panicked knowing that he will run out of energy chi before the translucent human die

"You can just use your flames and control it to attack the chi body and it will save more chi if you use just the right chi" the system said giving Lu shang hope at defeating it

Lu shang used the fire technique with his best but in the end he barely win against the translucent human

Lu shang then lean in the walls from exhaustion while back in the tiger mountain the man felt his creation disappear

"Someone can defeat my creation? Now this is interesting i might have someone to have fun with" The man was laughing like a lunatic person after realizing that there's someone who can defeat his chi body

Lu shang then went back his city and informed Lady Xiu about the chi body that has been attacking the city close to the Tiger mountain

"A human made from chi huh.. well it's probably a chi creation technique and if that person is attacking a city you should find out who is it" The lady said with a gloomy expression

"I would like to defeat who is making those chi creation but if im just as strong as his chi creation i can't defeat him for now and he will just use his chi creation to exhaust me from fighting" Lu shang said. Lady xiu also thought about how Lu shang will be able to defeat that person while that person still hasn't started destroying the city again

"Can you just help me Lady Xiu" Lu shang look at Lady xiu's eyes with a pleading face

"I can't do that im only allowed to watch what's gonna happen in this world or teach someone but i cannot fight someone while im in this world"

Lu shang's expression darkened knowing that he can't defend the city alone

"But i can give you a treasure that will help you defeat that person but you will need to train more harder than before and this time you only have a few days or even less so you need to start now" The lady said giving Lu shang hope of defeating the person who's destroying the city

Lu shang than started training immediately knowing that he can't waste too much time

3 days later Lu shang have hone his mastery over swords and fire techniques tremendously

Lu shang then asked the Lady if he can now defeat the person who's destroying the city

The Lady pondered for a few moments and said "with your current strength you can probably defeat that person"

Lady xiu then gave a talisman to Lu shang and explained what it can do "this is called the creation distortion this can destroy any creation technique within 10 meters and can last for 5 seconds so use it wisely"

Lu shang accepted the talisman and went to the city close to Tiger mountain and when he got there it was on fire

Lu shang then rushed towards the city and found the man who was creating the chi humans

"Who are you?! Why are you doing this?! What did they even do to you to get killed?!" Lu shang was enraged towards the man who was creating the chi humans

"Im the one who will destroy this world but it seems that you can actually have the chance to defeat me but it's way too slim hahahahaha" The man started laughing again like a maniac not caring to the people getting killed by his chi humans

Lu shang was so furious at this moment and went to rush towards the man and used inferno strike but when the man saw this he instantly became serious and used his own technique

"Hundred lightning palms"

Both techniques clash and both of the techniques is not budging only the same strength

Lu shang got annoyed at this point and went behind the man using chi dash and used double chi strike

The man was able to block Lu shang's attack but he was pushed back by a few steps from the force of the attack

"Twin thunder dragon"

The man created a double headed dragon made of lightning and fired it towards Lu shang

Lu shang didn't plan on wasting hid energy chi and just dodge the attack but he was scratched by a bit

"What now, why are you dodging like a rat seeing a cat" the man laugh at Lu shang but Lu shang didn't care about it only focusing on finding a chance to attack the man

The man then tried using the twin thunder dragon but this gave Lu shang a chance to attack the man

The man was a bit late from dodging the attack getting his stomach slashed by a bit

The man got angry that he was harmed by Lu shang and he started attacking Lu shang relentlessly

Lu shang was having a hard time dodging all of the attack and keeps getting scratched