
my overpowered cultivator system


cyuo · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

chapter 1-the Beginning

*Beep* *beep**beep*

A young man

Opened he's eyes

"Its already morning it felt like minute's"

The young man stood up and take a shower and went down stair to cook

he then leave the house

to go to school

As he was walking it suddenly rain but he doesn't have a umbrella in his bag

He then goes to the closest restaurant to wait the rain to stop that took over 20 minutes

By the time he can continue going to school his about to be late within 5 minute's

What a huge school this is Lu shang thought to himself

It took him 7 minute's to arrive at the classroom but luckily the teacher hasn't arrived

"Hey xiao jing go to your seat to your chair before the teacher arrived i heard she's very strict" said by one of the student

Lu shang then quickly seated to his chair

a few moments later their teacher arrived at the classroom.

Once the class is about to eat lunch " xiao jing called Lu shang and invite him to eat their lunch

As they are eating Lu shang ask xiao jing

"how did you know my name?" Lu shang said

"Hmm? you didn't see your classmate's name in the class list?" xiao jing said

"Well i didn't have much time"

As they we're about to go back at the classroom a loud thunder rumble in the sky

"This doesn't look like a normal rain" Lu shang said

When they we're in the classroom everyone sat to their own chair

When the teacher is about to teach the class the ground suddenly shook

"Everyone get out fast" the teacher said

All of them ran quickly outside after all the door to outside is there literally classroom door all of them was able to go outside but when the earthquake stop to there surprise there's no crack even

"Huh there's no crack but that should be 7-8 magnitude" one of the classmate's said

Everyone was puzzled of why it look's like the building didn't got hit by the earthquake

Then the earthquake drill suddenly activated making all of the student's and teacher's go in the center of the school where its more spacious

Then the other's also noticed that there's no damage anywhere making them all confuse

"How is there no damage in the building's" one of the teacher said

"Well we should feel lucky that there's no damage in the building" the other teacher said

Then a loud lightning resounded in the sky it was so loud that all of them got goosebumps then all of them look at the sky

"Huh what's happening in the sky" one of the student said

The clouds darkened with loud rumblings and the air got colder even though there's no rain

"Hey what's that?!" One of the student said

They all look at direction he was looking and to there surprise there's a crack in the sky