
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
207 Chs

Chapter 131

Chapter 199 :

After telling Regina to stay with her sister until we returned, Debra and I drove over to her house. The car was parked in front of a 20 story apartment. Debra trembled as she was nervous and I held her hand to calm her down. 

" Don't worry Debra, you belong to me now and I won't let you suffer.. I'll show you how I do things "

She nodded to my words. 

We got out of the car and look up at the building. It looked so old, cracks was in the wall and the paint was stripped. There is also a small rat hole in the side of the stairs and termite holes. I'm shock that people can really live like this honestly, I didn't live like this.

" Let's go "

I walked into the building and headed upstairs. I passed rooms where the couples were arguing and others having sex. Such poor living conditions, no wonder Debra looked like an old lady. We came up to two guys who were smoking on the step and who kept looking at me. They stood in my way preventing me from advancing and look at me with arrogance in the eyes. 

" If you want to pass, pass under my crotch "

One of them said as he opened his leg wide. I raised my leg and kicked him under the crotch using the point of my shoes and flew over my head. He fall and leaned against the wall upside down while foaming from the mouth  

" You bitch ! " 

The other drew his knife and I pulled a silver pistol on his head. He dropped the knife instantly and put his hands in the air.

" Please don't kill me ! "

" You wanna try something ? "

" No "

" Get lost "

He ran off upstairs like a cartoon leaving a human-shaped smoke behind. We arrived at Debra's apartment then I opened the door and walked in. This place looks like a dump, garbage stacked in the corner, clothes on hangers, cigarette smoke that linger on the ceiling. 

" Who is it? "

The stepfather came out. He saw Debra and I standing at the door. 

" It's about time you got home bitch"

Her mother came around. She looks like a hooker with red lipstick, curly brown hair and green eyes, garbed in a leopard dress, a fake cold ring, red painted nails and a cigarette in mouth.

" Who is this? "

She asked. 

" Debra, go get your things "

I said. 

She nodded and went to her room. 

" What's going on ?.who the fuck are you? "

The stepfather shouted. I looked at him with cold ominous expression on my face.

" Huh, are you talking to me? "

I ask. 

He took a step back in fear. 

" Mommy, she's pretty, I want her "

Said a little fat freckle face, buck teeth boy came and pointed at me. 

" I want you to be my girlfriend "

He said as he approached me. 

" Fuck off "

I stepped in his  face and sent him flying back to his mother. 

" My son, Jame ! kill her !.... Why aren't you moving?! "

It was late because I was pointing a gun up his nostrils. I bet he never expected me to hold a gun.Debra came back with a picture of her father. 

" Is that all you'll be taking? "

She nods. 

" From now on Debra will be staying with me, if you know what's good for you stay away, or I'll swear I'll give you an extra nose hole  "

" Easy, we don't want any trouble "

" You better nose

We left the building and advanced down stairs and soon as we arrived outside we saw thugs with bats and other weapons.

The surrounded our car from all sides looking at us as they were preparing preparing fight.

" Bitch, you think you can get away "

The mother came out with her son and step father who smiled arrogantly. 

" You think you can walk in our neighborhood and expect to leave taking a beating  "

He said as he walked forward. 

" What do we do? "

Debra asks. 

I took up my phone and called someone. 

" I need your help... "

I said and hang up 

" Calling the police they can't help you, by the time we're done with you you'll be begging for mercy "

As they got closer, a minute later 5 Mercedes, 3 vans and 1 jeep with Lufilia on the back holding a submachine gun in her hand. People tried running but they were blocked by guys in black carrying guns

" Who the fuck insulted the princess ? show your face so I can kill them ?"

Lufilia said. The guys with guns looked pissed, the people dropped their bats and put their hands in the air as they were no match against guns. 

" What's happening? "

" Who did we piss off ?"

Lufilia walked up to me. 

" Princess, what's the situation? "

She asked. 

" This girl is a part of their family and yet they are constantly abusing her. I decided to take her in and yet they stand in my way and so I called for your help as you know I can't fight them "

I looked at her. Lufilia looked at me and smiled. 

" I understand "

Lufilia walked up to them and they huddled together. 

" So these three blind mice dare to defy the princess ? "

She ask.I don't know why but princess seems to be my new nickname.

" We didn't mean, we're sorry "

" Now here how's it's going to go..the princess has taken a liking to your daughter and so she's going to keep her what the princess wants she gets... "

Lufilia said. 

" Yes ma'am "

" Nadia bring the document "

Lufilia shouted to her assistant who pushed out her glasses and type up a document in the blink of an eye and bring it over to Lufilia. 

" now sign it "

In the blink of an eye the mother sign the contract and handed It to Lufilia who handed it to me and I in turn handed it to Debra 

" The chains of oppression that bind you have now been broken, you are now free. "

I said. 

Debra silently hugged her picture and cried without any sound, I rubbed her head gently. 

" Thank your Lufilia "

"No problem princess "

" I'll definitely reward you for this "

" Re.. Reward ?! "

Lufilia got flustered and also arosed.I think she's thinking about the time Kelly and I were alone and I was drinking her blood.

" Kehehehe, This isn't over yet "

Debra's mother shouted. 

" One day she'll return, she can't defy me, I'm her mother, I gave birth to her. "

" Yeah, well see.. Burn their room down "

I said. 

" You heard the princess, set this shit on fire and let them wipe their *ss with the smoke "

Soon their apartment was set on fire. Debra's mother bawl like a baby. 

" Let's see how much suffering can you ensure? "

And so we left.After settling things with Debra's parents we stop by the hospital to pick up regina. 

" I'm curious to see where you live "

Regina said. 

" Don't worry, you'll be amazed "

We return home without stopping on the way,the car drive through the gate and up the hill to the manor. 

" Wait ,this house looks familiar ?"

Regina said. 

I look at her, she's in for a surprise. I then looked at Debra who was holding the picture of her father silently. I still can't believe she's the great ( 60+ ) granddaughter of Mary. 

" Oh wow, this house is HUUUGE ! "

Regina said as she looked at the house. Even I had the same reaction. We got out of the car and Regina kept admiring the house and the cars parked in the car. 

" Let's go in "

I held their hands and pulled them in. We reached the main entrance hall. 

" This floor, it's so clean, you could eat off it "

Regina said. 

" Come on let's go to my room "

I said. 

I took them to my room and open the double door to it. 

" This room is bigger than my house, so much red, "

Regina said as she looked around my room. I looked at Debra who was silently standing behind me. 

" Are you nervous? "

I asked and she replied with a nod. 

" Well don't be, from now on you'll be living here with me "

I said.

" I don't want to be a bother "

I pat her head. 

" Don't worry, you won't be, You guys wait here I'll go make something, make yourself comfortable "

I turned and walked away. After a while I returned with the pizza that I ordered. Regina and Debra was sitting before my TV playing the video game I left. 

" Here girls, eat as much as you like "

I put the pizza down on the table. 

" Are you going to take any? "

Regina asks me 

" No eat as much as you like "

After putting in a movie they watched it while eating pizza. Suddenly I heard the sound of Kelly's Lamborghini Aventador pulling up in the driveway. Though Regina and Debra didn't hear it. 

Kelly walked into the room without them noticing. 

" I didn't know we had guest today "

She asked. 

Regina and Debra turned around and Regina dropped the remote with her mouth wide open. 

" Wait.. Your Kelly... am I dreaming right now? "

Regina asks. 

" I'm afraid not, allow me to introduce Kelly Ashellon De Valentine "

I introduced her and Kelly smiled at them. 

" She's more beautiful in person "

Regina turned to her. 

" My name is Regina and I'm your biggest fan. Can I shake your hand ? "

" Of course "

Kelly shook her hand and Regina made the biggest smile I've ever seen.


" Ah, shaking hands with the 3rd most amazing woman in all of england. This is the greatest day of my life. "

Regina acted as if she had seen god in the flesh. 

" Roselina, why didn't you tell me you were living ?... Wait.. Kelly Lambrosa De Valentine and Roselina Lambrosa De Valentine...don't tell me ?! "

" You finally figured it out! "

" Don't tell me she your mother "

At that moment I was petrified, here I got my hopes up only to  me this shocking news and I hoped my chest as I collapse.Kelly giggled and stand behind me with her hand on my shoulder. 

" I'm not her mother, I'm more of her guardian, her caretaker  "

Kelly explained. 

" But your two have the same eyes, color hair and name..are you blood related ?"

Regina asks. 

" Yes we are blood related but it's kinda hard to explain "

I said. 

I can't just say I'm a True Vampire and I took Kelly in and turned her into a pureblood vampire and gave her my last name.

" So your sister then "

" Yeah kinda "

I said, let's go with my sister for now. 

" Kelly I want you to meet Debra, I told you about her "

" Ah yes "

Debra shook hands with Kelly then ask her a weird question. 

" Are you one as well? "

Debra asked, that question made Kelly confused. 

" Mistress. I mean Roselina, can I speak to you in private? "

Kelly asked. We left the room and stood on the balcony and looked out at the evening sun. 

" That girl called Debra, something awfully familiar about her "

" Yes, she's the descendant of Mary and she also know that we are vampires "

Kelly was surprised by this. 

" That girl has been through a lot, so much so that she planned to commit suicide, the moment I saw her painful memory, I just feel sorry for her "

I hold my heart. 

" Am I that soft? "Kelly put her hand around my shoulder and her boob's pressed on my neck. 

" You're not soft, just kind hearted, that's one of the many qualities I love about you mistress..are you planning to turn her into a pureblood? "

Kelly asked. 

" That's up to her to decide by the way, viper caught someone who tried planting a bomb on our car "

" Really ?"

" Yes, the precognition abilities of this right eye have been activated. I can't wait any longer. I must search for silvia and also learn the power of this eye. No matter what, I'll bring her back home "

I clench my fist. 

" If anyone could do it, it would be you mistress "