
My Other Lover

Based on true-life events, My Other Lover is an eye-opener to relationships, true love, cheating, lies and most of all deception, however not all is hopeless, in the wonderful world of relationships, as we come across numerous couples who fight to stay true to themselves, their love and respect for their partners and most of all their families. My Other Lover also tells the story of numerous families, who have been driven apart by lies and deception, only to be drawn together by forgiveness and unconditional love. See how these couples manage to face everyday temptation, but how in the end love always prevails.

BS_Mahoko · Urbano
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11 Chs

When Love, Loves You.

SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2016


It was a beautiful morning, and it seemed as if Pule's neighbourhood was a very quiet one, as Pule stepped out to pick up the morning newspaper, on his evergreen lawn. He pulled off the rubber band, widened it, and read the headlines, before going back into the house. While still in bed, Lelo sat in an upright position, leaning against the continental pillow Pule had tucked behind her back, earlier that morning, as she worked on her MacBook.

She had a head bandage around her head, and her doctor had carefully shaven off her hair on the right side of her head, where she was injured. She was recovering well from her ordeal, but since her head injury had occurred, her doctor ordered her to work from home, until she was strong enough to go back to the office. Pule brought her breakfast in bed, a while after reading his paper.

He kissed Lelo on the forehead. "Good morning, my love."

"Hi, baby," greeted Lelo, trying to position herself to sit properly, whilst putting her laptop aside.

Pule smiled. "Babe, I want to ask you something."

Lelo frowned. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Lelo, I want to be the man who takes care of you. I want to satisfy you in every way possible. I want to love you and express my love for you, in so many different ways. Would you let me do that for you, Baby?" requested Pule.

Lelo frowned. "What kind of a question is that, Pule? Babe, you are the man that I've been looking for, you love me beyond measure, and you do take care of me…You satisfy me in every way, babe."

Pule smiled. "Okay…let me rephrase that…I want you to quit your job, this instant."

"What… Babe quit my job…Pule...?"

Pule smiled. "Can you do that for me…Please, babe?"

"But Pule...why?

"It's fine if you don't want to!"

Lelo smiled. "No babe, it's not that….what you're asking of me is huge, it's not a decision that you make instantly because you're love-struck… I need to think about it, Pule…Can I at least think about it?" she asked.

"What is there to think about, Lelo? Fine, I am only giving you today to think about it…I'm going to work, see you later!" yelled Pule.

"Babe, don't be like that," pleaded Lelo. "Are you seriously leaving me here by myself?"

"Yes, I am!" chided Pule. "Wait…here's an option, why don't you go to work, since you love it so much?" he added.

"Fine, if that's what you want, I'll go to work!"

They went to bath in separate bathrooms. Lelo had left the meal Pule had made for her untouched. She had lost her appetite and was enraged over his pathetic demand. He sounded like a spoilt child, who had just had a tantrum because he couldn't get his way. Lelo was tired of men demanding things of her. After all, where did that get her with Menzi? Pule left for work without saying goodbye, and this enraged her even further. She was hurt by his outburst and disrespect towards her. After bathing, she went to the bedroom, pulled out a huge suitcase, and packed a few items inside it. She sent a text message to Pule saying,

"I am leaving… I will leave the engagement ring inside your brown suit jacket…Lelo."

Lelo rolled her suitcase outside and left it by the kitchen door. She opened the garage door and drove her car to the front door. She stepped out to pack her suitcase inside the boot of her car. She fetched her handbag from Pule's bedroom and exited the house. Pule's car immediately pulled up and parked at the gate. Pule's return home, did not even bother the upset Lelo. He was still upset over the conversation, they had had earlier. He stood by the front door and gazed at her.

"And where do you think you are going?" queried Pule.

"My house, where do you think?" boasted Lelo.

Pule pointed at Lelo. "Don't you dare start with me, Lelo, do you hear me?"

Lelo frowned. "What are you talking about, Pule…I don't like crazy and obsessed men, and right now I'm looking at one."

Pule scoffed. "Woman, please! I'm not crazy!"

"Good for you, can I go now!"

"Go! I don't need you, please!" dared Pule.

Lelo walked past him, entered into her car, and shut the door.

"Please remove your car, or I will remove it for you!" threatened Lelo.

Pule chuckled. "Knock yourself out…I dare you to crash my car!"

"Fine…Have it your way."

Lelo's careless act frightened Pule, as she carefully reversed her car.

"Lelo, stop! Fine, fine, you win!" shouted Pule. "I will remove it...Babe, please let's talk, I'm so sorry, so very sorry…Please get out of the car, I'm so sorry, baby," he begged.

"Don't you ever do that to me," yelled Lelo, resting her head on the steering wheel, and breaking down in tears.

Pule opened the car door, kissed her forehead and grasped her hand. He gently pulled her hand, and they strolled to the living room. She gazed at Pule, and he pulled her closer, to rest on his shoulder.

"Babe, it's fine. You can take your time and think about my offer. I'll be patient," reassured Pule.

"Don't you ever, I mean ever, dare me to do anything," cautioned Lelo.

She left him sitting there, and went to sleep in their bedroom. Pule decided not to go to the office, but worked in his study instead, and made sure that Lelo was cared for. He went to check on her and found her sleeping. He slowly closed the bedroom door and went to work in his study, inside the house.


It was late in the afternoon, and Siza had finished working. She was about to go home but decided to go through and check the files Jazmyn had handed her, that very morning. She read up on the file about a case that she had been working on, but placed the file inside her briefcase, to work on it later. Jazmyn called her office.

"Yes, Jazmyn?" said Siza.

"Miss Nkabinde, there's a man on the phone insisting to speak to you."

"Thanks, Jazz. Put the call through."

Jazmyn transferred the call to Siza and proceeded with her work.

"Hello, this is Sizakele," greeted Siza.

"Miss Nkabinde," purred the man.

Siza smiled. "Hello, Diesel. What are you up to?"

"Who is Diesel…Girl, it's Percy Mula."

Siza rolled her eyes. "Does Lungi know that you're calling her best friend?"

"I don't need her approval, I want you," declared Percy. "I can't believe this…I'm in love with you, Sizakele," he confessed.

Siza chuckled. "Oh, Man! Aren't you hilarious…How is your girlfriend doing?"

"She is alright…You must know, Siza…I never give up without a fight."

"Oh really…alright, Percy, fight this!" shrilled Siza, as she impolitely hung up the phone in Percy's ear.

Siza was annoyed as she quickly dialled Jazmyn's extension, and angrily tapped her desk, as she waited for her to pick up the phone.

"Jazmyn please block all incoming calls for today, and please call all my clients, and tell them we need to correspond via email, as our telephone lines have a problem," dictated Siza. "If there's any urgency, please tell them to set up a meeting, resuming from next week Monday, because I will be out for the whole of this week…also, call me on my cell phone, should you need me," she explained.

"Yes, Miss Siza," replied Jazmyn.

"And Jaz…may you please organise our delivery service to take all the blue roses to where I live. I will scribble down the address for you," requested Siza. "You can have all the red roses, and the boxes of chocolates," she added.

"Certainly, Miss Siza, and thank you for my gifts."

"May you also arrange Mr Nkosi, our driver, to take me home?"

"Yes, Miss Siza, I'm on it."

Siza finished her conversation with Jazmyn and tidied her office. Jazmyn entered into the office, to help Siza carry all her stuff to Mr Nkosi's car. Siza gave Jazmyn a note with Diesel's home address written on it, for the delivery man to deliver the roses there. Jazmyn was floating on air, to have received so many roses and chocolates from Siza. She loved it when Siza shared her gifts with her. Siza bid goodbye to Jazmyn, and she exited the office park, with Mr Nkosi, the company driver.

Siza was usually an introverted person and didn't speak much, but when it came to Mr Nkosi, there was never a dull moment between them. Siza loved conversing with Mr Nkosi, mostly about life and politics. Mr Nkosi reminded Siza of her dad, and she really enjoyed his company. The car stopped at Menzi's gate, and Siza rang the intercom.

"Yes, can I help you?" answered Menzi's housekeeper.

"Hello Petunia, it's Siza, please open up" replied Siza.

Petunia, Menzi's housekeeper, pressed the remote to open the gates for Siza. Mr Nkosi dropped Siza off at Menzi's front door. Siza exited the car, and Mr Nkosi rolled down his window and called out to Siza.

"Should I wait for you, Miss Nkabinde?" queried Mr Nkosi.

Siza shook her head. "No, thank you, Mr Nkosi, I will carry on from here, thank you…I'm here to fetch my car, thank you for everything," replied Siza, as she waved goodbye.

Mr Nkosi smiled. "It's my pleasure, Miss Nkabinde."

Mr Nkosi exited Menzi's home, and Siza went and knocked on the front door. Petunia opened the door and welcomed Siza with a warm greeting, and it was obvious that they were very fond of one another. Petunia had been the family's housekeeper for years, and Menzi considered her a sister, rather than his housekeeper.

"Miss Siza, I'm so happy to see you," beamed Petunia.

Siza smiled. "I'm happy to see you too, Petunia."

The passageway still smelled of Siza's perfume, and one would assume that Menzi had sprayed it around the house. Siza opened the bedroom door, and paused at the doorway, as her eyes wandered around the bedroom as if she was watching a movie.

She sat on the bed, while a series of flashbacks played before her mind. All the good and bad memories, that had taken place between her and Menzi in that bedroom, entertained her memory. She smiled, laid back on the bed - gazing at the ceiling, smelled and hugged Menzi's pillow, and took in the smell of lavender.

Siza took a deep breath. "How you could do this to me, Menzi?"

She ambled to what used to be her dressing table, sat on the soft wooden chair, and gazed at the mirror. She opened the drawer and pulled out her colourful post-its, that had romantic messages written on them. She had always pasted them on the wall every morning for Menzi.

She strolled to Menzi's wardrobe, pulled out all her clothes from the hangers, and packed all her belongings in her remaining suitcases. She then rolled all her bags to the kitchen, checked the drawers, and searched for her car keys.

"Petunia, I'm looking for my car keys, have you seen them?" shouted Siza.

Petunia brought the keys to Siza, and she assisted her in packing all her bags into the boot of her car. Just as they finished packing, Menzi's car pulled up in the driveway, behind Siza. Siza was not bothered at all, instead, she just watched him as he approached her.

"Menzi, what are you doing here so early?" enquired Siza.

"Siza, we need to talk," requested Menzi.

Siza frowned. "Oh, so you are forcing me to talk?"

Menzi asked Petunia, "Sisi, may you please give us some privacy, please."

Petunia nodded and returned into the house, to give Siza and Menzi some privacy. Folding her arms, Siza leaned against the bonnet of her car and gazed at Menzi.

Menzi smiled. "Siza please, talk to me."

"Menzi, please move your car, or I'm going to crash it, I swear," warned Siza.

Siza turned to her car and shut the door. She fired up the engine to scare Menzi. At that point, he did not even care if she bumped his Porsche, as long as they could talk, that was enough for him. She stepped out of the car and stood before him. Menzi knelt on the ground with one knee, as if he was about to propose to her again.

"Well? Are you going to serenade me again, or you are going to stand up, and say what you need to say?" chided Siza.

Menzi seemed emotionally drained, while he stared at Siza helplessly. She gazed at him for a long time, portraying no emotion. All that played in her mind was the time when he had strangled her.

"Well…Talk!" she scolded.

"Siza, please let's go inside," begged Menzi.

Siza led the way to the kitchen and Menzi followed behind. They sat by the kitchen table and Siza's eyes wandered around, then gazed and squinted at Menzi. The more she looked at him, the angrier she became.

Menzi shook his head. "No, it didn't happen in our house, and it never happened here."

Siza scoffed. "Right, I believe you."

Menzi softly grasped Siza's hand. "Babe, what is happening to us…What happened to our connection?"

Siza scoffed. "Are you serious…You actually invited me here to ask me that stupid question?"

"Siza, please, I'm trying here…please," begged Menzi.

Siza took a deep breath. "Menzi…please say something sensible, or I'm gone…for good."

Menzi knelt on the floor and faced Siza. "Babe, I'm so sorry for hurting you like that, I'm sorry for cheating on you, and I'm so sorry for the five years I've spent wasting your time if that's what you think I did."

At that point, Siza was in tears, while she gazed at Menzi, and shook her head. Everything that had occurred between her and Menzi, on the day of her departure, came flooding back. She tried to maintain her composure by putting up a brave front, but being in love as she was, she could not help but cry.

Siza took a deep breath. "If that's it then, I'd like to go home now."

Menzi shook his head. "No, babe, please say something to me?

Siza shrugged. "What do you want me to say…That I was back-stabbed by you, huh?" "It would've been better if I were back-stabbed by my ex-boyfriend! What do you want me to say to you…that I'm agitated, disappointed, and feel so stupid for loving you…what?"

Menzi was in tears, shaking his head. "Siza, please forgive me."

"You messed up what could've been the best life," scolded Siza. "You have disconnected me from the world, Menzi. You have let me down, and I loved you, but it's not the end of the world, is it…You are not my soulmate, and I will surpass this," admitted Siza.

Menzi shook his head repeatedly. "Babe, I'm so sorry, but I do love you and I do need you, please forgive me."

Siza shook her head. "Menzi, I can't do this relationship right now, I need time to think clearly, and weigh my options."

"What does that mean…How much time do you need…Will we ever get married?"

Siza tittered. "Married…Married to you…I really don't know, I can't answer that…to be honest with you…that's the last thing on my mind."

"But Siza, we didn't break up, we are on a break."

Siza smiled and nodded. "Let me make it official then, Menzi. It's over between us," proclaimed Siza. "I have to go," said Siza, as she slowly turned around, and walked towards the door, then stopped to look at Menzi, as he called out to her.

"May I still call, and check up on you…where will you be staying?"

"I will be staying at Diesel's."

"No! You can't stay with that man…I don't approve of that!"

"I'm a grown woman, Menzi, and that's my decision to make, so please…don't make me angrier, than I already am right now."

"Please don't do anything stupid with that man."

"Goodbye Menzi, it was the best five years of my life, here's your engagement ring," announced Siza, as she dropped the diamond ring on the floor, on her way out.

Menzi shook his head. "No, Siza, you keep it. Let it remind you of me."

"No, you keep it…I don't want to have you in my memory."

Menzi rushed behind Siza. He bent down to retrieve the engagement ring off the floor of his hallway and tried to stall Siza from leaving, by holding onto her arm. Siza's eyes were cold and dead, as she stared at him. At that moment she felt nothing, but contempt and hatred for him. Menzi was in tears, but Siza continued to gaze at him with no expression on her face, while she unlocked his grasp from her hand.

"I'm never going to forget you, babe," Menzi sobbed. "You are the only woman for me, and I know that deep within my heart of hearts. I just made a big mistake, and I'm prepared to suffer for it."

"Please remove your car, I have to go, and please don't follow me…Goodbye, Menzi."

This was a very sad moment for Siza, and it kind of felt as if Menzi had broken up with her, instead. She hugged Petunia, who was also in tears. Menzi parked his car away from the front of the house, and Siza stepped inside her car, reversed it, and took off immediately, leaving Menzi with uncontrollable tears, running down his face.



It had been a very long day at work for Jazmyn. She greeted the guard at her cluster home gate, in Hurlingham Manor, entered the premises, and parked her black 2016 VW Polo Vivo. She searched for her house keys inside her faded-green snakeskin handbag before she got out of the car. She unlocked her living room door and entered into her two-bedroom, Italian open-plan living room, that was set next to her Alice-blue granite kitchen.

She tossed her handbag on her moccasin suede couch and plodded back to the car. She opened the boot of her car, and carefully removed all the barrelled red roses one at a time. She brought four barrels of roses into the house and left the remaining barrels in her spacious neat garden and patio. She gathered the boxes of chocolate from the backseat of her car, placed them on the ground, locked her car, and ambled back into her home. She packed nine boxes of chocolates onto the shelves of her black fridge and roughly opened one box.

She carried the opened box with her to the living room, took off her green snake-skin high-heels, and sprawled on the couch. She switched on her wall-mounted plasma TV, placed the box of chocolates on her lap, and slowly placed one praline in her mouth as if she was in a chocolate advert. She always wiggled her feet when she ate something she dearly enjoyed but frowned as she recollected, that she still had her formal clothes on.

Jazmyn ambled to her cream white-walled en-suite bedroom, entered her bathroom, stood in front of a white basin, and gazed into the oval mirror. She let down her long hair, removed her black sheer pantyhose and formal clothes, then returned to the kitchen. She sauntered to the tool cupboard, opened it and withdrew a small spade and shovel, and placed them on the counter.

She strolled to her built-in closet; opened it, and drew a pink drop-tailed dress from the silver rail and slipped into it. She took the garden tools from the counter and went to her garden. She arranged the garden with her garden tools and planted each one of the red roses from the barrels.

When Jazmyn finished, she went back inside the house and locked herself in. She headed for the bathroom and took a soothing hot shower, before returning to her couch. She received a call from her boyfriend, Thato Pooe, and there was a smile on her face as she greeted him. There was a loud beep on the phone indicating a text message, whilst busy flirting on the phone with Thato. She placed him on speaker mode, read the message, and froze.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Jazmyn.

"What's wrong," worried Thato.

"Let me read out this text to you, baby"

Jazmyn drew the phone closer to her bosom, and read the message to Thato. Her text message read…

"I really need to see you, there's a lot we need to talk about, I am around Johannesburg, and I know you are too…please call me on this number."

"I cannot believe this is happening to me, babe! I thought this part of my life was over!" shrilled Jazmyn.

"Babe, if your boss isn't treating you well, perhaps you should work for my brother, Pule," suggested Thato.

"No, you don't understand."

"I'm confused, what is it then?"

Jazmyn took a deep breath. "It's my past, it's slowly creeping in."

"Babe, I'm still confused here."

"It wasn't easy running from and being raised by a drug addict mother," Jazmyn complained. "And it wasn't easy stealing her money, to run away either. I've had to change my identity, in order to make a brand new life for myself."

"Calm down, babe, don't cry."

"No! She can't find me, not in this lifetime…I will never return to Cape Town, it's history!"

"What are you talking about, Jaz?"

"I am talking about my mom, Thato."

"Let me drive there tomorrow…I don't like the way you sound right now"

"No! Thato, I will see you in three weeks as planned, I need to go...Talk tomorrow?"

"Alright, my love, I will call you before you sleep."

Jazmyn said her goodbyes to Thato, and returned to the kitchen, switched on her oven, and resumed cooking her cheesy beef lasagne. She prepared a table for one, and waited for her meal to cook, then plated her food, and enjoyed her dinner.


On her way to Diesel's place, Siza passed by the super-mart to buy a few things for herself and Diesel. She finished paying for the groceries and then headed to Diesel's place. She found the gates locked, but could not reach Diesel, as his phone went straight to voicemail.

"Hey-hey Master Dee here, May you please leave your number, so I can call you back, thank you," prompted Diesel's voicemail.

"Hi Diesel, it's Siza, I'm here at your gate, please call me when you get this message," informed Siza.

She became impatient every second she spent waiting for Diesel. She rested in her car, reminisced about the good old days with Menzi, their fun morning pillow-fights and how he always held her chin every time they kissed.

She chuckled and wiped her tears, then stared at the rear-view mirror, and fixed her makeup. She smiled again when she recollected the lavender smell on Menzi's pillows, but that memory died immediately, when she saw herself on the balcony that night, being strangled by Menzi.

Siza took a deep breath. "Can Diesel come back already?"

She was startled when the gates opened, and she saw Diesel's car behind her. They both drove inside the yard and parked the cars inside the garage. Siza stepped out first, sauntered towards the door, and waited for Diesel to open it.

"Sorry I'm late, thanks for waiting," apologised Diesel.

Siza smiled. "No problem, were you at your girlfriend's place?"

Diesel shook his head. "No, I told you I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago."

"Oh…I almost forgot…may you please help me bring groceries, and more of my clothes from the car?"

Diesel smiled. "Whoa, we're slowly moving in."

"Diesel, I can go to my place, if my stay here is going to be a problem for you."

Diesel chuckled. "Relax, Siza, I'm just kidding…I'd love for you to stay with me."

While Diesel headed out to get Siza's stuff from her car, Siza went to freshen up in the bathroom, and she wore her short blue dress and pink feathery slippers. Shortly after, she found Diesel in the living room, watching the sports channel on TV.

"Diesel, I'm going to make sautéed chicken and grilled veggie-bake for dinner, if that's alright with you?" mentioned Siza, heading back to the kitchen, to prepare dinner.

Diesel switched off the TV and joined her in the kitchen, all excited to see a woman cook, for the first time in two years. He showed Siza where to find all the cooking tools and ingredients. He stood on the opposite side of the counter and watched Siza whip up a delicious meal.

There was something about Siza when she cooked, it was heavenly, and she loved it with her soul. Diesel was overjoyed, that he set the table and placed the lilac plates on it, before Siza dished up. They sat across each other and enjoyed their meal. There was a quiet atmosphere around the dinner table, as they gazed into each other's eyes. After eating that delicious meal, Diesel left Siza by herself at the table, and returned to the kitchen, carrying a small white gift bag.

Siza glanced at him before she stared at the gift bag he was carrying. Diesel placed the gift bag on the table, strolled to the cupboard, withdrew two champagne glasses from the glass cupboard, and placed them on the table. Siza watched Diesel as he stared into the fridge, pulled out a cold bottle of "Moët & Chandon Imperial champagne" and poured it into the glasses, he had placed on the table.

Siza's eyes followed Diesel in amazement, the whole time he was busy preparing the champagne. He took the gift bag and knelt on the floor facing her. Siza was amazed and baffled, as her jaw dropped when it seemed as if Diesel was about to propose to her.

"Open it…it's for you," beamed Diesel.

"I hope it's not another ring," pondered Siza, dipping her tiny hand into the gift bag nervously.

She drew a shiny silver box from the gift bag, opened it, and revealed a set of keys and a remote. She was even more puzzled, as she stared at Diesel, and shrugged.

Diesel smiled. "This is why I wasn't home early today, this is your new home, and it's only fair to give you your own set of keys to the house."

Siza chuckled. "Aw, thank you, Diesel…This means a lot to me. I also have something to tell you."

Diesel smiled. "What is it?"

"I took a week off work to be with you, here at home," proclaimed Siza.

Diesel smiled. "Oh! Wow! Perhaps I should thank you," he said, giving Siza a hug and a kiss, on her cheek.

Siza smiled. "You're amusing."

"Thank you for today, thank you for coming into my life, you draw my heart towards you, and you fill my heart with inner peace," declared Diesel.

Siza smiled. "I thank you too…I wouldn't have done this without you; I am thankful to you as well."

Diesel kissed Siza on her cheek again, and she turned and kissed him on the lips. The chemistry between them was tangible, while they gazed into each other's eyes as if they were reading each other's minds.

He grasped and elevated her, cleared the kitchen table with his other hand, and carefully placed her on it as if he was placing a baby into its crib. Their attraction towards one another was so intense, that Siza slowly unbuttoned Diesel's lime, golf T-shirt, and undressed him.

He smelled of expensive cologne, as her eyes closed and inhaled the scent from his smooth hairless chest. Siza's hands wandered to the buckle of his black leathered belt and pulled it out of the loops of his black jeans. Diesel removed her short blue dress, whilst kissing her passionately, revealing her black white lingerie. He caressed her soft body, all the way to her backside, and their breathing became slow and intense, as they embraced each other romantically.

"Diesel, make love to me," panted Siza.

Diesel stopped and gazed at her. "Are you sure?"

Siza nodded. "Yes, I am sure.��

Diesel took a deep breath. "You're so beautiful…I'm slowly falling for you."

Diesel kissed Siza passionately, pulled her up to sit on the edge of the table, and her legs instinctively curled up around his thighs. Diesel embraced Siza very tight, as his phone rang inside his jeans pocket. They froze in shock and realised what they were about to do. Siza was so embarrassed, that she dashed and disappeared into her bedroom, shut the door, and sat behind it, while Diesel answered his phone.

"I'm at my place, man…what' going on?" complained Diesel.

"You sound so busy...I wanted to come around," said Thendo.

"Thendo, can I call you back…I'm in the middle of something."

Diesel hurriedly hung up on Thendo, feeling the urgent need to apologise to Siza, embarrassed and irritated for acting irrationally. He went down the passage to Siza's bedroom but found the door locked. He knocked on the door, but Siza remained silent. He stood by the door and began talking apologetically.

"Siza, I'm so sorry…please let me in…I didn't mean to take advantage of you…please forgive me," pleaded Diesel.

Siza opened up, dressed in a white lacy dress, and stared at Diesel and smiled. She allowed him into the bedroom and they sat on the bed to talk. Diesel fondled her hand, kissed it, and hugged her.

"You didn't take advantage of me…we were just caught up in the moment," reasoned Siza.

Diesel smiled. "I'm sorry too…I don't know what came over me." Diesel scratched his head. "I was…I was overwhelmed, I'm sorry."

Siza shook her head. "No, I shouldn't have kissed you back."

"It's alright."

Siza shrugged. "I would understand if you were to kick me out of your home."

Diesel frowned. "Now, why would I want to do that…Honestly though...I wanted to kiss you."

Siza tittered. "I did too…not because I was confused or anything, but for the first time in days, my mind is clear."

"Sorry for the disturbing phone call," he apologised again. "I wonder what we would be doing if we hadn't been disturbed."

Siza smiled "Aw, Diesel, I wonder."

"Let's go and watch a movie."

"I think the living room is much safer, for both of us."

They strolled to the living room grasping hands. Diesel placed a romantic comedy movie disc in the DVD player, while Siza went to the kitchen, prepared microwave buttered popcorn, a large packet of cheddar crisps and soda, and brought them to the living room, for them to enjoy while watching the movie. They reclined on Diesel's couch and immersed in the movie.


A muscle-built man stood right before the shiny wooden door; he pressed the bell and waited for Jazmyn to open up. She opened the door, simpered as she bit her lip, and let him in. They kissed passionately as if both had been longing for that kiss. Jazmyn had changed her clothes, and had on a black net-like see-through dress, with pink and black lingerie beneath it.

She had been expecting the man. He had on a classy white shirt, maroon chino pants, and black shoes. She smelled his expensive Dunhill Black cologne, sprayed on his chest, as she cuddled into his arms. He was much taller than she was, as Jazmyn ran her hands up and down his muscled back. She eyed him, and he eyed her right back.

"No one saw you?" purred Jazmyn.

The man shook his head. "You're alone?"

Jazmyn nodded. "Yes."

They were eyeing each other, as their chemistry became tangible and immensely obvious. He reclined on the edge of the couch, and without wasting any time, Jazmyn slowly climbed on his lap, and they kissed romantically. They had been waiting for this moment, from the very first time they met. He snuggled her tight before his hands wandered all over her curvy body.

He drew her closer to him and gently pulled her long ruby hair. She moaned in pleasure. He took off her net-like dress and kissed her chest, his hands pressed into her soft, round bottom, and she gasped while closing her eyes.

"What makes me want you more, is that you're married to her," purred Jazmyn.

Those words drove the man insane, as if she said, "Give me more." He undressed her and elevated her, whilst balancing himself against the wall, and they both moaned in pleasure, as he pressed his hard and strong body into hers.

"As long as you stay married to your wife…I will forever want you, because nothing turns me on, like a man with a piece of metal on his ring finger," purred Jazmyn.

They made love as if it was the very first time they were in contact with one another, and it prolonged to Jazmyn's bedroom, until late at night.

"I have to go," whispered the man.

"I wouldn't allow you to stay…your wife needs you."

The man nodded. "Do you need me?"

Jazmyn frowned. "You have to go," replied Jazmyn, handing him his clothes, and escorting him to the door.

"I will see you later."

Jazmyn nodded and simpered. "See you later…boss."

The man chuckled, as he turned to the door, and exited Jazmyn's home.


Pule had instructed the guards to patrol around his home, since the day Siza had attacked Lelo. It was already late at night when Lelo woke up. She went to look for Pule in his study, but he was not there. He left a note on his study door, to tell Lelo that he had stepped out, to buy some dinner and would be back soon.

Lelo decided to go and freshen up first, then ambled back to the kitchen barefooted, and took the cordless telephone to call her best friend, Pearl. Pearl's phone rang, but she never answered. Lelo ambled around the house with the phone against her ear, and kept trying until Pearl answered.

"Hi Lelo, I haven't seen you in a while, what's wrong besty?" inquired Pearl.

Lelo chuckled. "I was there the other day, but I'm recovering now."

Pearl cleared her throat. "You're recovering from what…that day?"

Lelo chuckled. "No. I was bashed on the head with a wine bottle, and I was unconscious for more than four hours...she found out about Menzi and me."

"What did she find out…I don't understand?"

"Pearl be compassionate for once, ask me how I am, for heaven's sake!"

Pearl chuckled. "Oh, you mean Menzi's girl knocked you out?

"Yes, don't tell a single soul…alright," whispered Lelo.

Pearl laughed. "Lelo you keep swimming in the deep end, and I keep telling you that you're not a fish…You can't swim your way out of this one!"

Lelo took a deep breath. "Pearl, I was born a poor child, which makes me susceptible to want to be wealthy, I won't let this life go…I need it."

"Then I fear for you, dear friend."

"I've always told you not to cheat because I know, once you start, you never stop," warned Lelo.

There was silence in the middle of their conversation, replaced by a dialling tone that made a loud beep. The sound made by the phone frightened Lelo, but then thought it might be Pearl's phone. When she tried to speak to Pearl, a voice prompt said,


Lelo pressed number five on the phone. She was terrified and unsettled, as she scanned the room, as if she was a lunatic, hoping to spot the camera.

"Pearl, are you there…was that your phone?" queried Lelo.

"Yes, I'm here, no…I think that was your phone," stated Pearl.

"I think there's someone in the house," worried Lelo, feeling immense paranoia, over what could be nothing.

Lelo examined the ceiling cords, hoping to find a camera cord around the house, with the cordless phone against her ear. She went to Pule's study door and kept twisting the doorknob, thinking that it might be unlocked.

"Pearl, I will have to call you back, something is wrong in this house," quavered Lelo.

She trotted to the kitchen and placed back the phone on its base. She was troubled, and she paced back and forth, while she bit her lips and nails, trying to figure out a plan to delete her conversation with Pearl, on Pule's phone.

"Pule cannot find out about that call I made to Pearl," indicated Lelo, contemplating ways of how to make this situation vanish.

She was so discouraged, that she used her cell phone to call Pule's housekeeper for help. The housekeeper's cell phone rang and went to voicemail. Lelo hung up and tried again.

"Hello," greeted Maggie.

"Maggie, Maggie, I need your help please, it's Mr Pooë's fiancée," replied Lelo.

The housekeeper was amazed and worried about the call from Lelo. To her, maybe Lelo was testing her loyalty so she could fire her. Maggie remained calm and nice towards Lelo.

Maggie cleared her throat. "Yes, Miss Lelo, how can I help you?"

"Maggie, the phone has a problem, the telephone has a problem."

"I'm not sure I understand, Miss Lelo, what telephone are you talking about?

"I need to know where...where is the phone's memory?"

"What phone memory? I don't understand, Miss Lelo."

"Oh! Never mind...Don't worry yourself much, I will see you tomorrow, thank you, Maggie."

Lelo leaned against the edge of the wall before the hallway, as if she was a lost child that did not know her way home. She had green veins on her forehead and her agitation became so extreme, that she was tempted to go upstairs, pack her belongings, and disappear before Pule came back home. She contemplated a wicked plan while she stood there and rested on the counter.

"I can't call Pule; he will suspect something is wrong," whispered Lelo. "Oh! Menzi…yes, Menzi will bail me out of this"

While ambling to the bedroom, her phone rang before she even dialled Menzi's number. She glimpsed at the caller's identity and saw Pule's name on the screen of her phone. She dreaded answering it but eventually did.

Lelo cleared her throat. "Baby…Hey, baby."

"You don't sound so good, what's wrong?" worried Pule.

"Your -home - tel - telephone gave -gave me a fright, I-I-I was speaking to...Pule, I'm scared," stuttered Lelo.

"Who were you speaking to, babe? Never mind, I'm on my way home right now, stay still, go to the kitchen and drink some warm water, to calm your nerves."

"No-No, you don't have to come home right away, I will be fine, it's alright, babe, take your time."

"Alright…then tell me what's wrong?"

"I was speaking to my girl, Pearl…while we were talking, I heard a woman say…End of recording…Babe, I think someone is stalking me," jabbered Lelo.

Pule cracked up in laughter. "I forgot to tell you my love, my home telephone records every call I make to help me remember important calls… I will show you how to erase it when I get home."

"No! I don't want to listen, I almost collapsed earlier," protested Lelo.

"Grab a pen and paper, and take these instructions down," instructed Pule.

Lelo was sitting on the bed, clutching her handbag, as she searched for a pen inside it. She was hasty to take down Pule's instructions.

"Yes, I'm listening, Pule."

"I want you to pick up the home telephone, and dial the following numbers: 4 9268 86 335383 669##, you got them?" questioned Pule.

"Yep, what do these numbers mean?"

"They are just prompts to tell the phone, that you want to delete the recent call you've just made… Are you happy now, my love?"

"I'm happy now, thanks babe…what's for dinner? Don't forget Zeus is on leave for a few days," reminded Lelo, sounding so relieved all of a sudden.

"You'll see when I get there, but I assure you it's something you will love."

"Alright, see you soon, my babe. Bye for now."

She bounced on the bed in excitement, as if she were a little child, relieved that Pule would not find her out. She was ecstatic that Pule had not listened to the recording.

"Lelo, you will get caught if you're not extra careful," Lelo warned herself. She laughed wickedly. "Operation manipulation is now in action," she raved.

She took her diary with her to the kitchen, placed a wine glass on the table, swaggered to Pule's wine cellar, brought a bottle of 2010 Poggio-Antico, Pule's Italian red wine, and poured herself a glass, celebrating her victory of lies and manipulation. She cheered herself and gulped it down as if she had been thirsty for days.

She strolled to the telephone, deleted her call to Pearl, ambled to the bedroom, and wore her lacy red lingerie and a matching silk gown, to impress her fiancé of course.

She sauntered back to the kitchen and poured herself another glass of red wine. She took a handful of chocolate balls from a glass jar, not far from where she was standing, and nibbled on them while drinking the red Italian wine.


Pule was at the restaurant's parking lot, about to get out of the car to buy some food for him and Lelo, when his cell phone made a loud tweeting sound, indicating an incoming text message from his home telephone. The message read,

"You have made one telephone call today, press 5 to listen."

Pule pressed the number five and listened to the recorded telephone conversation, between Pearl and Lelo. At first, he laughed at the two women gossiping over the phone, but could not understand why Lelo told Pearl, "Once you start cheating, you will never stop." He was not fully interested in listening to the message but saved it anyway. He exited the car, and headed to the Restaurant, to order his dinner.


Pule was inside the La'Katarina restaurant, waiting for his take out while sitting at the bar. A tall, slender woman, with long cornrows, wearing a white and loose tank top, with light blue jeans and black stilettos, carrying a black clutch bag, sat next to him. Pule did not look at her, but felt her presence. Her flowery scent drew him in and reminded him of a lady he was once in love with.

"Hi…May I please have a Long Island cocktail…make it strong," requested the woman to the barman.

Pule turned to her side of the chair and eyed her. He recognised her immediately; he smiled and tapped her on her shoulder. She noticed Pule, and she grinned at him. It was clear that they knew each other.

"Fancy meeting you this side of town," greeted the woman. "Buy you a drink?" she offered.

Pule was shy all of a sudden, he shook his head no, beamed and changed his posture to face the woman. The barman placed the woman's drink on a coaster, and softly drove it in front of her. Pule could not take his eyes off her, as she sipped her icy cold drink from the straw, while she eyed him.

Pule smiled. "You look good for a frustrated person."

The woman chuckled. "Thanks, you're not too bad yourself."

Pule whispered into the woman's ear. "I can still reach you on the same number, right?"

The woman beamed and nodded, as she rotated the straw in her drink, and folded her long legs. Pule rose to give her a tight embrace. She hugged him back, inhaled the scent of his Kenzo Power cologne on his neck, and closed her eyes, as she recalled his cologne fondly.

"It's good to see you, after such a long time, we must meet again under different circumstances," suggested Pule, as he gazed into her eyes.

The woman nodded. "I will wait for that call then," she responded.

Pule hugged her again and kissed her on the cheek to say goodbye. He picked up his order and exited the restaurant, and the woman continued with her drink. Her cell phone vibrated to indicate a message from Pule. She simpered as she read it, but never responded to it. The message from Pule read,

"I still know your number off by heart, by the way."


Lelo relaxed on the couch, and waited for Pule to get home; he seemed to be taking longer than she had anticipated. She gazed at her cell phone and dialled Pearl's number.

"Hey girlfriend, where were we," enquired Lelo.

"On the part where you complained about Pule's phone," reminded Pearl.

"I hear music, where are you?"

Pearl tittered. "I'm having my favourite drink, in my favourite bar…at my favourite restaurant, and you?"

Lelo chuckled. "Will, you ever stop drinking?"

Pearl chuckled. "Will, you ever stop playing men?"

"My dear, allow me to let you in on a dirty little secret. The most important thing that turns a man on, is for you to make him believe he has all the power over you."

"Well, I couldn't possibly give power to a guy, that doesn't value me as a woman."

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk! Well, I guess you will have to accept all that has happened between you and Percy, including him taking everything from you, and leaving you."

Pearl chuckled. "Oh, Lelo, I'm too young to feel old…I want passion, not pretence."

"There's nothing like an expensive piece of lacy, see-through lingerie, to make a man write you that huge cheque, and give you his all thereafter."

Pearl laughed. "You reckon?"

"Oh yes! All I'm saying girl friend, is that, stop feeling and start faking. That's my number one rule into making it big in this life…I loved Menzi, and what did that do for me...nothing but turn me into this cold savage, that I've become."

Pearl took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Lelo, but I choose love."

"I have to go…Pule is here…I will speak to you in a few days, bye for now."


Pule headed into his house and found Lelo preparing the dinner table, getting ready to dish up the food, Pule had brought home. Lelo kissed Pule, and thanked him for the potato frittata and Macaroni and cheese, he brought from the La'Katarina.

Pule could not stop beaming at his ever so beautiful fiancé, while they ate. It was as if he was in love all over again. After they finished dining, Lelo sat on Pule's lap, and kissed him. Pule loved Lelo; she could tell by the elevated pulsation of his heart, each time they kissed.

The kiss was so sensual and passionate, that she ripped open Pule's blue expensive shirt, lingered whilst kissing him on the neck, and felt him reciprocate, as he slid down her lacy lingerie, and kissed her on her neck. There was a sneer on Lelo's face, as Pule lifted her up, wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed her. Pule laid her on the dinner table and massaged her backside. Lelo chuckled in pleasure, while Pule gasped for air.

Lelo softly bit his lip, teased him with her tongue, and made him beg for more. She stepped off the table, removed his skinny khaki pants, and pushed him against the table instead. It was clear that he was aroused, judging by the way that he ogled her. He picked her up, and rested on the edge of the table, while she held on to him, with her legs curled up behind his waist.

Lelo knew how to drive Pule insane when they made love. He was closing his eyes, in a state of pure bliss, while she gazed at him with a grin on her face, thinking to herself, "Feast until you're full, Pule, I've got you right where I want you." Lelo had a flexible, beautiful, curvaceous body, and she knew how to work all the right moves, that drove a man to scream with pleasure.

She almost gave him a heart attack when she drove her pelvic area inwardly and rhythmically into his, making him groan harder, and harder. It was clear that making love to Lelo, stimulated him beyond measure, that he lifted her up, and carried her to their bedroom. There was moaning and groaning from them both, as they reached the hallway, still unable to keep their hands off each other, whilst they continued to kiss passionately. He cradled her like a baby, as he carried her upstairs, and finally entered their bedroom.

"Oh, you drive me crazy, baby…crazy," panted Pule, into Lelo's ear.

"I aim to please, baby," whispered Lelo, as she licked his ear.

Pule laid Lelo on the bed, and they rolled and switched roles. Lelo was on top of Pule, and he gasped for air, as she rode him back and forth. Pule was sensitive and strong when it came to making love to a woman. He was not as rough as Menzi, but he was as strong as a woman would want him to be. He loved it when Lelo kissed the tattoo on his neck - nothing increased his excitement as much. Lelo made love to Pule, whilst he screamed out her name in pleasure and begged her not to stop.

Lelo stopped to give Pule a break, and he fell asleep on the unfolded bed. She went to take a shower, then returned to the bedroom to sleep. Nothing could control Lelo, when she was on her mission, especially when she had a man right where she needed him to be.


It was the middle of the night and Pule was sound asleep in his bed, with Lelo next to him, still tired from lovemaking. Lelo opened her eyes and dimmed the bedroom lights. She stared at Pule, and there was a sudden grin on her face. She wanted to get out of bed, but Pule was holding on to her, pinning her down. She slowly removed his arm and pretended to change her sleeping position.

Pule was sound asleep, and Lelo seized her chance to sneak out of the bed. She slowly removed her phone from the bedside table, pressed the side button to switch it off from making a sound, and crept out of the bedroom. She softly shut the bedroom door, with the hope that it did not wake Pule up.

She stood in the hallway, rested against the wall, and monitored the bedroom door, like a guard patrolling outside the building. It was clear that she did not want Pule to eavesdrop on the phone call she was about to engage in. She dialled a number on her phone and impatiently waited for the lines to connect, as she bit her lower lip, in nervous anticipation.

"Pick up your phone, pick up your phone, Menzi," whispered Lelo, speaking in a very low voice.

"Lelo…what are you doing calling me in the middle of the night? Where's Pule?" Menzi fretted, sounding very sleepy.

"He is asleep…I miss you, Menzi," whispered Lelo.

Menzi chuckled. "Girl, you sound like a druggy."

Lelo chuckled. "You're my drug…I need a fix," flirted Lelo, breathing heavily on the phone.

Menzi chortled. "Lelo, what did you smoke?"

"I smoked your best friend...now I crave you," purred Lelo.

Menzi chuckled. "Lelo, go to bed…I will call you later," yawned Menzi, ending the call.

She crept back into the bedroom, slid into the sheets, slept on her side facing Pule, and pretended that she had been asleep all this time. Pule opened his eyes and stared at her, while she faked being asleep. He dabbed her shoulder, and Lelo opened her eyes, with absolute astonishment, as he watched her simper.

"What did you say you're craving again?" enquired Pule.

Lelo caressed Pule's face; at that moment, she could not read Pule's emotions, and she wondered if he had overheard her whole conversation with Menzi. Pule humourlessly watched her, as she ogled him.

Lelo cleared her throat. "Uhm…Baby…I," purred Lelo.

"Yes," responded Pule, changing his posture to face the ceiling, and bent his arms, to tuck his hands under his head.

Lelo smiled. "I am craving…you, baby."

Pule chuckled. "Baby, where do you get such energy?"

"You are my source of energy," purred Lelo, climbing on top of Pule.

He had a grin on his face, blissful to have a fascinating woman, like Lelo by his side. He had never dated a woman of Lelo's personality before. She snuggled beside him, with her head rested on his chest.

Lelo ran her fingers on his well-developed stomach muscles and chest. She kissed his tattoo, while he caressed her hair, feeling her gradually falling off to sleep on his chest, with his arm still around her. Pule switched off his bedside lamp with his other hand, closed his eyes, and slept.
