
My Other Lover

Based on true-life events, My Other Lover is an eye-opener to relationships, true love, cheating, lies and most of all deception, however not all is hopeless, in the wonderful world of relationships, as we come across numerous couples who fight to stay true to themselves, their love and respect for their partners and most of all their families. My Other Lover also tells the story of numerous families, who have been driven apart by lies and deception, only to be drawn together by forgiveness and unconditional love. See how these couples manage to face everyday temptation, but how in the end love always prevails.

BS_Mahoko · Urbano
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11 Chs

Beautiful Accidents

The security at The Mansions, in Pule's neighbourhood, was tighter than Siza had anticipated. The guards interrogated the visitor, to ensure the owners' and renters' safety at all times. The guard began his interrogation at the gate, eyeing out Siza suspiciously. "Good day, Ma'am." Which unit number will you be visiting, and what is the nature of your visit?" he asked politely, directing his question at Siza. After greeting the guard, Siza proceeded to answer his question, and the guard contacted Pule's house, then handed Siza the phone.

"Pooe residence, hello," greeted Pule.

"Hi, Pule! It's Siza, Menzi's fiancé. May you please open up?" requested Siza.

Pule allowed Siza and Diesel, entry from the main gate, and opened his home gate. Diesel stepped out of the car, greeted Pule, and opened the door for Siza. Siza ambled towards Pule's front door to meet up with him. He smiled at her and gave her a hug. A whiff of his inviting cologne did not escape Siza, as she rested on his chest, but quickly let go.

Pule frowned. "Where is Menzi…Is he alright?"

Siza nodded. "He is alright…at his place."

"Does he even know you are here, with this man?"

Siza shrugged. "Oh, he knows I'm with this man! Is there somewhere private we can talk?" enquired Siza.

Pule nodded. "Come in, let's sit in the kitchen."

Siza sat by the table, and Pule drew a bottle of "2014 La Spinetta," Italian sparkling wine from the fridge, and offered it to Siza, but she declined. Pule left the chilled bottle of wine on the counter and sat with her at the table.

A delighted Lelo walked in to speak to Pule but was stunned when she found Siza sitting there with him. It was obvious that Siza's presence bewildered Lelo, and she seemed to lose her composure for a minute. Lelo got a hold of herself and proceeded to greet Siza, in a friendly, nonchalant voice, but Siza just gazed at her emotionlessly and said nothing.

Lelo frowned. "Are you alright, Siza?

"Oh! Cut the pretence, slut! You don't have to play nice with me!" snapped Siza.

Lelo asked Pule, "Babe, did I say something wrong?"

Pule frowned and shook his head. "No."

Siza rose from the chair, walked towards Lelo, stood still, and took a long gaze at her. Lelo was confused and timid, but remained composed, as she bravely held Siza's gaze. Pule was confused by the two women.

Siza scoffed. "You're sleeping with Menzi," said Siza, in an unusually calm voice, whilst shaking her head. "I see it, it's written all over your face….you reek of his bedsheets."

Lelo smiled. "You're out of line, just like all of Menzi's problems!" "I am no longer Menzi's girlfriend…You are, so deal with your issues with him."

Siza shook her head and stared at Pule. "And you believe this performance?"

Pule shrugged. "Siza, come on! She's just an ex-girlfriend."

Siza turned to Lelo and smiled at her. "Lelo, a lie is imperceptible, it's hidden, Honey, it's concealed, but infidelity, that of you and Menzi, it's tangible, it's real and I can feel it."

Lelo cracked up in laughter. "Siza, you're so poised and in control, surely you don't want to worry your poor little innocent self, about good old Lelo."

Siza smiled. "Lelo, you don't want to be my enemy."

Lelo brushed Siza's shoulder. "No, I want to be your friend, Siza," teased Lelo, speaking in a low voice.

Siza shouted at Lelo, "Don't patronise me, slut!"

"Siza, calm down! You can't just come inside my home and insult my fiancé like that. I understand you're upset, but please ease up on the nasty name-calling," insisted Pule.

Siza told Pule, "Menzi and this woman have played us, and I can see that she's still fooling you."

Pule frowned. "I don't understand."

Lelo intervened by standing near Siza and grabbed her hand.

"Siza, you don't have to do this!" begged Lelo.

Siza shook her head and snapped at Lelo, "Don't touch me, or I will hurt you!" Siza told Pule, "Menzi told me not too long ago, actually this morning that, he and Le…"

Lelo pushed Siza against the wall. "Siza, wait! Stop it!"

Siza was so enraged, that she snatched the wine bottle Pule had offered earlier, walked up to Lelo, and aggressively bashed her on the head with it, feeling satisfied, as it broke into tiny little shards of glass. Lelo collapsed hard on the floor. She was unconscious.

"I told you not to touch me, Lelo! I hate you!" spat out Siza.

"What have you done, Siza? Get out of my house!" yelled Pule, angry with himself, for not having stopped Siza in time.

Pule was kneeling on the floor, as he checked Lelo's pulse. He was no longer interested in what Siza had come there to say.

"Lelo! Baby! Wake up!" pleaded Pule.

"You need to go! You really need to go! Please go! I can't look at you right now!" shouted Pule, looking at Siza. He was appalled by her, and what she had done.

"Pule, you need to know the truth about Menzi, please," pleaded Siza.

"No! Siza, did you not hear me? Please go, before I call the police to remove you," insisted Pule.

"Fine…Fine…Fine! I'll go! I'm so sorry for knocking her out, but she deserved it!"

Siza left Pule calling the paramedics, while Lelo lay unconsciously on the floor. Pule went to the bedroom and fetched a few pillows for Lelo, while Siza scurried to Diesel's car. Diesel stared at Siza, but she refused to look him in the eye.

"Can you please drive out of here, as quickly as you can," pleaded Siza, checking her back to ensure that she was not being followed by Pule.

"Are you ok?" enquired Diesel.

Siza nodded. "Yes, I'm more than ok."

"What happened back there?"

Siza smiled. "Nothing happened, why?"

Diesel chuckled. "What did you do, silly woman?"

"I will tell you when we get home," whispered Siza.

Diesel nodded. "Deal!" he whispered back.

Siza and Diesel exited Pule's home and drove to the garage to fill up the gas in the car. Diesel exited the car, whilst the petrol attendant was still busy filling up gas and knocked at Siza's window, before heading to the shop. Siza opened the window and stared at him.

"I'm going to the garage store, is there anything you want me to bring you?" offered Diesel.

Siza nodded. "May you please buy me a one hundred percent fruit juice, any flavour, and some crisps, preferably cheddar flavour? Thanks, Dee."

Diesel nodded, and proceeded into the store, leaving Siza inside the car.


Pule tried to resuscitate Lelo, whilst the paramedics were on their way. He went to fetch his phone in his bedroom, and dialled Menzi's number, as he ambled to the kitchen. He knelt before Lelo, and placed her head and pillow, on his lap.

"Hey mate, what's going on?" greeted Menzi.

"Bro, don't hey mate me, your fiancé came here as fierce as fire, and knocked my woman out with a wine bottle! I'm very furious, man!" barked Pule.

"Whoa! What happened…when…Is Lelo alright?"

"How is she? Man…She's unconscious!"

"Wh-wh-what happened? Di..Did Siza say anything?" stuttered Menzi.

"No. She said she wanted to talk to me about you, but we didn't get a chance to speak. Instead, we ended up with an emergency! What is it that she wanted to tell me, Menzi?" asked Pule, in a stern tone.

"I'm not sure, maybe something I did to her?

"Menzi, I have to go! The ambulance is here, call you later."

Pule watched the paramedics as they placed Lelo on the stretcher, and took her to the hospital. He then followed in his car. Lelo was still unconscious, as they arrived at the Centurion Private Hospital. She was immediately admitted, after been examined by the doctor.

Lelo lay silently, while the doctor stepped out to run her blood and urine tests in his lab. He wanted to ensure that there were no complications internally, but to his amazement, although she was healthy with no head injuries, he found himself frowning at a more complicated result. Due to doctor and patient confidentiality, the doctor decided to wait until Lelo woke up, to discuss the results with her.


Pule sat quietly bedside Lelo's bed in her ward, worried why she was not waking up. He watched anxiously as the doctor entered the ward, opened a new syringe, and withdrew an unknown liquid from a brown glass bottle. He injected the liquid into Lelo's shoulder and monitored her for a few minutes until she eventually stirred and regained consciousness. She stared at Pule, and the doctor in confusion, and without saying a word, the doctor excused himself, and allowed them some privacy, smiling at her warmly.

Lelo cleared her throat. "Babe, baby..."

Pule smiled. "Hey sweetie, hey baby, how are you feeling?"

Lelo coughed. "What happened?"

"Don't you remember? You and Siza had a fight!"

Lelo cleared her throat. "I remember, babe. She's a nasty piece of work! Are they keeping me overnight? Is there something seriously wrong?" she asked worriedly. "Pule, please don't leave me here. Please take me home. I fear hospitals..." she pleaded.

"Alright, babe, calm down. I won't leave you here, let me just call the nurse."

Pule exited Lelo's ward, and went to speak to the nurse. The doctor walked in to check on Lelo.

"How are you feeling, Miss Ntlue?"

Lelo cleared her throat. "I'm well Doctor, just a little headache that's all."

"I am discharging you. Your test results came back, and I would like for you to come and see me again, so we can talk."

"Is there something wrong?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, nothing alarming. I would like to monitor your recovery, that's all.

"Alright, thank you, Doctor, I will come and see you again."


It was a long drive from Centurion to Bryanston; Siza was deep in thought, reminiscing about the good old days with Menzi. Tears filled her eyes, as she smiled at the thought of their first meeting. He was brave and bold and had made a huge impression on her, by plucking up the courage to encounter a complete stranger in a restaurant. He didn't fear rejection and had stood by her every step of the way, even when her father had disowned her. She remembered missing her family, and the sadness it brought to her life on the day of her birthday, and how suddenly it was replaced with joy, as Menzi asked her to be his wife. She thought about Lelo and her sassy attitude in La'Katrina. Never did she dream that Menzi was having an affair with his ex-girlfriend, especially since they spend five happy loving years together, and he had fought for her every step of the way. He had done a good job of sweeping her off her feet, and just like that – Menzi as she knew him had vanished, and a monster had returned in his place.

Diesel stared at her through the rear-view mirror. The state Siza was in, hurt Diesel's feelings. They arrived at Diesel's home and Siza stepped out of the car, and headed straight to the bathroom, filled the tub with warm water, and soaked her body in right after.

Diesel knocked twice on the bathroom door and then opened. He found Siza lying deep inside the water and became concerned.

"Siza, are you alright? Just thought I would come and check up on you," wondered Diesel.

Siza nodded. "Yes, I'm ok…The foolishness is gone."

Diesel smiled. "May I please come closer?"

Siza nodded. "Sure. You can come closer."

"I'm so sorry for what happened between you and your fiancé…You didn't deserve such treatment," apologised Diesel.

Siza smiled. "Thank you for your kindness, Diesel, it really means a lot."

Diesel smiled. "Enough with the tears baby girl, come let's go have lunch, you will find me in the kitchen."

Diesel left the bathroom, got to the kitchen and heated up two cheeseburgers he bought from the garage store. Siza later joined Diesel in the kitchen walking in bare feet, wearing a knee-length yellow dress, with her curly hair down. Her perfume had a very strong scent, as it followed her to every room in the house.

"If the burgers aren't good enough, I made two creamed spinach omelettes tucked into rye bread. Please help yourself to anything your heart desires," explained Diesel, smiling

Siza chuckled. "I thought you said lunch."

Diesel shrugged. "You know takes-outs can disappoint a person, so there's plan B."

Siza smiled. "Yes I know, but don't worry; I'm not complicated at all."

Diesel smiled. "That's better, thanks."

They continued to eat and relax, and they spent time watching movies indoors, and retired to bed immediately, after watching a romantic movie at midnight.




The morning was cold and windy, and Menzi was late for work, but it was hard for him to get out of bed, since Siza left him. His hand reached out to the alarm clock and switched it off. He really missed Siza, especially when she would switch off the alarm in the morning. He checked the time on the alarm clock, and it read half-past ten in the morning.

He covered his chest with the linen sheets and gazed at the ceiling, with his arms folded under his head. He had so many memories of Siza, and became emotional, as he covered his face with a pillow. He was not used to not having her around. He took his phone from the bedside table and called her.

"What do you want, Menzi?" Siza answered.

"H...H...Hello,.....B...babe. I miss you so much and I am nothing without you…Please come over so we can talk about everything that has happened these past few days," stuttered Menzi.

"Which part do you want to talk about? Which part will be most suitable for you, the cheating part, the lying, the deceiving, or the abuse part? Huh?" questioned Siza.

"Siza, please listen." pleaded Menzi.

"No! Menzi, you listen, you stuffed up…you are on your own…I have to go!" exclaimed Siza.

Menzi was very disappointed at Siza's response to his call; he really could not believe that Siza no longer cared. He sent a text message to his PA that he was running late, jumped off the bed, took a quick cold shower, got dressed, skipped breakfast, grabbed an apple, and left for work.


After Menzi's phone call, Siza exited the bathroom feeling refreshed and confident. She opened her suitcase, unpacked a grey pinstripe suit and a white chiffon shirt, and laid them on the bed. She tied her long curly her into a bun, and continued to get dressed. She ambled to the kitchen and placed her briefcase and handbag, not too far from the table. Diesel admired how the gray formal pants hugged, and gave an upright posture to her body. Siza looked beautiful in her red court shoes.

They greeted each other, while Siza headed to the coffee machine, and made herself a latte, her favourite drink. Diesel approached her, held her face, and inspected it. He gazed into her eyes, and beamed. Siza became annoyed that her pulse had quickened by his gesture, perplexed by what Diesel was doing. They gazed into each other's eyes, and so many words were left unspoken.

Diesel smiled. "At least the eyes aren't swollen today."

Siza chortled. "Oh! The eyes…they are not."

Diesel chuckled. "What did you think I was going to do to you?"

Siza giggled. "Nothing, let's eat; I have to go to work soon."

Diesel had prepared an English breakfast for the both of them. She sat and ate with him, while she checked her watch, and realised that she was late. She rose from the chair, kissed Diesel on his cheek, and thanked him for the meal he made. She then snatched her handbag and briefcase from the chair, stared at him, as if she was saying something, and laughed. Diesel was confused; he did not understand the joke.

"Are you alright?" enquired Diesel.

Siza shook her head. "Nope, I am late for work actually, for the first time in my life."

Diesel chuckled. "You overslept?"

Siza nodded. "Will you be able to take me to the office?"

Diesel nodded. "Are you ready to go?"

Siza nodded, and waited by the doorway, while Diesel tidied his kitchen.

"Where are your offices?" enquired Diesel.

Siza frowned. "Just up the road, in Sandton. Are you going to be fine on your own?"

Diesel chuckled. "Yes, I live by myself, remember?"

"Oh! Sorry, that's a silly question…will you be fine though?"

"Apart from taking some time off for you, yes, I will be ok," declared Diesel.

"Dee, I am so sorry… I cannot be away from work for too long, even though I am the director."

"Wow! You're a movie director?"

Siza chuckled. "I'm a lawyer, silly…I co-own a law firm."

Diesel chuckled. "What? You are a lawyer…How old are you…Whoa! You've got to tell me this!" he asked.

Siza glanced at her watch. "Diesel, I have to go, let's chat about this later this evening. Then you can ask me any question, that comes to your mind…Please let's go!"

"I will be right back."

Diesel scurried to his bedroom and changed from his black shorts, into his black jeans and red cotton t-shirt. He wiped his face in the bathroom, and joined Siza right after. He hurried outside, reversed his car out of the garage, and stopped at the front of the house. He opened the door for Siza, and they left Diesel's home.

Diesel and Siza were stuck in traffic around William Nicol drive. Diesel played music to calm down their frustration. She couldn't seem to get to work that day.

"Diesel…I think I will go to Menzi's place after work this afternoon, and fetch my car…I need it," hinted Siza.

Diesel shook his head. "No, you don't need it…I'm taking you to work, aren't I?"

"Dee, I really need my car. Please don't worry, should anything go wrong, I will call you immediately. I have you saved as my number one contact on speed dial." she said, giggling out loud.

Diesel smiled. "You promise? Will you come back home?"

Siza frowned. "Whoa…dad, get a grip, please!"

Diesel chortled. "We're here; let me open the door for you."

They had arrived in Siza's office park and Diesel stepped out and opened the door for her. He was clearly smitten by her, and could not take his eyes off her, as she stepped out of the front passenger seat. She kissed him on the cheek and entered the building. He watched her as she disappeared into the modern glass office building, then headed straight home.


As Siza entered her office, she was a little perplexed to find her office filled with many uncut red roses, neatly fertilized into medium brown round barrels, with each bunch holding its own box of Swiss chocolates. There was a note on one of the roses and she read it out loud,

"My love, Siza,

I'm sorry for everything. I hope we can work things out real soon. I can't wait to be married to you, my love.

P.S....The chocolates are imported from Switzerland; I know they are your favourite.

Love, Menzi."

"Jazmyn, may you please come to my office," requested Siza.

Jazmyn entered into Siza's office, and found her upset, as she stood in the middle of the roses. Siza pointed Jazmyn to the floor full of roses, but Jazmyn was as confused as she was.

"What's happening here?" questioned Siza.

Jazmyn shrugged. "Some guy from the florist told me they were for you, and I signed for them."

Siza shook her head. "Close the door on your way out, I will call you when I need you."

Jazmyn left the office, sat at her desk and continued with her work. Jazmyn returned to Siza's office a few minutes later and handed Siza the file she was carrying.

"Miss Nkabinde, there's a second delivery for you, from a different florist," notified Jazmyn.

Siza took a deep breath. "Let him in, Jazmyn."

"Hello Miss, are you Siza Nkabinde?" enquired the deliveryman.

Siza smiled. "Yes, I am, thank you, have a good day," she greeted while signing the delivery slip.

The delivery man brought in twenty more bunches of red roses and left. The office telephone rang, but the abundance of chocolates had cluttered Siza's desk, that the telephone was nowhere to be found. Gradually, she retrieved it and managed to answer it, feeling frustrated and trapped, as the flowers surrounded her and closed her in.

Siza took a deep breath. "Mellisizwe Attorneys, this is Sizakele."

The man cleared his throat. "Hello my baby, have you received the roses yet?"

"Yes, I have received more than twenty red roses Menzi…Is there anything else you're thinking of sending through?"

Menzi chuckled. "I did not send so many roses."

Siza giggled. "Well, it seems as though someone is about to outsmart you." Siza giggled again. "It's good to know that you aren't the only one, who needs my good loving."

"Come on babe, you've always melted at the sound of my voice...please give me a break, I'm trying here," pleaded Menzi.

Siza yawned. "Oh! Believe me, I am melting, and while you're at it, why don't you quit trying and give up, because from where I'm standing, there is no coming back to you."

Siza quickly hung up on Menzi, and slammed the landline phone onto its base, but just as she did, Jazmyn came rushing in again, and stared at Siza, with a shrug.

Jazmyn chuckled. "There's another delivery for you, Miss Nkabinde."

Siza was enraged; her facial expression towards Jazmyn said it all. Another deliveryman had delivered blue roses this time, and Siza had no smile on her face, as she looked at him.

Siza rubbed her forehead and questioned the delivery man, "Who are these from?"

The deliveryman told Siza, "I think there's a handwritten note in one of these roses, may you please sign here."

Siza signed the delivery slip. "Thank you, have a good day."

The deliveryman left, and Siza quickly searched for the note in one of the roses. She found it and it read aloud:

"Hey, Baby girl. How are you doing so far? I miss your presence. These four buckets of blue roses represent the calmness you have brought into my life, and the time you have spent with me, not forgetting the clear blue sky that you are. I would like to get to know more about you, if of course you would grant me the opportunity. I cannot wait to see you when you get home. You make me smile.

Mr Diesel P. Mokgoba.

Siza smiled after reading that touching note from Diesel. She was speechless. She really needed to hear that. For a change, someone appreciated the person she was, without a price to pay. While at that moment, she received another call in her office…the caller was Menzi again, and she hung up on him and continued to work.



While Siza worked on her laptop in her office, a bald-headed man with a muscular body, dressed in an expensive brown suit and a burgundy shirt, with matching shiny brown shoes, came knocking on her office door. The man stood by the doorway admiring Siza, and waited for her to finish on her laptop, so she could notice him. He seemed to be one of her colleagues, if not a partner. She stared at him, smiled, and told him by hand gesture to come in.

Siza stared at the man standing in front of her, and shook her head. "Tell me why I'm a lawyer again?" exhaled Siza.

"Another one of those, huh?" said the man.

"Can this job get any worse!" exclaimed Siza, covering her face. "How can I help you, Khaya?"

Khaya Khoza, a twenty-seven-year-old lawyer, was the co-owner to Mellisizwe Attorneys and Associates, and a part-time model. He was married to Batho Mokgoba, a Buyer at a retail company. He was also wearing his matching brown-leathered watch, and his dress style complemented his sideburns and moustache. He had a bottle of Dunhill Black cologne tucked into his maroon chino pants pocket. He had studied law all his life, as he liked to say to his peers.

"Well, take a look at this," requested Khaya.

Khaya handed Siza a file to go through, and he took a seat facing her, whilst waiting for her to peruse the file. He was excited to hear her views on the project, but became concerned, when he noticed Siza frowning. She shook her head while she read the file, and turned its pages. She stared at Khaya, and hated to disappoint him, but he was her partner, and this could jeopardize their career and what they stood for.

"I'm sorry Khaya, you know I thrive on challenges, but I don't think this is a case you want to get your hands dirty with. Please don't go to trial, remember...there is a lot at stake here," protested Siza. "There's a ninety-nine percent chance, you could possibly lose this case." she added gently. She always treated her partner with the utmost respect and was very aware of how to choose her words correctly, so as not to belittle him in any way.

Khaya smiled. "I respect your advice, Siza, but there is a possibility I might just win this case, because my client wants to plead for mercy, to get a reaction from the plaintiff," whispered Khaya.

"Who is your client," enquired Siza.

"It's Mr Menzi Cameron Gama Senior…he put in an offer of two hundred and fifty thousand rands, and he is determined to win this case. He is a mogul after all, and he always gets what he wants," indicated Khaya. "He entrusted our firm with his case, and need I remind you…that is money in the bank for us. With a man of his calibre, one needs a lioness like you for a lawyer, and we'd make a killing, my dear partner," he hinted.

Siza was astonished, as she gazed at Khaya, and remained speechless for a second.

"I'm sorry, who?" she finally asked again.

"Yes…Menzi Senior…The media mogul."

Siza felt like the wind had been knocked from under her. She sat there dumbfounded, as the identity of the client began to sink in. Khaya sat patiently, awaiting her response, unaware of the fact that he had just delivered the worst news possible. She seemed disturbed and dazed, and for the first time since becoming a lawyer, this case struck a personal chord, and she just couldn't go through with it.

Khaya waved his hand at her; Siza stared at him and smiled. She took a deep breath, and handed him the file back.

She shook her head and rubbed her left eye. "I'm sorry, there's so much on my mind, lately."

Khaya shrugged. "It happens, but I guess one has to be able to identify the difference between work and home when it comes to their problems."

Siza smiled. "You're right…I will let you know what I think about Mr Gama's case."

Khaya nodded. "Good, thank you!" said Khaya, as he rose from the chair, and headed to the door.

"Hey, Khaya," shouted Siza, in a low voice.

Khaya turned and stared at Siza by the doorway, walked back to her desk, and stood before her. Khaya beamed, as he stared at her.

"Can I talk to you about something?

Khaya nodded. "Yes…what about?"

"That divorce case I had the other day."

Khaya frowned. "Which one was that?"

"The gruesome one…we were handling their divorce the other day," described Siza.

"Oh, you mean the Mula case…yes, hectic stuff," remarked Khaya, sitting down to face Siza again.

"You know, there was something about Percy's wife though, she looked like someone I know, but that someone was far from the tip of my tongue, to remember at the time."

Khaya chortled. "You felt a connection, sort of an attraction?" kidded Khaya.

Siza chuckled. "Come on, I'm serious."

"But why do you say that though?"

"Khaya, that poor woman was lost and heartbroken…she gazed at Percy, and asked him if he was serious about taking everything away from her. I can't seem to shake the feeling that I know her from somewhere, and what she went through haunts me every day. It makes me think twice about saying, "I do." quavered Siza.

"Siza, we're paid to represent the client, not do special favours."

Siza shook her head. "What happened to our morals and standards, Khaya?" "Where's the justice in all this?"

"I get that…but us, we don't do all of that, you pay us, and we do what's right for you, as our client...more like saying, your money speaks for you in the court of law."

"I swear, if I didn't know who my family was, I'd say Percy's wife was one of my sisters."

Khaya rubbed his forehead, and glanced at his watch. "Gosh, look at the time…I have to be out of here…the wife will be worried."

"Thanks for listening, Khaya. See you tomorrow."

"Anytime, Siza."

Khaya returned to his office, tidied up and left for the day. Siza continued to work until late. She decided to call it a night, after writing a few legal briefs. She texted Diesel to notify him that she was ready to go home, and he replied by texting her back, saying he was already waiting in the parking lot. Siza exited the building and headed to Diesel's car, and they departed the office park and headed home.
