
My Ordinary Life - AB

I'm 31 years old and while I've been scared of what lurked in the dark, I've never believed that some creature would be there. A murdered maybe. But not a werewolf. I'm going crazy. Nuts. Imagine life just completely flipping upside down. Things we thought we knew are absolutely wrong. Or are you just completely insane? Are all myths real or are they just that, a myth? A mother of three, has a very unexpected life change. She discoverers there’s more than meets the eye. Mate is a word she will soon know the definition to. ⭐️New chapters will be posted every Wednesday⭐️ ⚠️ Copyrights ⚠️

Amy_Bordelon · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 15

I'm having coffee on the porch and sneak another cigarette. I take a long inhale.

"You know, I always knew it was you snowmaking my smokes." Daddy says

"Shit!" I breathe out

Daddy scared me

"A little warning next time dad! You scared me!"

I say

He chuckles

A truck starts up the drive way and I notice it's Tristen.

"That's my friend dad, I've got to go. Tell ma'am I love her. I'll see y'all soon!" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek.

I open the passenger side for before it comes to a complete stop and jump in with my bag.

"Couldn't let me stop and get the door for you?" He says while laughing

"Sorry! It's been a hard day and I just need to go! Can we maybe stop by Trenton's on the way though? I need to make Tara isn't there." I say

"Sure, so his mistress is named Tara?" He asks

"Yeah, I might have shown my ass a little bit but it was to make sure they know I'm not playing about my babies." I say.

"Okay" he says and we drive away.

"So, are you okay?" He asks

"No" I simply say

I'm not. I'm far from it but I have to learn to be.

It's a quiet ride to my old house.

Once we are there, Tristen parks and I tell him I'll be just a minute to stay there.

He nods

I get out and go to the door and knock. Never thought I'd be knocking on this door instead of unlocking it and going in.

Trish opens the door and has a big smile on her face. I hug her up and tell her how much I missed her and her sisters.

I walk to the living room and it's already different in here. Her pictures are here. This is a hit to the face. Hard.

I grab Lizzie and Mia. And love on them.

"I'm going to nurse Mia while I'm here." I say

"Okay." He says.

I latch Mia and start walking around my old house. Everything looks the same and different at the same time. My stuff has been replaced with Tara's. Her pictures. Pictures of them together. How long have they been together?

I stop at our old room. I walk in and it's new everything. Not even the same bed. What the fuck? I turn around and go sit back on couch. Mia unlatches and coos.

Trenton comes and grabs her then says he's fixing to get the girls ready for a movie night in the living room. That's my cue to leave.

"Okay" I say

I give the girls loves and then head out the door. Tears streaming down my face as my heart is in my throat.

I walk to the truck and hop in. It Tristen isn't in the truck.

I loom around and don't see him.

Where the hell did he go?

Suddenly he jumps in the truck and we leave.

"Where were you?" I ask

"Oh, I had to pee and thought I smelt something but it's clear." He says

"Fuck! I forgot about the threat! My babies! Will they be safe?!" I ask

"Yes, I have patrol on the property where your babies are. Nothing will happen to them Bex." He says

I calm down a little.

"So, are you ready to go through a portal?" He ask smiling

"Yes! I'm scars though!" I say

We stop a little outside of town at an old barn that's been abandoned. The house burnt down years ago.

We drive behind the barn and start headed towards the tree line. He starts speeding up and I get nervous.

"What are you doing?!" I scream and then bam

"You can open your eyes now." He says

I slowly open my eye and we're in a town.

"Wow! Is this where you live?" I ask

It's a lot of shops and restaurants. I see a huge house about a mile away.

"Yeah, it can be your home too. You and your babies." He says and smiles

I can't speak. My babies would love this!

We are pulling up to the huge house and my mouth falls open.

Tristen reach's over and pushes my chin up and laughs.

"Wow! This place is huge! Is this like y'all's courthouse or something?" I ask

"Something like that. It's our pack house. Most of the pack leaders live here. I have a floor and my beta and gamma have rooms here. But I do t stay here unless we have meetings that are early. I let most of the newly mated members stay here until they have their homes built." He say

"That's awesome! So, am I staying here?" I ask

"I thought we'd stay here tonight and then our house tomorrow night, if that's okay with you?" He asks

"Oh, Umm, you don't have to keep saying our. Yes, that will be okay. What do I need to expect meeting everyone?" I ask

"Everyone will love you." He beams

"I will introduce you tonight at supper. We're having a pack gathering for your arrival." He says

Im nervous. What if they don't like me?

"Oo-okay, I did t bring anything g fancy to wear. Just jeans and T-shirts." I say

" I had a shopper go and get you things you'd need once we first met. So you have everything here you'll need." He says

"Why? How did you know my sizes? And again, why?" I ask

"Normally, when werewolves es find their mates, they mate and mark each other that night. With humans it's different but I wanted to be prepared just in case you did come." He says

"Okay…" I say

We park in the garage with all the other nice vehicles. These people must do well in business. because the price tag for some of these vehicles would be worth more than my life. Geez.

Two men and a female meet us as we're getting out of the truck. I don't know what to do so I just wave and say hello.

"Bex, the is my Beta, Tommy & his mate Tabby. This is my Gamma Jake." Tristen introduces

"Hello, I'm Bex" I say

"It's so great to finally meet you!" Tabby says running to hug me

I hug her back shocked. She is so nice!

"It's not to meet you too!" I say

"Now that you're here maybe Aloha will calm down a little." Jake says and Tommy chuckles.

"Let's hope so. He was giving me anxiety. And there's nothing worse than an anxious witch." Tabby says while laughing

"Knock it off now." Tristen says

"I think it's cute. They obviously care about your well being." I say

"How are your children?" Tabby asks

"Tristen told us you have three beautiful little girls." She says

"They are great. Thank you for asking" I say

I miss them terribly I can't say that though. I don't want everyone here knowing I'm going through a terrible divorce.

What will everyone think of my divorce and the fact I have three children? Will they think I'm not Tristens mate?

"Jake, can you make sure the bag gets to our floor? I'm sure Bex needs to rest a minute and we need to get ready for supper." Tristen asks

"Yes, Alpha" Jake says smiling

"Okay, smartass." He says laughing

I guess there's a joke I don't understand.

We enter through an elevator in the garage. Tristen hits a button and we go straight to his floor. Wow. This is so nice.

We step out of the elevator into the foyer. I just stood there. I didn't want to move because it's so nice and clean. I feet like I might get something dirty if I move. My kids would wreck this place in two minutes flat.

"You like it?" Tristen asks

"Yeah, it's amazing but I'm a read I'm going to break something or get something dirty." I say and laugh nervously

"Don't feel that way. Everything g here is replaceable except you. This is your floor also. It's not just mine." He says as he walks to me and grabs my hands.

I feel the sparks and a sudden need to get closer to him. I look in his honey brown eyes and just melt. It feels like forever since I've looked in his eyes. I just smile. He's definitely handsome.

"So, I guess we need to get ready." I say remembering that we're going to supper for me to meet the pack.

"Yes, I'll show you our closet and you can pick what you want to wear tonight. It is formal only because it's a gathering to meet their new Luna." He says

"Okay.." I say nervously

I wonder how they would react to my babies.

"Should I be worried about people knowing about my children and soon to be ex husband?" I blurt out

It's been eating at me so I need to know.

"No, not at all. They are aware you are Human and we're married to a human and have human children." He says laughing a bit

"If you and the children were to move here, the children would be treated and respected S if they were my own. Because that's how I will treat them. They will be my children too." He says

Oh, shit. My heart is pounding and I feel things are moving too fast. But I just jump forward and kiss him. It took him and me by surprise but he quickly recovered and started kissing me back. I pulled away to breathe and he smiled so big.

"I'm sorry. I really don't know what came over me!" I say

I'm so confused

"Don't apologize. I quiet enjoyed it. But it's the bond. The mate bond grows the more we're around each other." He says

"Follow me." He says

We leave the foyer and walk through the living area towards a hall way. We head to the last door and he opens. In the middle is a huge bed. This must be the Alaskan king size bed I've heard of. It's huge. It has a beautiful and unique head board along with four bed posts. There is fabric hanging from the top like it would wrap around and close off the bed for privacy.

The floors are black with white swirls. There is a very white rug under the bed that goes very well with the room. Oh, my babies would love this. I wonder how they are doing?

"It's beautiful" I tell him

"Thanks. Come check out the closet." He says while walking to French doors.

He opens it and ohhh. It's like the closet off the princess diaries. His side has suits, shoes, ties, watches & shades.

My side is decked out also. So many clothes and accessories. Don't get me started on the shoes.

"What should I wear?" I ask him shyly

" Also, are you sure everything will fit? I mean, I'm not small by no means. I've had three kids and my body proof of it." I say getting self conscious

"Everything will fit you perfectly and show off that beautiful body of yours. Real men love curves." He says and I blush hard

"I'll grab you an outfit and lay it on the bed. If you go to the other set of French doors, it's the bathroom. Get a bath and I'll start getting ready also." He says

I nod and head to the other set of doors. Lordy! This bathroom is huge too! I see a huge jacuzzi tub on one side and a very large shower area. There are two rain heads in the shower with other gadgets lower.

I see there is already amenities set out for me. I start the water and add some oil. It smells of honey. I get in and soak in the luxury for a bit. Once I'm don't I get out and grab a big fluffy towel to wrap myself in.

My clothes are waiting on the bed. Oh, shit. He'll see my in just a towel. Well, technically he's already saw me naked before.

I open the French doors and try to walk to the bed quickly and grab the clothes.

"Damn mama." he says while walking over to me.

He grabs my waist and pulls me to him. I make sure to hold the towel tighter.

"You smell appetizing." He says as he puts his face in my neck

"Oh, ummm, thank you?" I say

"I was coming to get my clothes." I say nervously

He moves and shows me the outfit.

"Do you like it?" He asks

"I love it! It's so beautiful!" I say looking at the beautiful gown

I run my hand across it and smile big

It's red with silver lace. It looks form fitting with a sweet heart neck line.

I notice a strapless bra and matching panties set out also. It's a black and red set. It's very VS. looks like something model wear.

"So, can you go in the closet and shit the doors so I can get dressed?" I ask him

He chuckles and goes towards the closet.

I start putting on the bra and panties. I walk to the full length mirror and look at myself. It's been a long time since I've worn something sexy. I see beauty in my different sized body. It gave me my beautiful babies. I am insecure about my looks sometimes but my babies are worth it an so much more.

I walk back to the bed and grab the gown. I put it on but can't reach all the way to get the zipper up.

I walk over to the closet and open the door and see him standing there in a matching outfit. His tie matches my dress. He is so damn handsome.

"You okay?" He asks concerned

"Oh, yea, can you zip me up?" I ask

I turn around so he can zip the zipper. Once he's done I walk over to the matching shoes and slip them on. Wait. Hold up. Are these read BOTTOMS??

A girl could get used to this. My inner self is giddy as can be right now.

I walk to the mirror to get a look at myself. Whoa.

Who is this woman? I am speechless.

"You look… you look radiant m, my mate." He says

"Thank you. I feel like a different woman. You've done so much for me already and I feel so ungrateful." I say

"It's nothing. If I have the means, I'll always spoil you and your children." He says

"That's so kind. I wonder how my babies are doing? Should I message him and ask?" I say

"You should. They are your babies also." He says

So I send Trenton a message to check on the kids.

He says they are fine and have had baths getting ready for bed.

I told him to tell them mommy loves them big big and misses them tons.

"Shall we?" Tristen asks

"We shall." I say grabbing his arm

I feel like a princess. I hope I'm not over dressed.

We get in the elevator and he presses a but Lyon and we start moving. Once it opens we're at the opening of a ballroom type of room. It's had several long tables filled with people. There is a table up on stage that I see Tabby, Tommy and Jake sitting at. I guess that where Tristen sits also.

As we walk in, I'm glad Tristen chose my outfit. Everyone looks at us and are staring. I get nervous and tightly grab Tristen's arm. We slowly make our way to the table on stage. He pulls out a chair for me and once I'm seated he then sits. Chivalry isn't dead after all.

Music starts and waiters and waitresses one out to serve drinks. I have a merlot in a very fancy glass. It's definitely not my dollar tree wine glasses. Haha.

Tristen stands up to make a toast. He taps the glass with a knife like in the movies.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming to our gathering tonight. As most of you know, I have found my mate, your Luna." He says and everyone erupts in cheers.

"I don't want to put her on the spot but she's is the gorgeous lady in ted that is seated beside me." I'm blushing so damn hard

"Everyone please help me welcome our Luna, Bex." He says and claps along with everyone.

He takes his seat and I grab his hand nervously.

I lean into his ear and whisper.

"I'm so nervous! What if they hate me?!" I ask

"They will love you. Relax and enjoy the evening." He says

The meal was excellent. They served duck with red sauce. It's was absolutely amazing.

Tristen grabs my hand once we're done and leads me to a room outside of the dinning hall. Apparently, it's an actual ballroom off the side of the dinning room.

Music starts and he grabs my hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asks

"You may." I say nervously

Everyone else starts to join in.

I'm in the middle of being twirled when I swear I see Tara. What?! I stop abruptly and look through the crowd.

"What's wrong?" Tristen asks his eyes turning red rust

"I swear I saw Tara." I say

"I'm going to go look." I say and walk towards the area I saw her.

There she is sitting at a table towards the back huge pregnant and all.

"What the fuck?" I say