
my opened diary ❤️

Tracy_pearl · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


My name is Nhimot, just know that; I don't want you to my full name 'cause I preferred to be called Nhimot. I'm from a small village in osun state, Nigeria. I no longer have a father, so I am an half orphan. my father died the same year my immediate elder brother kicked the bucket, shortly a month after 😥 two disasters right? only people who have lost their loved ones will understand the pain. A week after the tragedy, I gained admission into my desired university. It was a bittersweet experience for me, I was laughing and crying at the same time,'cause I wish my brother and father get to celebrate my achievement. However, life goes on.

Through the grace of God, I paid my school fees,hostel and all other necessities through a scholarship scheme then proceed to joining my mates in school, our seniors guided us through the dos and donts in the school, then they organized different orientations and seminars to orientate us with parties to make us familiarize ourselves . I participated in many of the competitions held like relay race between faculties and departments, volleyball competition, quiz and spelling bee and many more to make me involve and get to know people. I am a gentle jovial soul. What I am saying is that,as gentle as I am, I also have a jovial personality, I relate well with most of my classmates by the time the competition was called to an end. as time goes on, university lecturers called for teachers strike because government refuse to pay their salary. The great ASUU strike 😥 which we're still battling till this moment, where I have to go back home. school is a safe haven for me, so I would be lying if I say I am happy with the strike. I hate vacations and public holidays so much if it'll require me to go back home. Not that I'm being maltreated or abused but because of the workload and stress.

it's just too much 🤧, working like a horse isn't my specialty. Then the gentle me really have to adapt and cope with the harsh world so I won't be lost along the line.

I am not from a rich background if that's what you're thinking about nor is my momma rich. But she's the best I could ever ask for, so let's go back to the gist. Momma has a small grocery store she runs, initially, that's not what she does before, she sells medicinal herbs with roots with other things like local gin,meat and ponmo sauce and other things. She stopped selling because of depression that God is unfair to her, she treats and heal people but when her own child is sick, she was unable to save his life. You know it's a tragedy.so she started the business in hope to clear her mind off the disaster. But damn, to be frank, it's not easy to start a provision store, where you're feeding older ones or providing for another mouth, the provision store isn't enough to provide for our daily needs, so after wasting a lot of money on provision store for it to end up being empty at the later run. this served as a wake up call for my mom so we went back into selling what we're well known of.

Lest I forget, we owe alot of debt like alot, still finding means of paying back bit by bits. The debts we owe in total is #360000 that we're to pay to people. it's not easy man and we haven't gotten our foot back in the former business , so when I tell you I am working my ass off, I mean it. By the end of the October month we're supposed to pay #300000 debt, we've accumulated #100000 so pathetic right? yes I know but we still smile and laugh like nothing is wrong. But I actually don't wanna talk about my family problems right now. Let's talk about me!!!!