
My One And Only Hero

XxKaraxX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The start of a miracle

It's November 7th 2034 the chilling wind passing by. I can feel the wind lifting me up as I stand at the edge of the bridge. Waiting to jump. I can hear the screams and cries of people telling me not to jump. Saying "don't jump it will get better" and "Life is precious don't give it up". There is one problem with those words. It's all fake and you hear everyone saying it. As I stood on the edge of the bridge I could feel my tears freeze up. But I couldn't think about it anymore once I took that step I could forget about my pain. I could be happy and free. I looked down and took the step that I was afraid to take, but then I felt a warm embrace. Then I heard a male voice, he said "please don't jump I know how you feel, I'll be your friend just please don't jump". Just hearing those words made me cry even more. I have never had a real friend who care this much for me. And to think it was a stranger who was telling me this. He went out of his way to save a sad depressive girl like me. I looked up to see a man his 20s with brown hair and glowing blue eyes he had a dark red hoodie on. I felt as if I had seen him somewhere. He helped me over fence and then gave me a card. I looked at the card and it had a phone number on it. I went to say thanks you but before I could finish my sentence he was gone. When I was walking back to my apartment I couldn't help but think about where I saw him. Then it finally hit me he is the famous singer named Shawn jing. Someone famous saved me but why?