
Ch. 7



"Like I could ever forget that!! It was good sex I'd emit it, but I know it's not mine!!"

"Please gentlemen. No need to shout. We still have patients here trying to get rest." The doctor said.


"You wanna go there!!!" Josh got up ready to fight back. The doctor stepped in between the two who were ready to throw some fist. "It's the same shit all over again, you know that. Just like after the movie. You just couldn't help but be in a center of attention."

"SAYS THE ONE SHOWING OFF HIS DICK!!" Chris said. "'Oh look an Omega, I bet she'll like some D'!!"

"Do I have to call security?! For God's sake he's with child!" The doctor said but his words weren't getting through to them.

"You know what, yeah, she love that D. She loved it so much that I give it to her like it was God's gift." Josh said bluntly.

"I can't believe that I threw myself to you. Your nothing but an asshole. God I'm an idiot."

"Threw yourself?! I haven't even got any since I took you in! And that's the only reason why I took you in. To get some!!"

"Oh what a shock." Chris said sarcastically. "Don't flattered yourself too much. I was using you so I could get a place to sleep. Guess we both did what we could to get what we want."

"Well I'm glad that we won't be seeing each other for a long time."

"What are you talking about!! I'll get a lawyer and get you to pay child support for the rest of your life because this child is yours!!"

"Well thank God it ain't!! Because it's not mine!! And if your too stupid to think it through your head, I had a vasectomy five years ago!!"

The room went silent. The doctor was shocked as Chris was. The doctor stepped back a little and felt awkward to be in the room. Chris wasn't sure what to make of the feeling he's having. Relief or shocked.

"What?" Chris said. "But we've.... what?"

Josh calmed down a bit. "I had my sperm stored so when the time is right to get married and start a family, nothing gets in the way of my reputation."

"Reputation?!" Chris became angry. "Fucking Alphas. Always thinking about themselves and only themselves."

"As a matter of fact, it's true. To be honest, I'd only dated you for social purposes. Your father is a well known Alpha and your his son. You were my ticket to an even higher society. But that didn't turn out so well now did it." He walked closer to Chris only to have the doctor to step in front of him. "Your father abandoned you and all fortune that was supposed to be yours is gone. What use do I have with a beta, oh sorry, a pregnant beta with nothing."


"It's a good thing I had that vasectomy. I mean, how else am I going to protect my banks." Josh grinned.

"BASTARD!!!!" Chris punch Josh hard enough to leave mark on his right cheek. Josh was going to reply with a fist too but the doctor pushed him back and called for security. Chris couldn't believe what position he's in now. And what Josh said kept repeating in his head. His father abandoned him and what was supposed to be his is gone.

"You should relax. Nothing has harmed the child but you should still take it easy." The doctor said.

I'm so lost. What should I do. I can't do this alone. I can't. I have nothing. Nothing at all.

"Doctor. Can you do me a favor." Chris said with saddness in his heart. "Help me get rid of it." The doctor dropped his pen that he was writing with. Tears fell from Chris's face. "You heard him. I have nothing. I'm a beta with nothing. I can't support the child let alone take care of it. It won't even make it to birth. Please....." More tears came down from his face. Chris became desperate. "I'm begging you...please."

"My boy, I know your going through a hard time but your not in the right mind to ask such a thing."


"I can't–"

"Please!!" Chris hold his coat. Begging him. "I can't. I can't." Chris couldn't finish his words. Chris cried his heart out. He was in agony. The doctor place his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"Then let me die." Chris slowly drown on the floor with agony. The doctor kneel down and softly lift him up.

"I'm sorry. I can't let you do that either." Chris tears didn't stop falling from his face. "How about I take you to a place." Chris slowly looked up at the doctor. "A place where anyone can start a new. A safe place. It was my home when I grew up. And where my grandparents grew up. It's a nice place."

Chris pushed back. "I don't know you. Why you telling me this. I didn't ask for your help."

"No. But you certainly do need the help. And seeing as you are being suicidal, I recommend a location of healing."

"And what if I tell you no." Chris said.

"Doctor's orders. And I won't take no for an answer." The doctor got Chris to his feet. "Thrust me. It's a nice place. A nice place to raise a child."

"But...I don't have a place to stay or money." Chris said with concern.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll lend you my grandparents home."

"But I can't–"

"And I'll give you a job their. Theirs a small flower shop and a need of a hire. You can do well as a cashier or even take care of flowers."

"Doctor look I–"

"Trust me. A new start. It's all I'm asking. A chance. I could tell you've been through a lot and a need of a friend. Please. Take this opportunity. This could be a chance you can't miss out on."

Chris thought about it and nodded. "What kind of place is it?"

"It's a small village out in the country. People their are friendly and everybody knows everybody. Beautiful in the spring. Hot in the summer. But just as beautiful. My daughter lives their. She's a pre-school teacher. Your gonna love her. Oh and my sister. She runs a convenient store. The kids love going their to buy snacks. Oh and the Mayor." The doctor kept going on about the people he knew in the village. I didn't mind. Even though it got really annoying.

A new beginning. I think I do need something like that. But something has been bothering me. If Josh isn't the father, I wonder who is? I've decided to push that out of my mind. I couldn't think about that now. Not yet at least.