
My Not So Romantic CEO

You think I am the damsel in distress, sorry to burst your bubble but I am the CEO and from now on you are "MY SLAVE". She was the most famous ,beautiful ,sexy and ruthless CEO. She looks like an angel but actually she is a devil. She purchased him from a black market and she always like to toy with him but at the same time show him his place. He was a handsome guy who was a narcissist first. He was also a CEO but due to some conspiracy he went bankrupt and her own Ex-girlfriend sold him to the black market.Then he met the nightmare of his life. She was doing all the things because of her own reasons. She believes in hatred and not in love as for her " Hatred is a fire that empowers humans to reach their destination. " Meet Jia kapoor, who is not anything like a fragile woman. People always feared her presence. Some wants to stay away from her but some wants to make her theirs and claim her. Who will win at end and what's the reason for her hatred and revenge. Will she ever find love in her revenge game ?

DJ_96 · Fantasia
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23 Chs

Trip Down To The Memory Lane

I was just going to attend the meeting for my new product but I heard some staff talking about this black market auction thing .After hearing about the auction,I got the idea to stop the nagging of my parents for getting me married . I will first go there and see what I can get ,but little did I know that I will see my classmate there in a prison with the handcuffs, but I am liking this view, he has no shirt on ,and his six packs can be seen and his handsome face that I remember which he always brag about in school time, but one thing is sure I still hate this guy. Then I come back to my senses and heard the hearing of 50000 but I raise the bidding amount to 5 lakh. I just want to see his reaction after seeing me. He asked me do he know me . Huh talk about narcissism he can win 1st rank on that. The look on his face sure tell me he is thinking that may be he have broken my heart in previous years may be. This guy can sure be delusional. I stare at him, like seriously you are not some male lead from any manga dude. I told him about me being the CEO of the Black Swan,which for sure he has heard of.

Back in the school days I like to be kind, humorous and optimistic about everything, but after that incident I don't even believe on my own Shadow.

Back in those days this guy like to be surrounded by girls and off course like to be the centre of attention. I first saw this guy when I was in 1st class. We were in same class , I don't like his looks, even one bit at that time also.

But for some reasons, girls of my class don't know why but were going gaga over him ,like seriously. All he was doing was trying to be funny, in which I don't find any sense at all.He always think that each and every girl like his face, money and definitely have a crush on him. He always like to brag about how rich his family is and how much money he spend. I don't know why but I think at that time also I can buy his parents company easily, but I was not like this guy at all ,I don't like to be the centre of attention for some reason.

He always think that I of all people have a crush on this dimwit guy, like hell I will be so dumb . I still remember that time when he opened his trash like mouth and said "I know you also love me but I can't go out with you because you are not my type at all ". At that moment I so much wanted to punch his face but I stopped my self as I know if I punch him now his handsome face which he is so proud of will only be left with bruises and right now I just want to focus on my studies. I just reply to him just by saying " even if you were reborn 1000 of times, my hatred for you will remain constant and also, trash like you is also not my type , you are just a trash can for me".

At that time his face just dropped like someone has slapped so hard across his face , after being so much humiliated he left in a hurry without saying anything but all the class started laughing with tears in their eyes.

I still remember when someone was just confessing that he like me, may be his name was Raj. I just curtly replied "why" he ask what "why JIA" I ask again"why you like me? " Just when he was about to open his mouth , I knew what he was going to say and before him I started to speak "I know my nature right ?" He just asked " how do you know. I was going to reply the same thing " and I started to laugh and said because all of you only have this line to say to a girl.Even though you don't even know much about her, I am tired of the likes of you can you please leave ,I need to study and then go out with my best friend " . He just replied "you can sometimes be so funny ,please think about my confession alright . I will take my leave now. " Finally some peace at last. All this drama was being watched by that Varun and I saw him and asked "enjoyed what you saw" he replied "gosh you can be so cold sometimes, but I know you want to make me jealous right Darling".

I just want to punch this hateful guy seriously, right now I am literally stopping my hands to punch across his face. I replied simply by saying that

" now now Varun sweetheart, this world does not revolve around you and nor do I.So just go back to your girl squad and leave me alone ".

After that he just leave quietly without making any scene, and I went out with my best friend Sonia who is in different section from me, we went to the play ground.There were so many ups and downs in my life just because of that one incident I loath everyone around me." Mam we have arrived back to the main house" I open my eyes again ,coming out from my memory lane. I saw the guy who is now my slave standing around the windows and looking down at me from up there. Poor guy don't even know that his adventurous life is just about to begin, and I know he have lots of question like why, how and why he. I will answer them but after I am satisfied, and we have to wait till that time comes .

But I will assure him of one thing that I will be the one who will make him show the heaven but I will also be the one who will throw him into the deepest abyss. I look up at the building windows and smile at him and he for some reason is frightened and I am liking the frightened looks of his face . "Oh my slave your master is beginning to love this , and that scared look on your face I can get use to it " . I started walking towards the main house building, and also taken out the contract that is waiting for his signature. I am starting to love this feeling, and now we will see how your narcissism will kill you day by day "Sweet heart". Hahaha I begin to laugh. We will have to see what your future holds for you.