
My Not So Romantic CEO

You think I am the damsel in distress, sorry to burst your bubble but I am the CEO and from now on you are "MY SLAVE". She was the most famous ,beautiful ,sexy and ruthless CEO. She looks like an angel but actually she is a devil. She purchased him from a black market and she always like to toy with him but at the same time show him his place. He was a handsome guy who was a narcissist first. He was also a CEO but due to some conspiracy he went bankrupt and her own Ex-girlfriend sold him to the black market.Then he met the nightmare of his life. She was doing all the things because of her own reasons. She believes in hatred and not in love as for her " Hatred is a fire that empowers humans to reach their destination. " Meet Jia kapoor, who is not anything like a fragile woman. People always feared her presence. Some wants to stay away from her but some wants to make her theirs and claim her. Who will win at end and what's the reason for her hatred and revenge. Will she ever find love in her revenge game ?

DJ_96 · Fantasia
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23 Chs

The Party (Part 2)

In the car Jia started to explain their imaginative love story to Varun that how they first met and when romance started to bloom between them.

"You know it was so hard for me, to even imagine you to have a brain even in my imagination. "

She looked at Varun with a smirk on her face.

"Alright now with the love Story , on our first day we met at a conference meeting ,where we have a nice chat then after that we went for a coffee together and than we find each other compatible so we began to date then you proposed me and I said yes and that's all. "

Varun looked at her and than he opened his mouth to speak " you think this Story of yours will work. Don't you think it's too simple like their was no spark and no passion between us. "

Jia looked at him with a stern face "Do you have any better idea Einstein. You think we need passion and spark for a relationship to work. Are you like in your teens or what. Just stay quiet in the party and don't you dare to embarrass me their. "

The car take a sharp turn and Jia landed in the arms of Varun. She looked at him and they were quiet for sometime, like they were lost in each other completely. Until they heard the voice of driver.

"Miss we have arrived to the mansion. " At that moment they just move away from each other instantly. They both than quickly get off the car and started to move towards the mansion.

When Varun looked at the mansion he was shocked at the site . The mansion was very grand and so beautiful . Jia looked at his shocked reaction and than move closer to him by linking his arms with hers. " Shall we sweetheart. "

He looked at her change reaction , like how can she become sweet in just a movement, but he wants to make the full of this day , he have taken an oath that today is his day and he will make her pay. "Yes of course honey. " He move closer to her with his face just few inches away from her.

She looked at him with a angry face.

"What the hell are you trying to do. " Varun smiled at her sweetly "we have to show them that how much we love, each other right babes. Then you will get to know how much of great actor, I am today and I will make sure that you will have a unforgettable night today my love. "

He whispers slowly in her ears so that only she can hear him. Jia was shocked that how did he suddenly changed, but she accepted his challenge "we will see who will have a unforgettable night My Love. " She also whispers in his ears with a very seductive tone and Varun was shocked and just hoping that today his plans don't back fire on him.

They entered in the party and all the guests were already there , they all looked at the entrance when Jia and Varun arrived together with hand in hand.

They were all mesmerized with the couple as they were looking so great together. Than Jia started to move to her parents side , they were shocked to see her with a young man. "Jia who is this young man with you? " She looked at her father and replied very simply "just My fiance. " Her father was shocked with the revelation of this and how simple was her daughter answer , he was very furious at her at that moment and replied

" What do you mean by just my fiance.You didn't tell anything to me and you already have a fiance. who is he? what does he do , you didn't tell anything and you just brought him to our party.

I don't give my permission for this engagement.

Do you understand. " He shouted at her.

Jia with just a smirk on her face replied to him

" Now now father, I am not asking for your permission and I am just telling you about him and I don't think you should worry , about how much he earn as I am qualify enough , that we both can have a good life together and I think you were never interested in my life before , like what I do and what I have been through so why now. You both should just be carefree like you were in the past. " She stated this to her parents and they can't argue on that , as they have always ignored her from her childhood. She is what she is today because of her hardwork only.

Varun was only standing their only looking at her and how she is taking his side and defending him.

He was lost in her totally at that time.

"Oh congratulations Mr. Kapoor and Mrs. Kapoor. "

All the attention at that time shift to the voice.

They all looked at the person who was coming with a bouquet in his hands with a women at his side. Then Mr. Kapoor recognized him "Mr.Sha and Mrs.Sha how are you, it's so good to see you both."

He shook his hands and thanks him for the beautiful bouquet.Then Mr. Sha looked at the beautiful girl who was standing besides Mr. Kapoor "and who is this lovely lady. "

"She is my daughter Jia, who is now the CEO " , replied Mr. Kapoor. The man looked at her with a idea in his mind "I think I found my future daughter in law, she is perfect for our son. " Jia looked at the man with WTF looks in her eyes . Mr.Kapoor was so happy at that moment "I also think that your son suits my daughter the most. Not like some road side guy." When he said this, he looked at Varun with a smug on his face. "I think you should meet him Jia, he is perfect for you and you both will be best suited with each other, he is coming in a minute Only. " Jia looked at the man babbling and with a annoyed look replied "Mr. Shah I didn't knew, you do matchmaking in your free time, and also I don't think you can't see me with my date already, as for your son if you want him married so badly find someone of his reach and don't drag me in all this, as I am very busy unlike you. " They all were shocked at her reply. "Perfect, you are just perfect for him only you can set him straight and only you can make him a nice person. "

Jia was filled with rage at that time "Hey Mr.Shah do you have a brain problem or you are having some sort of hearing problems ,as I just told you that I am not interested in your son and also I am not an angel that can make your son a good person. I don't have magic powers nor I have free time to waste on the likes of you and your son. "

Varun started to laugh on her reply, as he thought that he was the only prey of her venomous tounge.

Then all the gaze fix to him then he control his laughter and then he just started again to enjoy the drama which was going on.

"Jia control yourself, did I teach you to behave like this. " said Mrs. Kapoor. " Mother believe me what you and father taught me can ruin the atmosphere, here to the worst. Believe me I have not even started to insult their block head son. "

"Did someone said something about me. "

All the gazes fixed to the main door and than Mr. Shah excitely replied "He is my son , we were all waiting for you. Son I have found a perfect match for you. She is Jia , daughter of Mr. Kapoor. "

Jia was shocked to see the man who was standing in front of her . "Oh we know each other, very well father and I am happy to give this relationship a try . " He looked at her shocked reaction and stretch his hand for a handshake "To our future Jia. " Jia started to speak "What the hell are you doing here Jay. "