
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Time and space manipulation

I walked to exam room while remembering that man's words, "As long you pass your information will be recorded in Akasha something something and you will be able to access more information..."

Walking into exam hall I saw a vast room full of double seated desks with more than enough distance between them, 'It roughly has to be one meter between each of them, it is enough to prevent seeing others papers and to allow move freely between them.'

Walking towards the end of the room where most of the free desks were, 'This room is supposedly to be a classroom I guess"

The classroom was full of pressure, it was full of silence that there wasn't a single sound except for my footsteps, 'This silence is getting me a bit nervous.'

Once I reached the end of the classroom I sat down and out down my bag near me and just as I looked at the paper on the desk, a small little bell rang from the front.

Teacher stood up and didn't even shout but just calmly said, "exam... starts, turn over your papers, you all have 20 minutes. If you finish early come up to me and give your papers."

I turned around paper and looked at questions, 'What the...' I read all the questions again and nodded to myself, 'Kindergarten level it is.'

'How can you even fail answering questions like {What's the tree holding up the Akademiya}, I literally just came here, how can you not know it.' I sighed while finishing my paper and standing up, 'I didn't even need two minutes to finish it. Is this the power of reading books all my life?'

I walked up to the teacher and gave her my exam paper, "Finished." She didn't say anything but took my exam paper and briefly looked at it, "Well done, Fuji Miko, you will be accepted soon after the exam will end. Later go to administration to get the dorm keys."

I walked away she looked at me, 'Fuji Miko... He completed almost fast as the Alhaitham eight years ago... I should report this to higher ups to put them together.' she turned around and said, "Five minutes left, get ready to turn in your papers."

Walking outside of classroom I sat down, "Damn, that was easy as hell." I looked around at the empty hall except for few people walking around, "I should go for a walk..."

Standing up I looked around and went in random direction to explore Akademiya from inside, "Yeah, I should make my second skill."

I opened skill creation menu and I saw a new button which wasn't there before, or I just don't recall seeing it, "Random skill creation, creates a skill purely based on random."

[5th skill slot opens once 4 skills are owned]

[6th skill slot opens as you reach total of 300% proficiency from skills]

"Nothing bad will come from it, right? I have three free skill slots right now, so..." I pressed on random skill creation and after few seconds a new window appeared without description, "Just a name of it? Return by... death?"

"I guess it is just a useless thing, should I gamble a bit?" I thought a bit and yelled, 'Whatever, random gambling, GO!'

[Esper: Electromaster level 4 (Level 6)] [Mastery: 72%]

[A power to capable of generating and manipulating electricity. Power is adjusted to current world, as well the mastery of it.]

[Exclusive ability: Railgun]

"I already have such high mastery? So that's the upside of using random skill creation." I saw a library and went into it, 'If I will use electricity then I will have to get fake vision to make it look like I got it.'

"House of Daena...? What a strange name." I walked into library looking around just to see huge room with tall book mountains at the sides and with small ones at the center, while surroundings were full of tables

I laughed to myself a bit, "I expected it to be more... scientific? I expected like moving out of walls bookshelves or flying assistants who can help you find a book you wish."

At some tables were left many random books from previous readers making myself sigh from this place. I walked further to one of the big bookshelves and looked at the books there, "I see few books I read once, but most of them are unread by me. Seems I will have to read them all, this will take a long time"

I looked around around all library, "By my intuition here should be over five thousand books at very least." I grabbed the most first book my hand could, and went to sit near the table, "Time Trekker, sounds interesting."

I opened the book and began to read it slowly. After a while I finished it and fell back while supporting my back against the chair, "Even if this a novel, it makes me feel uneasy, I have a feeling as if it is true story. Well, it was until I read the last part of the story, it is not bad story."

 I close and looked at the book, "Palais Mermonia under sea, as well red sky. Damn why do I like books about time travel and stuff, it makes me wanna do that too."

I continued complaining to myself and returned book to its original place, "Wait... I have time and space manipulation after all, why can't I?"

I thought a bit and restrained myself, "Not yet, I have to get dorm keys and go to dorm at least and attend classes..."

I stood there near the bookshelf for a while and grinned, "But~"

I turned around and sat back down near table, "Whatever, let's go time travel, who gives a damn about classes"

"Since I grew older, I instinctively somehow got knowledge how to use it after reading books so..." I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly air from my lungs

When I spoke a words that no one could distinguish except for me, "Time and space manipulation: Time travel, 11 years forwards." Around me everything became black and white, everything stopped, even time itself except for me.

A large golden clock appeared before me, it started slowly turning itself clockwise, it began to speed up and turning that fast, that even I couldn't see it until it stopped and space before me broke.

But... something unexpected happened...