
My Ninja System War Love Revenge

This story is about the struggle of a 17 year old boy named Kevin, who is a part of a world of ruthless ninjas, where the weak had no right to live, always grew up with loneliness. At the age of 17, Kevin headed towards the gallows. Because he didn't have any ninja powers. But that day a mysterious incident happened which changed the entire Ninja society and a new sun rose in Kevin's life, when the Ninja System was installed in his body. What happened that day? What is the secret of Ninja system? Who is Kevin? What happened to his parents? Read this amazing story full of action and adventure Ninja System war love revenge.

Mister_legend01 · Fantasia
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25 Chs

first Income

Kevin, who had fallen asleep while standing near the door, the sun had risen but despite this there was not much light there due to the fog. Red and everyone else were now awake. The owner of the house who was an old man told everyone about what happened last night. They all are shocked to know that Kevin alone defeated the Prince and brought them all here safely and Took care of him the whole night."

"I don't have the file that Commander Vivek gave us. Do any of you have that file?" Maya asked everyone.

"But you still had that file, you should remember who you gave it to," said Red.

Maya asked everyone one by one but no one had that file and finally everyone went to Kevin who was sleeping near the door with his head on the door handle. First Red patted Kevin's face and then he Started waking up.

"Aha you all are awake" Kevin said waking up from his sleep.

Everyone already knew that Kevin had saved their lives but it was not easy for them to accept this because Kevin was the weakest link in that team. Red was smiling, he had seen such a feat of Kevin before also.

"Kevin do you remember that black file the commander gave me? Do you have it?" Maya asked.

"I don't have that file but there is no need to worry. Last night I was not able to sleep, so I took that file to its right place. There is a palace of Emperor Vishwajeet at some distance from here. When I went there, he They welcomed me very well, although at first they were attacking me, but when I took the name of Commander Vivek, they stopped the attack and I gave them the file," said Kevin.

"So it means that you alone have completed our mission, it is good but do you know about the prince who attacked us, has he run away" Maya asked.

While I was fighting him a black portal opened and he went inside the portal but before leaving he threatened me that he will return very soon so we should be ready for the next attack" Kevin replied and Started looking towards Red.

"Why are you looking at me like a hungry person looks at food? Do you want to ask me something?" Red said mockingly.

"Nothing, glad to see you're okay" Kevin said.

Now we should go back, the mission is complete, Maya Commander Vivek must have told you the portal codes" Red said.

"These portals are coded..?" Kevin asked.

"It's amazing that you don't know about the portal code" Maya said teasingly.

"Kevin, let me tell you, we all ninja use a special type of teleportal to move from one place to another and to open each portal, a special code and ninja technique is required. Ninja techniques are learned by all. But the portal code is given only to a few people. The portal code to go to the place where we are and from there the portal code to return to our original place has been told by Commander Vivek to Maya, because Maya is our team leader.

While Red was explaining the portal code to Kevin, Maya used her ninja technique and opened a white portal using the portal code and said, "Now let's go home and do the rest."

And one by one everyone jumped into the portal. And the portal closed back.

It was evening time at the military exercise site in Water Kingdom where Commander Vivek is in charge. Maya and everyone else were standing in front of him. Vivek was very happy because they all completed their first mission very well. Although the mission was not that difficult but it was the first time for him too. There was a time when Vivek gave a reward to everyone before sending them on a new mission.

Commander Vivek said, Maya Vicky Akash, the score has been credited in your card, and Red is yours too, only our Kevin is left. Saying this, Commander Vivek got up from his place and went to Kevin. He placed his hand on Kevin's shoulder and congratulated him. . Because Kevin had completed the first mission.

Commander Vivek gave a gold card to Kevin and said, "There is 1 lakh coins inside it. First of all, go get new clothes for yourself, your clothes are torn, after that your new mission will start tomorrow morning, so come back on time."

Kevin was very happy to see that card. He did not even expect that he would get such a reward after completing the mission. This was the first time for Kevin. He did not have any bank account or card and today he also got the card. And along with the payment, Kevin thought that if he completes the remaining missions very well, he will get even more rewards and he will become rich very quickly. Kevin was not wrong in thinking like this because till now he has spent his entire childhood in poverty and hardships.

Everyone was given equal reward, this was the specialty of this Cobra team. With this everyone went back. Kevin does not understand what he should do with this money. Kevin takes it with him from Raid. There was a very big shop in the city where different types of costumes and clothes for ninja are available and also All the ninja weapons like Ninja Star, Blood Cutter, Sword, Bow, Special Shoes, Armor etc. all had a high price and till date Kevin could not buy even one of these items.

Red and Kevin went shopping together. Red bought only a red coat for himself and also picked out nice clothes for Kevin. Kevin was now looking like a commando but there was still some flaw which was spoiling Kevin's look. Red was thinking again and again what else would suit Kevin, then Red saw a special type of court. But its price was double the total amount that Kevin had. My friend Kevin also liked that coat very much. Then Red also used his card for Kevin.

"There was no need for you to do that. Even if we don't buy this coat, it won't make a difference," Kevin said.

"How come my friend liked something and didn't get it? Is this possible? And secondly, Kevin, you saved my life, this is nothing" Red said smiling.

And Kevin was made to wear a coat, that coat was knee-length and its color was sky blue and on the back side there was a picture of a ninja standing with a sword.

After doing their shopping, everyone together again appeared before Commander Vivek. Giving information about the mission

Next chapter - The Prophecy and the Dark Doom organization, the plot against Kevin.

What will happen next?

Is Kevin's luck about to change?

What will be their next mission?

Who are the members of dark doom?

What is Bhavishwani?

Who is Shorya?

And is Arbaaz Dewan alive?

Where did Kevin come from and who created the Ninja System?

Keep reading to know the action ped story with explosive entry on ninja system love war Revenge.