
My Ninja System War Love Revenge

This story is about the struggle of a 17 year old boy named Kevin, who is a part of a world of ruthless ninjas, where the weak had no right to live, always grew up with loneliness. At the age of 17, Kevin headed towards the gallows. Because he didn't have any ninja powers. But that day a mysterious incident happened which changed the entire Ninja society and a new sun rose in Kevin's life, when the Ninja System was installed in his body. What happened that day? What is the secret of Ninja system? Who is Kevin? What happened to his parents? Read this amazing story full of action and adventure Ninja System war love revenge.

Mister_legend01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Another Planet & High Level Beast

What happened Red, how are you silent and what are you thinking?" Maya asked seeing Red standing silent.

"It was because of Kevin that the last mission was completed. He saved all our lives. Had it not been for him, we all would have been dead. And despite that, what could be the reason for Commander Vivek stopping Kevin from coming on the mission?" . Red said seriously.

"We don't even have the answer to this question, we ourselves are surprised why Vivek stopped Kevin, he is a good fighter" Maya said.

And also Vicky and Akash also agreed with Maya, everyone wanted Kevin to stay with them but could not refuse the commander's order.

"Okay, I will ask Commander Vivek the reason for this when I go back, but for now we should focus on the mission. We do not need to go inside, just monitor it from outside. There are four corners of the museum," Maya said while consoling everyone. "

On Maya's request, Vicky, Akash and Red all went to different corners and started standing and keeping an eye in front of them. Maya was also ready.

Everyone was in position and keeping an eye all around. Akash and Vicky were finding this mission very boring and nonsense because there were no houses anywhere near there. If there was something then only the forest, now the animals from the forest will not attack the museum, Akash said to himself.

And as soon as he said this, there was a huge explosion, but no fire came out of that explosion, rather the entire museum became a heap of mud. Everyone was astonished to see this sight. Till some time ago, there was a big tall building behind them and suddenly due to the explosion it became a heap of mud.

And all four of them did not move even an inch from their place and someone destroyed the museum in front of their eyes.

Through the dark red portal, Kevin reached an unknown planet.

Kevin was surprised to see the sight in front of him, the color of the ground there was blue, dark blue and it was very hard, the color of the sky was also normal but the thing that surprised Vinay were two red moons which were visible at one place. As if the two red eyes of a demon were staring at Kevin.

"Which country is this and what type is it and why are there two moons here and why is the land here so strange? Only darkness and silence are visible from far and wide. There is neither any house nor any building here. Vivek told me. That they are sending me to a small village where a level 6 beast is troubling the farmers and I have to kill that beast but it seems like a different world. Did Commander Vivek make a mistake in opening the portal? And accidentally sent me to another world" Kevin was talking to himself as he took a good look at the world.

Suddenly Kevin remembered something that gave him goosebumps.

Shit shit shit, Commander Vivek didn't even tell me the portal code, now how will I go back, what world is this?" Kevin shouted.

System voice robotics,"System informs the user that the user is currently on an unknown planet. Planet 91, which appears to be in Red Planet John, is a planet that has not been fully explored."

"What a joke, a different planet," Kevin said irritably.

Kevin started moving forward and started inspecting the place thoroughly. Kevin could not see anything far and wide. Kevin was walking continuously and then the system alerted Kevin and said.

systen voice robotics"Alert Danger Level 5 High Star Beast Black Owl".

Hearing this word from the system, Kevin stopped at one place and started looking around carefully. Kevin could not see anyone around, there was only silence, and then suddenly without any sound, there was an attack on Kevin's back due to which Kevin was thrown away. When he looked back, he saw a big-sized owl, which looked like a monster.

That black owl was twice the size of the cabin, its appearance was like that of a normal human but its eyes and teeth looked like those of a wolf, it is a blood-sucking beast.

The owl once again attacked Kevin and this time attacked his face with its claws which caused scratches on Kevin's face. Kevin was continuously trying to avoid its attack. Kevin put both his hands forward and said Wind Knife Activated.

Both of Kevin's hands started glowing with energy and Kevin started throwing sharp knives which are air energy knives. Kevin could throw 10 knives at a time. He was continuously throwing knives but that owl was avoiding his every blow. He was flying very high but there was no sound due to his flying. He would always go behind Kevin and try to attack him from behind and was also successful in it. By now he had hurt Kevin a lot. Was" .

"This creature is very agile, I haven't been able to land even a single attack on it yet and it has hurt me so much, my HP is continuously decreasing.

Kevin was worried, he did not understand how to fight this owl, then Kevin remembered that some time ago the system had given him a beast animal. Kevin said to the system, "I want to summon the White Wolf Beast into the system."

A hologram screen appeared in front of Kevin's eyes on which he started seeing the picture of White Wolf and options. Kevin clicked on the teleport option due to which a white light started emanating from his body and when it disappeared, in front of Kevin's eyes two heads of similar size and shape appeared.A elephant White Wolf was visible.

Looking at Kevin, who was looking extremely ferocious and terrifying, he bowed his head and said, "Give orders, boss."

"Exterminate this disgusting creature". Kevin said, dodging the owl's attack.

Kevin was looking into the eyes of the white wolf with great expectation and the white wolf started to ambush the owl which was flying at a very high height. The owl once again took aim and started moving towards Kevin at a fast pace and he Even before he could attack Kevin.

The white wolf jumped high, seeing which Kevin was shocked and after jumping 20 feet high, he attacked the owl's neck with his jaws and caught hold of the owl's neck and brought it to the ground.

To be continue...?

how dificult to manage over life

Mister_legend01creators' thoughts