
The World of....


That's what on the screen written, so I'm going to a world that I have no idea how it work and only base to few clips and pictures from Youtube, Google and Facebook post. Not only that but it's the supposed anime I'm going to watch before I died. How ironic is that huh? I will really living my life in this world with help of my wishes I will live cosy without a problem of being penniless.

"Okay, now that we know what world your going to, let's review your wishes just in case. First [INSTANT LEARNING] with a benefit of photographic memory to store/process everything you learn. Then you have [WOLVERINE'S CUSTOMIZE BODY] with a benefit of Adamantium skeleton with a weight difference is all depends your new body, non magnetic, non conducting for electricity and finally super durable even high temperature cannot be melted like the original Wolverine's and it has minor universal energy reserves. Then the [LANGUAGE COMPREHENSION] and the [BAG OF INFINITE STORAGE] in exchange for the memories of your family and friends that has a gamer like function, changing of weight, shape and size with other functions you write on. And lastly the [ABILITY SHEET- CREATION] for having an ability to create anything from common to uncommon, rare, epic, masterwork, legendary and artifact/relic. With the knowledge and techniques how to make them, the ingredients, materials and alternative ingredients and materials. The blueprints and recipes and the knowledge of upgrading, customizing, modifying, and destroying your creation and technology/weapons on the world your going to reincarnated etc." Mr. Grim said a little fast, but it's okay I wanna go now too.

"Now that's out of the way, get ready because you will feel a little pain for the memory in...ten seconds so good luck and have a good second chance in life." He said and he returned to his work and before I say something I feel a sudden pain on my head so much that any other pain I felt and then I suddenly blackout nothing but darkness. And I thought I have ten seconds but...Here we go again!

While Mr. Grim was signing some papers and a few minutes later after his latest "client" disappeared he stop and it's like he's trying to remember something. Something very important or something like that, but he can remember quite well and after another minute he finally remember.

"Did I mention to him how will he be entering his new life? Well can't bring him back anyway. It is also another random pick too, just pray your not going to be a girl or put into a girl's body kid and if I do? Well sorry,I guess?" He said and then put another ball to a roulette and let it bouncing around and get back to work while saying. "*sigh* I really need some vacation. This job is killing me, even I can't die." While the ball is finally slowing down and stop.

A ping sound got the attention of the reaper and he look at the holoscreen and make him frown and sigh.

"Seriously? A follow-up of the last two restrictions? When the soul was sends to his new life and this happen? either some of the higher ups had finally stop being lazing around or there's a newly promoted reaper? Anyway doesn't matter. Better send a message to that reincarnator before he stars raging on like the others." The reaper said and he start typing something and he gets back to work.


I can feel my head throbbing like Woody from that cartoon show Woody Wood Pecker show, rapidly pecking my head and then slammed with a wooden hammer as for the finale.

Anyway I after my head trying to kill me and reduce to migraine, I slowly open my eyes blinking the blurry vision. I see a sky blue ceiling with some fancy chandelier and some voices like they're arguing something and other noise, I turn my head to the right and I see people huddling up altogether and scared mothers hug their also scared kids, elderly people trying to make themselves as small as possible while some women and men glaring.

I don't know why but it looks like from one of those bank heist from some action movies I watch back then. I turn head to the left and saw five people, they're looks like late teens and early twenties and two of them are the ones who is arguing I don't know what are they arguing about and one of them is a short girl and the other is a tall young man and you know what's wierd? This people wearing some weird clothes and other things that strap on them, heck! There's one who wears two oxygen tanks small size and easy to carry.

Anyway let's go and sit up while I get my bearings back. Sitting up slowly rubbing my head to ward off the headache the two people arguing had stop and turn towards me and the other three follow. Seeing me the girl walks towards me and while I'm check my surroundings I finally see I'm inside a bank! After assessing my situation and connecting the dots this is a robbery and those five people are the robbers!

'Okay! Calm down.....me? Why can't I remember my name?....oh, right I died and then meet a grim reaper, get five wishes, exchange my memories for the [BAG OF INFINITE STORAGE] and then I get...transmigrated on MY HERO ACADEMIA and now I wake up in the middle of a robbery and body snatch one of the robbers.' I thought and then look down checking myself that I have a weird clothes or should I say armor. 'Yep, I'm one of this robbers alright. Ok, I need to calm down and why are my hands looks wierd? There looks like paw hands?...oh look the girl is now near me and looks like she's going to say something to me let's listen to her so I can know what is my situation.

"LEO! Are you alright? You got yourself a nasty hit there. Can you still move alright?" She asked me ok I need play this carefully I don't know who she is and the others better play the amnesia card.

"Ah, um. Who are you people and what is going on?" I asked and make the girl frown while the others look with different expressions. "And why is my head hurts? Why are those people huddling up over there? What's going?and more importantly my name's Leo?" Then I look at my hand? The girl looks like was going to answer but was cut off.

"Oh great! Just perfect! The heist is not just a perfect disaster and the heroes and police are just outside waiting for the right time to sping up on us! And Leo had just to get acting crazy right now! And all of us will going to prison! JUST GREAT!?" Shouted by a guy whose having a Beatle horn on his head which is releasing sparks of electricity and having black leather jacket with ironplates on front and sleeves have been ripped off for his claws that run up to his shoulder and ripped jeans also with plates and spike knee cup as for his feet it looks like three hooked feet and the finishing touches his face looks like pincher from pokemon.

"Oh boy, we're really in more trouble if we stayed here long. I say we run through the back of the bank make our exit split up and rendezvous to..." said by another guy who have snail head completely with a shell on it and normal human body he wears a copper full body suit with copper colored duster knuckles and gear like armor on shoulder, wrist, elbow and knees and look at the hostages and lower his voice for us to hear only. "Dangoba Beach is more or less secluded that no heroes or police will look. So what do you guys say?"

"We can't the whole block is surrounded by the heroes and police and if we do that we will have to fight are way out. We can't just requested a get away car by exchanging these hostages and if we do get the car the heroes will be on pursuit and it's just a matter of time until we will get caught." Said by another woman who looks like ghost her skin and hair is white as a snow and her clothes was like a ripped robe with a black belt on her waist with some pouches and did I mention she's floating she's wearing a white creepy mask that I think it has blood splash pattern? And the mouth piece was stitched while she was talking. "And besides Leo over there seems like has just got an amnesia and that blow on his head and follow up with that maxpower from the handheld taser is quite nasty too. Also he looks lost at what's going on."

"Leo, do you know who we are? Do you know the last thing you remember?" asked the girl in front of me. She wears a red and yellow skin tight body suit that shows her curves and she has smoke like scarf like Luffy's bounce man form and wrist mounted blades? And she wears a phantom mask with a crescent moon on the left side and waist length aqua blue hair. Before I can say something the guy she was arguing speaks up.

"Why do you even care about this guy? He will just become a burdened to us! Insted of worrying him we should have worrying ourselves because we need to get out of here and fast! Before those heroes attack us! He's useless to us now anyways so why bother?!" Shouted by a guy with rusted short hair his wearing an orange goggles over his eyes and he wears a orange and brown jumpsuit with green knee high combat boots and gauntlet with a hose that connects to the two oxygen tanks on his back.

Before the girl shout back to the guy one of the windows suddenly shuttered and a guy a tall, sturdily-built man with a very muscular physique. He has short crimson hair which he wears spiked up around his head and sharp turquoise eyes. His beard and mustache appear to be made of fire.

His hero costume is comprised of a tight, navy turquoise bodysuit with lines of flames streaming across his chest, upper torso, arms, and most prominently his shoulders. He uses his flames as a makeshift mask around his eyes, and the tall boots he wears appear to be either made of fire themselves or constantly left alight, as only their soles and laces are visible around the flames. He sports white bracers on his lower arms, styled in a cage pattern, and a blue belt with a pouch attached on either side. It was none other than the Top 2 rank hero, The Flame Hero: Endeavor.

"Alright, you villain scums either you all surrender or not? Doesn't matter even if you try to escape. Because I will hunt you down." Endeavor said with his right fist on fire and with his cold and merciless tone on his voice like we're all nothing but pest.

'Ah man, it's not even an hour I'm been in this world and I was already in trouble? Come on world is this how you welcome transmigrator or reincarnator? can this get any worst?' I thought and suddenly a holoscreen appeared in front of me.

[Dear, "Client".

I'm here to apologize that apparently there's a follow-up restrictions from the higher ups. I think you jinx yourself earlier when you ask about the last two restrictions, it might be there are some higher up who's not lazy at all! So I'm not going to beat around the bushes so here it goes.] Damn it! All my rotten luck! That just like kick to my balls! I thought the higher ups are lazy and now there's some of them are not and then they filled up the last two restrictions? *sigh* you know what? It's fine, let see what are the two last restrictions are. [Forth: When you are equipping the weapon you created they will only give you the techniques that are compatible to them and not the fighting styles.] Okay, looks like having to many styles and techniques in one weapon can be on th OP list. [Finally Fifth: You cannot give any kind of weapons you created to anyone even there are your family and friends, unless they're your offspring who have your blood running down on their veins.] Yeah that's acceptable too, I'm not just going to hand my creation over to someone who can backstab me with my own creation.

But first I need to get out on this situation and I just hope my amnesia card will not put me on jail or not get burn by this Endeavor guy first and then going to jail. But if how about this guys? The blade girl seems knew me and the guy she arguing with and the beatle guy seem not, I don't know about snail guy and the creepy ghost like girl. Let's see what happen first, I need to get out of here or I can just go and cooperated with the police and maybe I can get enough information about this new body of mine's identity.