
The Fabric Hero who also my Easiest Fight.

[Author's note: I just shut up and read.]

"So villain are you willing to surrender or do I have to use force? Because if you do refuse I will not holding back!" Best Jeanist exclaimed at me making the strings/fabrics(?) Tightening to make his point that his serious.

Ok, ok I been given a chance to surrender. So I shouldn't waste this chance lets hope his not different from the anime/manga. I take deep breath through the nose and open my mouth ready to speak and....


I sneeze and because of this my body had acting on impulse and unconsciously flexed and the strings/fabrics has snapped and after that I and Best Jeanist are silent and just staring at each other. we don't know what's going on each other thinking right now.

"So, you choose to resist villain? Well I will use all my power to stop you! So you can't hurt innocent people anymore!?" He shouted and the strings/fabrics once more wrap around me again and this time it's tighter than before specially around my neck!

What the heck with this guy?! He didn't even let me to say that it's an accident! That I didn't mean to snaps his strings/fabrics and now he's trying to strangling me to make me unconscious?

Huh, maybe if I let him do that! This way I can go to the police station without fighting so I can get that information about me! Okay lets do that. I need to relax my body and my universal energy to stop resisting the strings/fabrics around my body specially my neck even it's uncomfortable but this will do so I close my eyes and waiting for the sweet darkness to take me.

I don't know how many minutes have past? But I'm still conscious and actually I'm breathing normally right now. What gives? My body is relax and the UE (Universal Energy) has stop spreading to my body already. So what's the matter? I know I should be pass out right now but...wait minute!

I open my eyes and look down. My body it's...actually looks normal, but it's still have does strings/fabrics like try to dig to my skin but it can't. So I look at Best Jeanist and it looks like he's struggling for something, so I try to ask him if is everything is okay.

"Umm, everything ok there? You looks like you're having stomach ache or constipated or something?" He looks at me with a shock expression on his face that I can still talk straight with his strings/fabrics around my neck that so thigh that should make a normal person unconscious right about now.

But me? Nothing I'm still standing and asking him if his ok and wondering to myself too that why am I not unconscious right now. Or maybe because I'm not a normal person? Ugh, who am I kidding! Of course I'm not normal! I've been transmigrate to a world that I thought is just a fiction. That is by the way is like a Marvel universe! Minus the criticism that's just reverse!

That where the ones that didn't get a power is seen at as a freak, disabled, or whatever! I have a paws looking hands! I'm assuming that I don't look human right now...well not the normal kind of my old world. Anyways this is getting too long! He said his going to use everything he got on me! But the only thing he's doing right now is trying to lock my feet together. (Because the only thing I'm wearing right now is my miraculously surviving pants right now.)

"How? How can you still conscious?! Every strings on your body especially your neck! Cutting off your air to make you unconscious! So how are you still look fine I'm using my specially made fabric!" He exclaimed or is it demanding? I don't know I'm not good at reading people's emotions, so I just answer him.

"I don't know too man, I'm just letting my body to relax and letting you to...strangle...me? Okay! Just so you know I don't know what I was but I am telling you right now! That I am not a masochist!? Because, I'll honestly? I don't know who I am, what I am and where I am. But I am repeating myself to you...I.AM.NOT.A.MASOCHIST!?" I shouted to him and because of this the strings/fabrics once again snapped this time. I don't know why and how?

But I don't care! Because I don't want people misunderstood me when I say I let this guy to strangle me. I don't know about you? But I am not letting that happen. I have enough embarrassment from my past life.

"I don't know what are you talking about being masochist. But how can you not be suffocated by me trying to make you pass out and it's no use to lie it's really obvious that your strong. You even match Endeavour on straight on close combat and beat him! Then your saying you don't know of who you are and what you are? Ha! Don't make me laugh I'm not born just yesterday! If this is away for YOU to trick me? It will never work on me villain!" He said with more vigor to take me down.

Is this guy serious? I just said to him that...uuuuuggghhhh.Why do I even bother again? Oh, right the information about me *sigh* you know what! Just forget it I'll just beat this guy fast and just sit down then let the heroes and police to do their thing.

"Ok, I try to be nice and telling you the truth and then your calling me a liar. Looks like the only thing that your kind can understand is a beat down on that tick skull of yours." I said with annoyance lacing my voice and punch my right fist to my left hand producing a little shockwave shattering a nearby window or because the place is still a mess with my and Endeavor exchange earlier.

Speaking of the flame hero? I look down to where I left him and saw that he's not there anymore. I try to look for him because I'm pretty sure that manage to knock him out. But where I look didn't see him, so where is he? With my action Jeanist was generous enough to tell me.

"If your looking for Endeavor I'm sad to say that he is not here anymore. I have evacuate him with the help of my sidekicks and the rest of the here people too. So it's no use for you to take advantage of using them has a bargain chip or a human shield against me!" He said to me and not giving me a chance to think of how considerate of him.

He use his strings to wrap on some debris around us and then tossed it on me. While the things his throwing at me was easy to dodge. But his also try to get to my movements disrupted because I'm only wearing pants right now. Making them lock together or make to trip me by moving the pant's legs go in wrong direction.

"You know I can just surrender to you right? Your not like that Endeavor guy so-" I try to tell him I'm willing to surrender but.... it looks like his misunderstood me right now. You wanna know why? I just let him speak so you can see why.

"If you think I will be easily be fooled with your suppose 'surrendering' like a rookie hero. That's because your not the only villain who try to fake their surrendering and the only way to prove you really are surrendering is to make you incapacitate or make you pass out." He said and of course he is right, about the faking thing not the beating you up to unconsciousness."I maybe not stong or having a quirk like Endeavor. But I'm still a HERO! And I will show you why I'm a number 4 in the top 10 ranking heroes! That I am the Fiber Hero: Best Jeanist and I am the one heroes that the people need!"

With that said he use his strings more with not just the debris and car parts. But also restraining my movements more, heck! He even try to engage close combat with me and continue throw me off by the things he can throw at me or make my movements restrict. His motives are admirable and all, but he just said the only way for him (and me) is that he beat me to unconsciousness or restrained me more.

And I'm not a fan of pain either and surrendering myself will not even make stop and believe me anyway. He must have experience it when he was just a rookie and doesn't like to make the same mistake and be trick again. So the only option for me is... *sigh* fight again. So after dodging the fiber hero's fist by sidestepping to my left and then grab said limb with my right hand to stop him from retreating and left elbow swing to the right side of his face.

Then left backhand making him spin a moment and follow-up a spatan kick to his back make him fly a few feet. I hope I didn't break his spine and then I notice some few strings making everything around me to slow down. With this happening I reach out and grab a handful of it and turn to the flying hero in slowmo. An idea pop in my mind and I kinda like to do it, so I do it.

Time resume again and the tensions on the strings in hand. I pull the fiber hero back to me by pulling him and then I kick him like a soccer ball and repeat it for a few kicks and punches. I can't believe how strong this new body of mine and with the Adamantium skeleton it really makes my punches and kicks dangerous and this is workout the use of UE! I don't what to use it on this guy.

That will be just overkill and this guy just doing his job and I don't plan to be a hero or villain. I just want to live to the fullest with this new life of mine! I planning to be a craftsman, cheft, inventor, pharmacists or something to use my new abilities specially the CREATION ability!

But because of all of this it might not happen and I might be force to be a hero or villain. I should stop now Best Jeanist seems has pass out now, after one more pull and caught the pass out hero... oh I should stop spacing out for the future if this happen again, with some rips here and there and some bruises that's start forming I put him down gently it's the only thing I can do for this guy.

So... Anyways I look around again and the market place looks like not a market anymore. Because everything is like the front of the bank where I and Endeavor fight, I m just glad this place has less fire everywhere. But there's still fire though but the good thing is no more fire right?

'*sigh* ok, what now? Should I just-' my thought was interrupted again because of a sound that I can't recognise. But the feeling from earlier when Endeavor's attacks was coming to me? Just came back and making to me to... duck? Meh, ok this thing does lead me to dodge every attacks that throws on me anyway.

Besides this is the only thing that I can trust right now since I came on this world. I shouldn't doubt it, but I shouldn't always relying on it to. I will just use it as a crutch for now and after this I'll try to think of what I should do next. I could just go with the flow or make my own path, but I will just like those Gary Stues and Mary Sues that will follow the cannon or not and take everything that the main characters have.

Eh, you know what? I will just go with the original plan I have before I get in this world. Live the life I want and make sure I avoid every main characters in this world I can't become a casualty when shit hits the fan! Yeah? Anyway I should duck now thought. Afer ducking I jump away then stood straight up and waiting for the dust clouds to get cleared.

After a few moments of silents the dust has finally clearing up and showing the person who try to sneak attack on me and I was greeted by a....