
The ....What am I? Vs The Fire Berserker


That's The only thought I can think of while I'm staring at the raging flames that are coming towards me and in its path everything burns. Fear consumes me and my feet are rooted to the ground. I'm thinking that I will die again even though I've just been in this world for a few minutes and not even get started a new life yet.

Now I need to fight for my new life and I'm willing to surrender. But in his state right now? Yeah I don't think he's going to stop anytime now though. The only way to make this stop is let myself get beat up by an berserking hero or fight until I get to knock him out and then use NIGERUNDAYO and stay low profile until this HEAT to go away.(A/N: totally pun intended =p)

Anyway I'm getting sidetrack here again. So I'm staring at the raging whirling flames and I'm cold feet right now and by the looks of it, the surroundings are either melting or have been sucked in by the spinning flames. Anyways I need to do something or I'll be a roasted person right this instant. Although I didn't know what I looked like, until I found a mirror or something, I saw my paw hands(?) Earlier which means I don't look normal at all, maybe after this fight I'll check.

While my mind Is on overdrive to think of how I can get out of this situation. I suddenly felt cold at the same time, hot sometimes both at my chest, I don't know what is happening to me. But then I remembered, I'm a freaking transmigrator! I have a power on this new body of mine (and yes I said mine because it's true this body is mine now…. I sounded like a demon or a restless spirit/ghost or any kind of bad element who possesses people.) and that is an energy and its not only just any energy it's a universal energy!

So, without any seconds to waste. I put all my attention and focus on the source of what I feel and spread it to my whole body and I feel like burning and freezing, but I just ignore it and for what I learn for every fiction story that I read.

Those who had magic or something like that, (A/N: Harry Potter and other fictions of it.) I had to put my imagination and intent to it. I started to think of something to protect me from these flames and a way to blow it off. A certain two shows and game appeared in my mind and I proceeded to watch it in action!

I take a deep breath with the help of the adrenaline from the punch I throw before and the universal energy I release a mighty shout (A/N: FUS RO DAH! Or SHISHI HOKODAN!) in front of the flames and debris while some bigger ones are still sailing towards me but that's okay I just cross my arms that now is black and hold my position!

When that attack stopped I had this feeling that I should do something dramatic soooo....who am I to not do it? I took a deep breath again and I uncross my arms and raised my head and shouted that sounds like a roar? Why does it sound like a roar? Hm, another clue of what I am.

I feel like I look awesome. Maybe I will check the news on TV later, but first I have to knock some berserk hero first. I focused on Endeavor and I didn't let him recover from his previous attack. I rushed towards him and threw a right hook and then left hook! I continued for a few minutes like this and didn't give him time to regain his composure.

Then when I finish throwing a left punch I take a breath, but it was a mistake for my end because after I stop I get punched by a flaming fist and send me a few feet. I felt my face sting and a little hot, I got up on my feet massaging my face to get the stinging away.

Looking at Endeavor he was still conscious and breathing hard and still had his face that said 'You're going down. SIX FEET UNDERGROUND!?' (A/N: It rhymes! hahahaha!) I don't like to say that looks could kill, because I'm in a world with people who had super powers right now!

After a minute he rushed at me with flames blasting from behind him and moving fast, so I'm still high in adrenaline. I too rushed at him! When we meet we trade punches and I sometimes dodging, parrying, and blocking. I distance myself from him and continue dodging his punches, when he is nearing me I jump and I raise my leg then bring down an axe kick to his head!

But he saw my attack and ducked to my left. I saw him charging a flame javelin from his right hand and grabbing it then throwing it to my left side. I bring my left arm to block and bring my knees to my chest, so when I get hit I was blown away with a searing hot compact spear and did some rolling then stood up when I felt my feet touch the ground and make me stop.

I look up because I felt an attack coming at me and block with my arms creating a skid marks on the ground and push upward then I grab Endeavor's arms then I rear my head and headbutted him to the face! Making him stumble back then follow-up with a spartan kick to his chest and I saw the opportunity to do one of the signature moves of Gado from Bloody Roar fighting game.

I lean down a bit, left shoulder facing him then a right uppercut to his chin and make him fly away up for five or six meters? I don't know I just guess. Anyway, he then started to fall head first, but I brought my right arm to my left side then I back handed him right to the middle of the spine!

He flew a few meters away. It gave me time to breathe and recover. I don't know how I am doing this. I just try to copy every move from movies to anime and games. I looked at my hands and I saw them still black I don't know if it's because I tank Endeavor's attacks or if it's the energy inside of me.

Maybe it's the latter, anyway I better check Endeavor if his really is knocked out or not. It's not good if he's still in a berserk mode, this is so-*Boom!* I look at where Endeavor is and I see the man himself covered by his own fire and he looks really furious right now.

"PROMINENCE!?" He shouted and...oh look his charging up that looks like his finisher...WHAT AM I DOING STANDING HERE!? I SHOULD STOP HIM RIGHT NOW!? Without realizing I'm doing a stupid decision right now, but it's to late already his almost finish charging up the only way I can do is redirect his attack somewhere else! "BURN!?"

But I'm too late Endeavor launches a massive, concentrated beam of fire from his body that is vaporizing everything in its way. Windows had been shattered, buildings had some cracks and started to get on fire, the road had melted and the abandoned cars exploded! But the beam is still coming to me. I hope the universal energy will protect me from this!

I cross my arms and willing the energy in me flowing around not just my arms but my whole body. When Endeavor's attack hits me I feel the worst burning heat I ever experience in my life! Not just that! I have been sent flying away from where I am standing, I don't know how long I've been in that state, but it feels like hours!

After the sensation of burning I felt falling down and a second I crash and rolling till my back hit something that stop me from rolling around. Coughing out a bit and thinking how in the multiverses I'm still alive? I choose to not question it, I taste something metallic...letting the dizziness to go away for a moment, oh yeah, I have Adamantium skeleton and universal energy. I standing up slowly using whatever wall I stop on, after the dizziness and ringing in my ears had stop. I look around and it looks like I'm in the middle of a marketplace, people around are looking at me, some are anxious and worried, some are curious and some are scared.

Before I or the people around try to do something. A kid shouts and points at something shining, falling bright white light.

"Mommy! Look it's a shooting star!"

Everyone looks at the kid's pointing at and...huh? It really looks like a shooting star and people around look in awe and some pull out their cellphones to take pictures or record a video of it. What's wrong with these people? If you see something unnatural you should try to get away from it after you see someone crash and fall. NOT take pictures and videos of it! And deciding to run and hide your life is more important than some petty pictures and videos to post for your social media accounts! Jeez the thing is approaching fast!?

"Uh, shouldn't we get away from here right now?" Random teenager 1 asks his friends. Finally someone with a brain and common sense! Thank the Multiverses there are some people are not stupid as I thought.

"Nah, man I think it's harmless to us, it must be another new hero on a patrol and they're doing it a flashy way." Random teenager 2 said with a waving dismissive hand while the other holding a cellphone and their other last three random friends nodded agreeing with him.

"Hmm, okay. I guess you're right." RT-1(Random Teenager) said and he pulled out his own cell phone too and started to record too. It leaves me astounded at the stupidity of these people who choose to risk their lives to take pictures and videos instead of running away for their safety.

Before I could say more about the stupidity of these people the so called 'shooting star' had finally landed and crashed to the road, finally making the people snapped out and finally decided to run away because the temperature instantly increased and Endeavor is shouting all kinds of profanity out loud scaring them all.

"What?! Why is Endeavor acting like this?"

"I don't know if some villains injured him and then escaped from him or something is wrong!"

"Wait, a moment ago something just landed in here right?" Ouch, they forgot me already? I'm just in here with a giant beam of fire, you people should see that right? I look at the wall I crash to and it's a small clothing shop and...*sigh* you know what? I just give up and don't give a damn about this and try to stop Endeavor from his berserk rampaging.

I look down at myself and I see my chest armor has melted already and I don't feel any pain. I'll just ignore that for now. I hope this does not hurt, I grab the collar part of my armor and rip it like a band-aid and surprisingly it ain't hurting.

Thank the multiverse it did not and also my pants are A-OK too it must be fireproof or something. If it's not I will be naked right now, and it will be so embarrassing and with these people who have their cellphones out? I rather die than live with my naked pictures on the internet and news.

"Oh yeah! There's someone who landed here and it should be over...." Some random man said and turned to my direction and the other people followed and saw me with my armor in hand and then I dropped it on the ground with only a black pants. It must be because of what I look like or something, when they finally process what kind of information entering their brain they shouted in unison. "VILLAIN!?" And that makes them run away.

"And they just realized that now? *sigh* whatever I have more important problem than this idiotic people right now." I said to myself and look at Endeavor who's currently flying towards me! "Well, looks like round two it is." With that I assume a boxing stance, because this is the only stance I know of.