
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


"YOU PATHETIC IDIOT!" my boss yelled at me since this was the sixteenth time I failed to deliver my work which satisfied him "THIS STORY IS ALSO A PIECE OF SHIT, IT'S BEEN A WHOLE MONTH AND THIS IS WHAT YOU COME UP WITH?" he yelled and I could do nothing but sit there and take it "Your stories are nothing but pathetic little pieces of papers, you haven't delivered something worth my time in all the time you've been working here, look at Harvey, he's been delivering good stories left and right while you have just been sending me this toilet paper, I might as well use these as toilet paper since that's all they'll be good for." he said

Harvey, of course, the boss would compare me to him, Harvey is the number one story writer in our department and he's always been giving stories that the boss always approve of and the people also love his stories while mine are lower than average, everyone that's read my stories have also decided that they are the worst thing to read in the world while Harvey's are praised like the sun itself

"Boss, just give me another chance, I swear I can give you a good one that you'll like." I begged

the boss shook his head "No, no more second chances, your stories are terrible and not worth anyone's time, sorry to say this but you're fired Steven, clean out your office." he said and I looked down but didn't bother to argue and just left

While walking to my office I could hear my fellow coworkers talking about how they were glad I was finally leaving and how I was stupid for thinking that I could make it as a story writer but what hurt most was the fact that a woman whose name is Betty was also joining in on the insults, she was a beautiful woman and I was thinking of asking her out but to see her also making fun of me, it just crushed my spirit even more so I silently walked into my office and cleaned it out of everything that was mine and then I took my leave and didn't bother looking back.

I entered my apartment and just dropped my box on the ground then I walked over and just laid on my couch "This is it, this was my last chance to get paid for food and rent but now, I'm flat broke and the landlord is coming tomorrow to throw me out for good, I'm done." I said to myself then I reached over and took a photo of my daughter and stared at it

I wasn't always this pathetic, back then I had a wife and daughter and we were the happiest family but then I found out she cheated on me and she told me that she found out she could do so much better than such a pathetic man like me and chose to file for divorce, she took the house, my money, and my only child, I haven't seen her ever since but I guess it's better if she wasn't here with her pathetic father, she'll have a better life wherever she is while I'll be thrown on the streets come tomorrow

I sighed and put the photo back then I heard something being slid and looked back at the door to see that a note had been slid under it so I stood up and picked it up then I opened my door and looked to see if I could spot the person who gave me this note but once I did I didn't see anyone so I closed the door and looked back at the paper then I opened it to read it

"Hello Mr. Steven, we have heard of your life and have a proposition for you, to give you the chance to change it, to become a demon lord?" I read the note out loud but the last part seemed to confuse me then I put the note down "This has to be some sort of joke, a demon lord, yeah right." I said but I couldn't help rereading the note then I sighed "But if I did have the chance then yeah, I would definitely take that chance, any life is better than my life." I said

After setting the note down on the counter in the kitchen I got myself something to eat and afterward, I went to my room and packed my stuff for tomorrow when I would be kicked out then I laid down in my bed and went to sleep

'Tomorrow's the big day, I hope I at least have enough food to last me three days, guess we'll just have to see when the day comes.' I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep

While sleeping I felt myself move but without actually moving like I was being carried somewhere but whatever was doing it made sure not to move my body at all then my body suddenly felt stronger like I could lift a mountain as if it was nothing but not only that, my body also felt different so I decided to wake up and just as I slowly opened my eyes I could see a long hallway and a staircase right in front of me, there was also a giant door sitting in the middle of two smaller doors then I heard a gasp and looked to the right of me to see a woman with white long hair and in a maid outfit

"I don't believe it." she said then she quickly ran out of the room and I sat there confused

'What was that about? and why does my head hurt so much?' I thought then I went to rub my head but when I did I saw that my hands had fingerless gloves on 'When did I own fingerless gloves?' I thought then I looked down and also noticed that my shoes and clothes have changed to some sort of black suit and I also had a cape 'What the hell is this? why did my clothes change?' I thought then I had finally decided to stand up only to have to sit back down since my head hurt so much it made me dizzy "What the hell is going on? why are my clothes different and who was that woman?" I asked myself

just then the doors and burst open and in stepped a huge group of people ranging from monsters to human-like people and they all walked to the steps in front of me and kneeled, every single one of them kneeled before me and I was both confused and shocked then one woman in a red Chinese Shaolin type of clothing walked up to me and bowed, her hair was black and in a single long ponytail that went way past her back

"My lord, welcome back, we are grateful to finally see you awaken from your three thousand-year slumber." she said

I looked over at the monsters and things gathered before me and I remembered the note from before 'Is this that note's doing? did it grant my wish to be sent here and become a demon lord?' I thought then I decided to test it so I looked back at the woman "Bring me a mirror, I wish to see if I had aged at all during my slumber." I said then a man behind the group who was wearing a large robe and had glasses on conjured up a mirror from thin air and floated it over to me

"Here you are my lord." he said then I took the mirror and looked at my face only to discover that my face, no my whole body had changed into someone else, I had two horns sticking out of my head and my hair was black and I also had tattoos on one side of my face and after I was done looking at myself I let go of the mirror and allowed it to drift back to the man

the woman stepped forward "My lord, we await your order." she said

I looked at her and then something came to me, a memory with her name and face 'What was that? well, at least it saves me from asking what her name was.' I thought then I shook my head and looked back at her "Rinako, tell me, what has happened to the world while I slept?" I said

Rinako nodded "my lord, things have changed drastically, for we are no longer in our own world." she said

I was shocked "Explain." I ordered

"Something had happened while you slept, our entire castle had moved on its own to a whole other world, we have no knowledge of where we are or what kind of world this is, none of us have left the castle to protect you while you slept." Rinako said

I looked back at the others 'is this also that notes doing? what kind of note has this kind of power to send me and others to a whole other world? no matter, right now I need to learn about this world.' I thought then I stood up and since my head no longer hurt I was able to stand perfectly "I wish to see this new world and determine if it is dangerous or not myself, take me outside." I said and all of them nodded then they moved out of the way and allowed the mage from before to step forward

"My lord, I will guide you, please follow me." he said and I did and so did Rinako, we both followed him to the doors then he opened it and once he did I saw a flash of light then there was the outside and it was also nighttime as well then the mage turned back to me "As you can see my lord, this is not our world, we have been sent somewhere completely new." he said

I walked forward a bit more and looked around to see only trees "Wherever we are, it is obvious that we have not been discovered by the people of this world or else we would have been attacked a long time ago, I want to keep it that way for as long as possible." I said then I turned back to the mage and another memory came to me of his name and face "Rothar, I want you to gather other mages and cast a spell which will conceal our castle, we can not let the people of this world find us if they are indeed hostile." I said and Rothar bowed then left and I followed shortly after with Rinako and we were back inside the castle then I went back to my chair

"The people of this world have not discovered us, we can use that to our advantage and explore everything this world has to offer, find out who or what is in charge of this world then decided what to do with them later." I said then I looked at the three maids "I want you three maidens to explore and find animals for food, write down everything you find so others know what to look for when hunting." I said and all of the maids bowed then left through the doors then I looked at everyone else "I want the rest of you to go about your business until I decide to call on you." I said and all of them bowed then left then I looked at Rinako and before I told her to leave I was given another memory of how she is my protector and number one assistant who was ordered to never leave my side unless I ordered her to "Rinako, I want you to go and check on the mages progress, report back to me everything you've seen and learned." I ordered

Rinako bowed "Yes, my lord." she said then she walked down the stairs and left the room

I sat in my chair both confused, surprised, and impressed 'I really have gone to a whole other world and became a demon lord with a whole army of different races under my control, that note wasn't lying but before I start exploring I need to know about the past of the demon I am possessing.' I thought then I stood up and walked to the door and as soon as I touched the handles I was given knowledge of how the doors worked, apparently, the doors are portals which can send us to other parts of the castle in a matter of seconds, all one needs to do is think about that place and the door will open a portal to that room and instantly send the person there as soon as they open the door so I thought about the library and the door had a faint glow and when I opened it I was at the library of the castle

'That is impressive, saves people from just walking to that room.' I thought then I made my way through the library and examined every book for the one I was looking for until I had spotted it at the back of the library and when I reached for it Rinako quickly stopped me

"My lord, what are you doing?" Rinako asked and I was a bit scared as she pulled my hand back "Have you forgotten about the seal you put on the book? whoever touches the book will be killed in an instant, even you." she said and I nodded

"It must have slipped my mind, my thanks for stopping me in time." I said and she bowed then I looked back at the book 'A seal that kills whoever touches the book? why would anyone need to do that unless there's something there others aren't meant to see.' I thought then I held my hand out in front of me 'I need to release the seal, but how do I do that? I don't know magic.' I thought then my mind was filled with the knowledge of my spells 'Thank you memory thing.' I thought then I focused the magic in my hand and touched the book "Release." I said then the spell on the book disappeared as a red circle disintegrating so I picked up the book

I turned back to Rinako "Give me the information on the mages." I said

Rinako nodded "Yes my lord, the mages have already finished creating a cloud of mist that will confuse those who come too close to our castle but it will leave us unaffected now they are moving the trees themselves to create multiple paths that will lead away from here as well." she explained

I nodded "good, now I must do some reading, my mind is still a bit hazy from my slumber, tell the others I do not wish to be disturbed unless it is an emergency." I said and Rinako bowed

"As you wish my lord." Rinako said then she left the library and I sat in a nearby chair and read up on the history of the demon I'm taking control of

Apparently, the demon I'm taking control of is very powerful and is the son of the first demon lord from their world, being bored of just rolling one world he decided to rule the whole world so he waged war on every single race, giants, elves, fairies, wizards, witches, all races were defeated by him and converted into servants, all except for human, that was the only race that was completely wiped out, after defeating every race in the world and made into servants the demon then went to the top and took on the celestials, the gods of his world were apparently very strong even to the point where he nearly lost all of his servants but using one of his most powerful spells he was able to defeat them but the result of using it caused his body to weaken so he had to regain his strength, he went to his castle and put himself into a deep sleep one to which he would awaken in the next three thousand years

"So, that's what happened before, who knew the demon I was possessing was that strong, to be able to defeat every other race in the world and make them into his servants, this demon is not one to mess with." I said to myself then I was about to read the rest of the book until another letter fell to of it and onto the floor 'What? this letter.' I thought then I picked it up and looked at it 'It looks the exact same as the letter from my home, did the same person who put the letter in my home put it here as well?' I thought then the door to the library opened and in stepped to children who wore all black and the boy had short white hair while the girl had long white hair

"My lord!" they both said as the ran inside then they stopped right before where I was seated and bowed

"What is it? I told Rinako to tell the others that I wished to not be disturbed unless it was an emergency." I said and once I looked at both of them another memory and face appeared in my mind

the female vampire lifted her head and her name was Isola "We apologize lord Azro, forgive our intrusion but the mages have requested us to inform you immediately." she said

the male vampire lifted his head as well and his name Damus "While the mages were moving the trees around they had spotted a patrol outside of the forest, it wasn't big nor were there many men but we did notice one thing that we know will interest you." he said

I raised an eyebrow "And that is?" I asked

Isola smiled widely "They were all human." she said and I could clearly see the hunger in her eyes

I stood up and set the book back on its pedestal and turned back to the vampire children "Show me these humans, if there are humans here then that would mean there is also a nearby kingdom." I said

both of them bowed "Yes my lord." both of them said then they jumped back to the door and opened it to the outside where I saw that the trees had indeed been moved around and changed to confuse others

I walked forward and looked to the sky 'I need to fly up there but I don't know the spell for it.' I thought then the knowledge of the spell entered my mind and I smirked then I summoned my staff which had a red crystal in the tip "Levitate." I said then I flew up and over the trees and got a good look at the scenery then Rothar flew to me

"Lord Arzo, are you here to also learn about the humans of this world?" Rothar asked

I looked at him "Show me the way the humans went, if they were patrolling then that would mean they would also have to go in a certain direction that would lead back to where they came from and I wish to know about the kingdoms of this world as well." I said and Rothar bowed

"As you wish my lord." Rothar said then he flew forward and I followed him until we had arrived near a kingdom and I could see it was filled with nothing but humans "Humans, how disgusting." Rothar said

I looked at him "Rothar, I like to ask, my memory is still a bit hazy from my slumber, why do you and other hate humans so much?" I asked

Rothar looked at me "It is because of you lord Arzo, you showed everyone that humans are the weakest species to ever exist, they can only wield weapons to help them improve their own weakness but it is not enough compared to people like us wizards, with a single spell we could wipe out all of these humans and none of them would be able to do a thing about it." he said and I nodded

"As much as I would enjoy watching these humans burn into nothingness, I can't allow you to do that." I said and Rothar looked at me with confusion "In our world, I exterminated the humans without a second thought but now I realize that there might be a way for me to control them and get whatever I want until I finally decide that they are worth nothing more to me and kill them all." I said

Rothar nodded "If I may ask my lord, how will you gain control of the humans? will you use a mind spell?" he asked

I shook my head "No, I would just end up gaining nothing if I simply used a mind spell, I will gain their trust and explore what kind of weaponry they have in this world." I said

"My lord, they are simply humans, they don't even know how to cast spells, I am sure that they aren't a threat to anyone-." Rothar was talking but I cut him off

"Make no mistake Rothar, they are human yes but you forget that this is a whole new world, for all we know these humans are not the same as the humans from our world, they might be able to cast spells just like you wizards or perhaps they have gotten their hands on powerful magic weapons, we must approach this situation with care or else we risk being destroyed." I said and Rothar immediately bowed before me

"I apologize for speaking out of turn, I let my own disgust for humans cloud my judgment, please forgive me lord Arzo." Rothar said

I shook my head "Lift your head Rothar, you are forgiven." I said and he did then I flew past him "For now we will head back to the castle and decide how we'll deal with the humans later, let us take care of our current problems and deal with the others later." I said and Rothar nodded then followed me back to the castle

Once we got back to the castle I had entered to see the three maidens were standing there and they bowed to me

"What is it maidens? have you found something of interest?" I asked then one of the maids who had blonde yellow hair that reached her shoulders stepped forward and a memory of her came to my mind

"My lord, we have explored the whole forest and found every animal that lives here as well and found that there are plenty to support as food for others, but there is one thing that has caught our eye that we knew we had to report back to you." Zoe said

"It seems there is much that is catching our eye in this world, tell me what you have found." I ordered

the second maid who had short red hair stepped forward "We had found out there is a small human camp stationed just outside of our forest, we would head there to destroy it ourselves but we wanted to see what you would want to do with it first." Scarlet said and I nodded but before I said a word a group of bats appeared from the shadows and hey all formed together to reveal Isola and Damus

Isola ran to me "Master, we heard about the human camp outside of the forest and we just couldn't resist coming straight to you." she said

Scarlet stepped to them "You were eavesdropping on us, you should mind your own business vampire." she said and Isola turned and glared at her

"Why should I mind my own business? I'm sure that lord Arzo doesn't mind me learning a bit more while I'm not doing my duties, besides don't you have some books to be dusting maid." Isola said then scarlet glared at her

"I am dressed as a maid at lord Arzo's wish, I am still a summoned spirit capable of killing you in one hit bloodsucker, so don't test me." Scarlet said

Isola got in her face "I like to see you try maiden, I won't even give you the chance to hit me." she said

I was going to step in between of them but then Rinako appeared out of nowhere and pushed both of them away from each other "Enough of this you two, to fight between yourselves before lord Arzo, perhaps you both wish to be destroyed for being such an annoying presence." she said and both of them immediately turned to me and kneeled

"Forgive us for acting like such fools lord Arzo." Scarlet said

"We let our hate for one another get the better of us, we beg for forgiveness." Isola said

I nodded "It is fine, you are forgiven." I said and both of them nodded then the stood back up "now to decide what to do with the humans, if we leave them be then they may discover our castle and tell others about us before I want to be discovered, we'll need to take care of them." I said then Isola stepped to me

"Allow us to take care of them my lord, it has been a long time since we had the taste of human blood and all of our reserves have run dry in the last years, we hunger for blood, lots of it." Isola said ad I looked to Damus

"Do you hunger for human blood as well Damus?" I asked

Damus nodded "I do my lord but unlike my sister, I am able to conceal my hunger so I can focus on being useful to you." he said

I nodded "Then, by all means, go and feast on the humans but do take some back for the other vampires residing here, they must also be thirsty for human blood just as much as you two are." I said and both of them nodded then they turned into a group of bats and flew out the door while I stepped to my throne and sat with Rinako at my side then I looked to Rinako "Rinako, I wish to find out more of this world, and to do that we must begin preparation for the worst should we find it, I want you to inform everyone to be cautious of the humans of this world, we still do not know if they are a threat or not." I said

Rinako bowed "Of course my lord." she said then she walked to the door and left me

'This world, this body, this power, it all feels so much different from my home, I can cast magic and I have servants who will do anything I wish, perhaps being a demon lord won't be so bad for me, at least it's much better than my past life, I could get used to this and as long as I act as a proper demon lord then no one will ever question me or know the difference, it's perfect.' I thought then I pulled out the letter I found earlier and opened it only to find some kind of ring with three star symbols on it and also a letter

'Hello Steven, we are glad to see that you have accepted the life of a demon lord and as thanks take this special magic item, we are sure that it will help you in the future, use with care.' I read the letter and looked back at the ring then I put it on and felt a huge surge of magic power

'Whoa, this ring has some serious power to it, but not only that, the letter said "we" which means that there is more than one person who gave me this life, the biggest question I have to ask though is that are they truly my friend or are they planning something bigger and I'm just puppet, I'm must stay cautious of them, no matter what.' I thought then I stood up and walked to the door