
My Navy Captain: Breaking Down Walls

Dr. Amy Micheals decides to leave the city and her successful career behind and join the Navy. She is enlisted on the Navy ship of Captain Zac Brown who will soon find, that he cannot live without Amy. They take a ride through the rough waters of the sea and the war they find themselves in. Will their love be able to survive all the obstacles they have to go through? Come and join me on their journey to true love.

Mrssmithwriter · Fantasia
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152 Chs

Engine Room


I am watching as the green dot on their radar comes closer and closer to the ship and I realized that this missile is going to hit us. I know that it will only be scraping us but it will make a lot of damage. I quickly get on the radio with the medical bay.

"Dr. Braxton standby for medical help in the engine room. Over"

Then I see the green dot right next to our ship and I say.

"Brace yourselves for impact boys"

Then the missile hit us. We all hold on to something because when the ship just tilts a little it is as if you are on rough seas. We can feel the impact of the missile and I quickly check the layout of the ship and I realize that I was right on the money. The missile has hit the engine room.