

in the white clan almost all people have a blond hair and coloured hair none of them has a dark hair but one day there was one kid with a beautiful white hair named kaizer, he got in big incident when he try to catch a lizard he got his hair all dark and he go back to his home to get washed and he get bumped with his parent. kaizer mom named liza she is a teacher at foundation academy she know so many things about history and physic and kaizer dad named kriz he good at merchant and know a little bit about magic. kaizer got scolded by kriz because of his bad attitude but liza protect kaizer by saying that kaizer is 3 years old it was normal thing all kids will do at his age. then kaizer go home with his parent and he go to take a bath but then suddenly when he tried to wash his hair he noticed that the black colour on his hair cannot vanished even he used a brushed the black colour on his hair maintan the same he got panicked and tell his mom and dad then his father asked him where did he got that blacked hair and kaizer say that he get it from the lizard he want to catch and liza go tack the history book and show kaizer a picture of the lizard and said "is this the lizard that you want to catch". kiazer see that picture for a while and he answered "yes, how do you now about that lizard mom" and liza got panicked when kriz asked she why he got panicked then she start to tell about the lizard that kaizer tried to catch she said "the lizard kaizer want to catch should be dead a long time ago because the only one monster from the dark clan that can pass the wall is that lizard and every single warrior from white clan has already kill all of that lizard that lizard has a power to curse and poison someone with it saliva and the person who get touched with lizard saliva will get side effects which is the person hair will be dark and the only way you can survive is by take a bath at dragon pool but that is impossible even our highest people at the white clan only has reached 3 layer of the demon clan it was impossible to meet a dragon". kaizer is so shocked and panicked to know that he has no time left he tried to life a happy live with his parents until the end of his life.