
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urbano
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44 Chs


AS jack walked along the street still maintaining half of his consciousness, he also talked to the evil system in the empty space in his mind, yes you heard me right," due to extreme anger jack named his system evil system, this is too dangerous jack toughed how am I suppose to do all that In a matter of time,can't you be more considerate asked while trying to put on a cute impression.

[ Disgusting the system said do that expression again and I would curse you] WTF jack tough does systems curse also, I haven't read any novel that had system like this when I first got this system it acted all nice but now it suddenly changed jack tough, but can you increase the time limit a little jack asked.

[ LIKE I said it is not of my business am not the one fucking all those pretty ladies with a big sweet juicy pussy, let me worn you I shouldn't say this but I would tell you you are not the first person to have obtained me, there have been a lot before you but since they all couldn't finish the task they all died]

[ so get you self together and stop thinking like a idiot, even a idiot would make better choice than you, so don't waste the second time of your recantation if you do you might not recanate ever again the system said with a serious voice]

all this stuck jack like a ticking bomb," all this information where just too much I guess what the System said isn't wrong, I am indeed thinking like a idiot if it is some people who got this system they could have finished some work by now, I have to work 10 times as hard jack said with looking determined as a serious expression showed on his face.

system can you lend me more HP jack said," when I fuck some more females you can just reduct it from my HP am going to get as jack waited for a reply, [ looks like the host have finally awakened good to have the determined you back]

[ HOW much HP does host require]

around 200 to 300 hundred jack said with a smile [ are you sure failure to pay it] as jack cut it shot will die, [ good to hear the host knows the punishment,"]


YES/NO jack said yes as he clench his fist, reward granted host successfully gained 300 HP what does host want to use it to obtain. open store jack said as a screen appeared at his front ,


as jack began to go through the store feeling rich at the moment, when he saw the price of most of the skills his smile faded away.

HALLUCINATIONS: effect makes the person the host use it on to do whatever he wants AMOUNT: 250 HP.

EYES MOVEMENT: host can use it to ????....???? AMOUNT:?????.....????

SHADOW BLOOD SLAVE: can be created from host blood carries out the order of the host can also stay in the host shadow but can not carries order higher than it's level can later be involved AMOUNT: 4000.

PLEASURE LIMIT: makes the female the host use it on to become sensitive during sex and can help with increasing HP AMOUNT:??????...???

CHILD SETBACK: if the host does not want the female he is fucking to be pregnant host just have to activate child set back AMOUNT: ?????....?????

as jack looked at all the options he almost chocked on his Silva, what the meaning of this [ ALL WHAT THE SYSTEM SAID IN A MUCKING VOICE,"] why are the price so high why can't I see some prices, [ CAUSE HOST HP IS TOO LOW HOST HAVE NOT REACH SOME CERTAIN LEVEL SO THE SKILLS IS MORE THAN HOST COULD HANDLE] [ WHICH SKILL WOULD HOST LIKE TO OBTAIN ?].

and you are still asking me, what is the cheapest skill in your list ?jack asked while he knew the answer, [ HALLUCINATION THE SYSTEM SAID WITH A MUCKING VOICE]. that correct I would like to get the hallucinations technic jack said while smiling bitterly.

two minutes ago I was feeling all rich but now how in the word did I went this broke jack asked himself, as if expecting a reply after a while a realization suddenly drawn on him, system if am correct you said I can sell the first blood that comes out from a virgin jack asked with a smile.

YES the system replied so how much does each virgin blood cost jack asked while smiling like a lunatic, [ each virgin blood cost 30 HP] okay that is nice insist the skill ready jack asked with a smile on his face, [ host is required to wait for a little while, you know am not a god right that makes thing to happen in a instant and am not suppose to tell you at this stage].

rewards granted, learn jack said with out waisting any time, as a white light covered him after a while his remaining consciousness came back to his body which was still observing the town, now that have obtained a skill like this, why don't I look for a female to test it on jack smiled as he walked towards a public restaurant, with his head up high.