
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Urbano
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44 Chs


"Jack who slowly opened his eyes, as the sudden ray of sunlight came in contact with his face. As jack got up slowly from the bed as he began to stretch every part of his body, "hummm," seems like they are still at sleep It won't be long till they awake.

"As jack looked at the smooth body, big ass, nice curves, and big breast, of his woman. As jack slowly moved close to rose who was the closest to him, as he kissed her on her four head, as jack prepared to take on what today awaited him. As he slowly got up from the bed.

"Which he then started doing some press-up, follow by some sit-up, push-up, and pull-up mention it all. After jack was done with his daily excise jack headed toward the bathroom, after that the sound of water splashing was heard, after a while jack came out as he sat on a chair facing a mirror.

"As jack remembered that he tired calling the system yesterday but he got no response, as he decided to tire onces again, system are you there. [ What does host requires or need, which the system said this in a low voice.] "looking like it's was about to die out of depression.

"Why do you sound so tired and weak ? "you wen't even the one that did all the work yesterday, and now you are busy facking to be weak. [Fuck I never expected host to be this dum, then where do you think those words you recited came from. o....oooo I know maybe it just came out of tin air, if I didn't intervain in time then the name jack would have long be cleared from excitent.]

[ Now do you understand how deep what I did for you yesterday, on a noms, I can't interfere with time and space bacause my level is too weak, but I didn this to save you. But is this how you thank your benefactor,] as the system said quiet angry.

"Am very sorry, dear sweet, sexy, hot system. Thank you for saving my useless life with your amazing grace, jack said in a teasing voice as the system blushed a little. [ thanks you said all that words just for me, you are making me blush] as the system said jokingly.

"After a while jack and his system stopped joking as they came down into serious issues. [ Jack you must have noticed I sound quiet weak and I don't have much time left,] "as jack immediately cut his system words short, so what you are saying is that you are going to die soon.

[ Wait so you want me dead so soon, "That is not what I meant, at least let me explain first.] As jack sat down in a comfortable position, because he knew that his system was about to give him a motivation speech, which would take quiet the time, okay go on am listening jack said.

[ Like I said I don't have much time left, since am getting weaker by the second, and am not going to die. Am simply going into a deep sleep for which am going to upgrading, so I can level up to the next stage and you know what that means, you would have to have sex for a while before I can upgrade totally, to the next level. Any small mistake and i would be stock in that level for quiet a while.] 

[ "Which at that period all the HP and XP you gain would be automatically added to my upgrading point, and as for those you have sex with save their first virgin blood that if they are still vergins, "it would also lead to a successful upgrading remeder the stronger I get the stronger you get, so it is a win win for both side. So do you have any tough or objections?]

"Yeah I have a lot of objections, firstly in this case of your involving, isn't a win win case, instead it's is a win lose case, you get stronger and I get no skill even after giving you all the hp and XP I get. Fine I know that your upgrading involves that I would be able to get more stronger skills and other stuff, but even tough after your upgrading I should be giving a free skill jack protested.

[ "About the skill is that your only problem, if that is your only problem, there is no need to be worried about you getting a skill or not. But you are going to be able to chose one skill out of the new upgraded skill, or even choose to involve one of your skill you have, so you see this is a good offer, so is it a deal?.]

"Yeah deal sounds fair, but I have another question during the time of your involving, how would I be able to use my skill you know I need you to activate my skills. Before I can use it, so how? jack asked, [ that isn't hard you can just activate you skill by simply thinking about it, you don't need me for something as simple as that. 2 weeks from now you would be going to the succubus and incubus word.] 

[ ",Which would be the begging of your jonery, I won't be there to accompany you, but only after I upgrade, so you have to endure, and always keep a low profile to ensure your safety. Anymore question if not I would be going into a deep sleep, "any second from now only, remember only by you having sex can I keep involving.]

"Yeah I have a question jack said, how many day do you intend to be asleep, 

 jack asked with a curious expression, so he should know how his fate would be like. [about that maybe a month or two,

or maybe half a year but at least half a yeah.]

"WTF are you kidding, why does your upgrading take that much time, "as jack expected a response but he got non,which jack concluded that his system must have been asleep.

",Hummm I guess I would have to endure from this point onward, at least looking at the bright side I still have my shadow slaves and some skills which is more than sufficient. For now as jack went to his wardrope and took out a set of Jean's and shirt, and a black cape with a hat and a mask, "you understand what I meant right? after this jack looked at his appearance.

"In the mirror as he saw that his appearance changed a lot, "he couldn't even recognize his self as jack took a book from the table, and exited the house they would really be asleep for at least two weeks straight, "which jack wasn't expecting his woman's to wake up anytime soon.