
My Monster Legion

After an accident, Eric found himself in a magic world where women were dominant and men were treated as cruelly treated slaves. However, Eric awakened the Monster Legion System and became the owner of the Monster Legion, thereby fighting against this unfair world. Goblins dealt with female knights, and trolls broke through city walls. What, you say perfection is achieved through refinement and quality is greater than quantity? No, no, no, the more monsters in the Monster Legion, the better!

MoonTreeBA · Fantasia
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310 Chs

Spoils of war

After dispersing the townspeople, Eric returned to Ella's home. The male slaves who worked with Eric were somewhat incredulous.

Although they were not familiar with Eric, they were accustomed to their lowly status and were now kneeling before him, afraid to breathe too loudly.

Eric commanded the goblins to bring the eight guards that Ella had left behind. The guards were all brought there with their butts whipped by the goblins.

"Make them kneel!" Eric ordered. Soon, they were all kneeling on the ground, pushed or hit by the goblins.

"Go and rape them!" Eric told the few male slaves in the town, who were just eight, coinciding with the number of guards.

Both parties were shocked by his words. "My lord... how can we do such a thing?" The male slaves protested laboriously.

This evil thought of violating women had never even occurred to their deep-rooted belief in female superiority and male inferiority!

Eric remained expressionless. "Go! Otherwise..." The goblins waved their wooden clubs in a fierce and menacing manner.

Under Eric's coercion, the male slaves reluctantly took out their filthy genitals that had been hidden for decades, emitting a pungent odor because they had not been cleaned due to the shortage of water every day. However, they were not devoid of sexual desire.

Imperial law explicitly stated that any man who dared to violate a woman would receive the most severe and cruel punishment.

Even touching a woman in any of her private parts would result in various forms of punishment.

Under the goblins' roar, the male slaves began their first intercourse, which was also their first rape in their lives, with those motionless, large buttocks.

Eric watched with great interest the group of male slaves who were trembling with fear as they "raped" the guards. They were so weak that even their thrusts were almost powerless.

They didn't even know how to move at first after inserting themselves, they just stayed still! The goblins chuckled and taught them how to move properly.

But after only a dozen seconds, they let out a scream and quickly withdrew from the women's bodies, their bodies drenched in sweat as they obediently knelt down and awaited Eric's command.

Watching this scene, Eric couldn't help but sigh inwardly: the men in this world are truly despicable to the bone! However, Eric's mission was not to save the men in this world. His only intention was to destroy all the women who looked down on men.

Eric ordered the male slaves to leave and regain their freedom. However, he arranged for them to work as patrol guards and sewer cleaners, with corresponding rewards, and no longer under anyone's control.

Eric ordered the goblins to train the guards properly, and he himself began to search Ella's house without any restraint. He went straight into Ella's room, where a large box was placed.

After ordering a goblin to pry it open, Eric found thousands of gold coins inside.

"Damn it, this whore actually hoarded so many gold coins!" Eric was shocked and delighted. He had never even owned a single copper coin, and now he suddenly had something much more valuable.

Eric continued to search and found some weapons, such as fine steel swords, soft shields, and soft armor, which he then gave to the poorly equipped goblins.

By the way, most of the goblins who had violated women all night had reached level 2.

They could upgrade through mating, which was also the reason why Eric allowed them to insult women at will.

After continuing to search, there was nothing else of value. Eric had another idea and went into the guards' rooms, where he found goods wrapped in heavy boxes.

"Ella values these things so much that she has personal guards protecting them at all times?"

According to Eric's knowledge, these goods were supposed to be sent to Steele City.

And since Ella did not bring them with her when she requested for assistance, it means that a specialized team within the city will be dispatched to transport them!

"Goblin, open this up for me!"

After opening the box, Eric was surprised to find bottles of white liquid inside.

Upon smelling one of the bottles, Eric immediately concluded that it was male semen.

In this world, women who want to conceive do so through artificial insemination methods. Naturally, the semen is extracted from men's bodies.

As far as Eric knew, some men with exceptional physical and mental stamina were kept captive by women to act as breeding studs, and their daily work was to extract semen and provide large quantities of it.

Leaving the room and returning to the living room, Eric saw goblins riding around on top of female guards crawling around the dining table.

"These guys are really something," Eric said with interest.

"Get moving!"

If any of the female guards crawled too slowly, they were ruthlessly beaten on the buttocks by the goblins riding on their backs.

Looking at them from behind, each of the female guards' buttocks was purple and blue from the beatings.

However, Eric had no interest in these women who had already been raped by the goblins.

Creation is hard, please cheer me up~

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