

Peter was a poor college student who had to work hard just to put food on his table. His dad died when he was three years old and the only thing he left Peter was a small box. Peter is eighteen years and he still can't open the box. His mom works four jobs just to send him to school and Peter was able to get a scholarship to college. He lives in an old apartment close to the university. On this day Peter was in his room thinking about how to pay his rent. If he didn't pay then he would have to go back to the college dorms where he was bullied every day. He took the box his father left him and tried opening it with a knife. But the knife cut his hand. A drop of blood touched the box and it opened. A bright light came from the box a blinded Peter. He fell on the ground but not before seeing something. [Congratulations on unlocking the money-making system] ********* Will this system finally help Peter to achieve everything he ever wanted in this life? Find out by reading MY MONEY-MAKING SYSTEM.

Awudu_Salman · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


A boy was walking to buy food. He wore a red T-shirt and black jeans. If someone was to see what he was wearing they would know he was a poor boy. He was eighteen years and was handsome. This boy's name was Peter White. Peter was a poor college student who had to work hard just to put food on his table. His dad died when he was three years old and the only thing he left Peter was a small box. His mom worked four jobs just to send him to school and Peter was able to get a scholarship to college. He lives in an old apartment close to the university. Peter was entering a brokedown apartment. He opened the door with care so it wouldn't get broken again it cost him a lot of money to fix it last time. He went upstairs to his room which read 554. He opened it and the only things inside were a small bed a sink and a toilet that the side of the room and a table and chair in the middle of the room. He sat down and just place the things he brought to the table. He took out five canned food. They were all beans. He opened one and used his finger to open it since he had no spoon or even fork. After he was done eating he place his head on the table. After about five minutes he heard a knock on the door. He was feeling too lazy to move so he waited for the person to leave. After a few knocks, he heard a voice.

"Boy, I knock you are inside get out here now and pay your rent." He heard an old man's voice. "I will give up until 5:00 pm. If you don't pay I will call my son to deal with you."

Peter raised his head and start to about to pay his rent. He only had five dollars in his pocket. And had fifty in his account which was not enough to pay for the rent. If he didn't pay then he would have to go back to the college dorms where he was bullied every day. He stood up and took something that was on his bed. It was a small box the size of a palm. He then took a knife that was also on the bed. And he started to try to open it. He thought about how his mom had to work hard every day when his dad died, and he thought about how he was bullied in that school for being poor and not having a father all of this made him get angry. Because of the rage building inside him, he accidentally cut his hand. It wasn't a big or deep cut. But there was blood coming out of it. Before he could put the box and knife down a droop of blood fell on the box. Then it opened the was a bright light coming from it and it blinded Peter. Peter suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground. Before he could close his eye he saw a screen appear in front of him.

[Congratulations on unlocking the money-making system]

Peter woke up and had a headache like nothing he had ever felt. A few seconds later and it was gone. He sat up and started to remember everything that happened the box him getting cut. Speaking of getting cut there was no wound on his hand.

"What the. Where is the cut and what was that system?" Peter asked himself thinking about the system. Then a screen appeared before him.

[Congratulations on unlocking the money-making system]

[The system will now look through the user's status]

[Proceedings 2%]

[Proceedings 6%]

[Proceedings 15%]

[Proceedings 24%]

[Proceedings 28%]

[Proceedings 35%]

[Proceedings 42%]

[Proceedings 53%]

[Proceedings 60%]

[Proceedings 66%]

[Proceedings 73%]

[Proceedings 82%]

[Proceedings 87%]

[Proceedings 90%]

[Proceedings 96%]

[Proceedings 99%]

[Proceedings have been completed.]

[The host's status will now be displayed.]


Name: Peter White



Net worth:55 dollars

Property owned: none

Public status: Very poor

Peter was confused but looked calm. He sat back down on his chair and start to think then he remembered the box and where was the box. He was looking around and still couldn't find it.


He heard a ding sound from his head and when he checked it the system was telling him something.

[The host has one unread message.]

[Would he like to see it]

Peter just said yes since there was no harm in reading a message.

Then the screen displayed a letter. The letter said.

Dear, Peter my son

If you are reading this then you have successfully gotten the system. I can't tell you what or how this system was made but all I can tell you is that I died giving you this system so you could be able to buy anything you wanted and make your mother happy. I know you want to find out what happened and why I got this system. And I am sure you will be able to find out. But for now please enjoy yourself. I am sorry I couldn't be there for you when he need me the most. But now you can leave a life where you are respected. Son, please enjoy your life that is my dying wish.

Love your Father


Peter had tears in his eyes and wanted to punch his dad in the face but also wanted to hug him too.

"Father, I promise I will use this system well and make you proud." Peter said as he now had a new goal. Just as he was daydreaming he heard another ding in his head.


[New quest]

[Get out of your apartment and walk four miles to the left of your apartment.]

Time to complete

[10:00 minutes]

Peter immediately got out of the apartment and begin to do what the system said. He avoided the old man and went in the direction the system told him to go. It took him eight minutes before he heard a ding telling him to stop. When he looked around everything was normal. He lived in the city of Chicago. He looked that the roadside that his right and looked to his left. And he saw an old man. He was dressed in dirty clothes and he looked to be a beggar.

[Give the beger some of your money]

[Time remaining:1:30]

"Some of my money? The system I hope you know what you are doing. I can't go to the bank because of the time left so I can only give him this small amount of money I have." Peter placed his hand in his pocket took his five dollars and checked if he had any other money. He soon found six cents. He walked towards the man and place the money in the bowl with the rest of the chance. The old man looked up and had a smile on his face.

"Thank you, young man. Thank you so much." The old man said in a weak voice. Peter just smiled and stood up to leave.


[Congratulations on completing your quest.]


[Due to the amount of money spent the system will repay you the same way.]

[5.6 million dollars]

[Congratulations on completing your first quest]


[50,000 dollars]

Peter stopped in his tracks did he just become a millionaire by just giving a man five dollars and six cents? What would have happened if he had gone to the bank or looked for an ATM and given him all his money? Peter immediately checked his status.


Name: Peter White



Net worth:5,650,055 dollars

Property owned: none

Public status: very poor

Peter couldn't stop looking at the amount of money he had. He now had five million dollars in his account and the first thing he wanted to do was buy a house. But first, he needed to go to the bank to make some changes.