
Chapter 11 Nonstop Day and Night

Translator: 549690339

Li Sushan twisted Wang Jie fiercely, he was always taking advantage of her.

Yet, she couldn't quite let him go, hugging Wang Jie's head and stuffing it directly into her cleavage.

"I allow you to take advantage of me, go to sleep," she said coyly, her tongue lightly licking the corner of her mouth as she looked down at Wang Jie, buried in her chest, with a hazy gaze.

Wang Jie sighed, thinking that even this small wish couldn't be fulfilled, so he leaned in closer, and while Li Sushan wasn't paying attention, he kissed her directly.

Seeing that Li Sushan wasn't stopping him, Wang Jie pretended he knew nothing and let his tongue gently roll back and forth in the deep valley; his eyes were firmly fixed on the two peaks nearby, and his tongue was about to reach the summit.

Wang Jie was thrillingly excited, thinking how great it would be if it just happened without her noticing.

His fingers gradually moved up too, kneading the tips of those peaks, and Wang Jie could feel Li Sushan's body trembling. He thought that she must be very wet down there, and how delicious it would be to have a taste of it.

Just as Wang Jie's hand was about to secretly touch the tunnel, it stopped again.


Li Sushan's sudden moan scared Wang Jie, who quickly turned over, pretending as if he had done nothing.


The next morning.

Wang Jie was awakened by a chill, scratching himself only to find everything sticky.

"Damn, I'm in my twenties and still having wet dreams."

Thinking back to the situation before he fell asleep, Wang Jie truly felt regretful, as even in sleep his body instinctively wanted to erupt.

Looking over at his pillow, Li Sushan had already gotten up.

From outside the bedroom, the sound of cooking wafted continuously from the kitchen.

Smells so good...

A beautiful woman, and the food smells delicious—marrying a woman like this would mean an incredible life ahead.

The bedroom door opened, and Li Sushan came in, tossing a pair of underpants at him.

Her face flushed, she looked too embarrassed to even glance at Wang Jie.

"These are disgusting, what kind of dream were you having?"

"Hurry and go wash up in the bathroom, put on a clean pair," she said, and then cast a glance at Wang Jie before continuing with her cooking.

After she spoke, Wang Jie was dumbfounded, belatedly looking at the underwear on the bed and then at himself.

How strange, how did she know?

Listening to the sounds of splashing from the bathroom, Li Sushan's face turned red, and she couldn't help but become restless.

This rascal, she wondered which girl he got with in his dream last night, as he kept her up with his movements.

At that moment, Wang Jie was also savoring the memory, even though it was only a dream.

Thinking about what he could do with Li Sushan tonight made Wang Jie scrub his body even more diligently.


Three eggs on the table—Li Sushan ate one and left the other two for Wang Jie.

With a hint of flush on her cheeks, Li Sushan sized up Wang Jie and her breathing became heavier.

"Eat more protein to replenish your body, don't think about women all day, and even in your dreams," she said.

"Even young bodies can't withstand such torment."

Li Sushan, with the attitude of a mature and savvy woman, reminded Wang Jie, but it made Wang Jie feel too embarrassed.

Awkwardly chuckling, Wang Jie stuffed a boiled egg into his mouth with each bite.

"I don't want to either, it's just that back in my hometown I've never seen a woman as beautiful as Auntie Shan."

"Trying to keep myself cool is really tough."

"If I could sleep with a woman as beautiful as Auntie Shan, I'd be willing to do anything!"

Unable to hold back a laugh, Li Sushan blushed shyly and gave Wang Jie a look, picking up another egg and stuffing it directly into his mouth.

After eating, while Li Sushan was washing dishes and scrubbing pots in the kitchen, Wang Jie hugged her from behind.

Startled, Li Sushan's reaction was a mix of coyness and tempting refusal, half pushing him away and half allowing him to stay.

"You little devil, what are you doing? I'm washing dishes, my hands are dirty."

"No, I can't stand it if I don't hug you."

"Men's mouths are deceitful ghosts; you little liar, sit quietly, I will hug you after I finish washing."

Wang Jie gave her no chance at all, not loosening his grip in the slightest.

"I won't, I don't want to let go for even a second."

As he spoke, Wang Jie's hands reached into the abyss, grabbing one with each hand, not giving Li Sushan any chance to resist.

Li Sushan let out a groan, her movements washing the dishes slowing down, her body trembling slightly, and fluid began to flow endlessly between her legs.

Wang Jie took the initiative even more, leaning his body forward, not realizing when his rod had hardened and was pressing against Li Sushan's skin.

Just as he was preparing to take the next step, Li Sushan's cell phone suddenly rang.

On the other end of the phone, a rough man's voice came through.

"Sushan, what are you busy with at Grand Circulation?"

Wang Jie glanced at the screen, Manager Zhang, looking displeased.

Li Sushan laughed politely, sandwiching the phone between her chin.

"Oh dear, I'm almost dead tired, no energy left for anything else."

"Haha, that's true, our Manager Li always goes through fire and water for the company, it's taken a lot out of you. To compensate, why don't you come out this afternoon? I'll take you to relax."

Wang Jie froze, and Li Sushan hesitated for a second, not knowing how to reply.

Go out to relax? Relax, my foot!

Li Sushan is now his, Wang Jie's woman, and it is his place as a man to properly relax her.

Wang Jie tightened his grip on Li Sushan's waist hard, jealousy apparent as he reached into her nightgown and yanked down her panties, "I'll help you relax properly."

Li Sushan exclaimed "ya" in surprise, then quickly covered her mouth, remembering she was on the phone.

Just as she was about to stop Wang Jie, she found his fingertips already stuffed inside her, probing around ceaselessly.

Her mind had already been in turmoil from Wang Jie's caresses, and now the continuous flow of foreign sensations was making her immensely comfortable, yet she desired more from Wang Jie.

In an instant, a warm current stealthily surged inside her, making waves of tingling pleasure that forced moans from Li Sushan.

Struggling not to let out any soft moans, Li Sushan kept gently slapping Wang Jie's hand.

"What are you doing, you little devil? Let go at once. Are you trying to play me to death? What on earth do you want to do..."

"I don't care, I want to... do Auntie Shan now..." While talking, Wang Jie also took off his pants: "Hurry, keep talking on the phone, I'll do you from behind."