
My mistake, His loss

Deborah_Lesuanu · Urbano
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5 Chs

The escape plan

The moment we got back to his father's mansion, I could sense the disturbance it caused Mr Fabian. He was worried, mostly because our honeymoon was meant to last for three months but we had come back a month a few weeks early. He cornered Rick a few times, asking him what had gone wrong, but Rick either refused to say anything or changed the subject. For some reason, I had this feeling in my gut that Mia had something to do with it. I was glad because she had helped me end my days of punishments for absolutely little or no reason at all.

 Mr Fabian also tried asking me some questions, regarding our early arrival, and I told him that I had no idea what had changed Rick's mind. He also asked me if we had encountered any threats, maybe from a business rival, and I replied the same way, telling him that we were doing okay, up until that morning when he decided to leave.

"He didn't say much. He just asked me to pack up my stuff, and we headed straight for the airport" I explained, trying my very best to keep Mia out of the picture. A part of me felt it would be unwise to tell the same man who kicked someone out if his son's life, that the one he kicked out, was back in.

"I noticed you prefer to wear long clothes," Mr Fabian asked after staring at me for a while.

"Is there any particular reason for that?" He asked and I could see the concern on his face.

"I just love the comfort it gives me" I lied.

On our way back from our not so sweet honeymoon, Rick warned me sternly to make sure no one was suspicious about our marriage. So, after the flight, we acted as composed and loving as we could handle. 

Mr Fabian seemed to be the only one who cared about my well-being, unlike the rest of the family, but that didn't stop me from despising him for what he and my mother had done to my life. It was their fault that I was this messed up.

The next few days, I started thinking of ways to escape. The mansion was heavily guarded, with armed men stationed at every entrance and exit of the mansion, so there was no way I could escape the compound unnoticed. I had to think of a way out, a solid plan. 

Rick and I bumped into each other, during one of my 'inside analysis' or as I liked to call it 'being lost in my thoughts'. As normal couples, he had to ask about my well-being and of course, I lied everytime. Well, this time around he took me to our room. Since we got back, we've had to sleep in the same room, but I knew my bed was the couch, so I just picked up a blanket and a pillow every night. No one knew about this because we kept the door to our room locked every night. Mr Fabian was convinced we were having a naughty time, everytime he found our door locked.

When we got to the room, he locked the door. It wasn't even close to being dark yet and so I wondered why he was locking the door. He looked angry, like he was upset about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, feeling a bit concerned.

"You" his reply sank deep into my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curious to know why I was his problem, even though I knew I was part of it.

"You are the reason I'm stuck here…" he spoke, taking a step forward, while I took one backwards.

"The reason I can't think straight. The reason my life is so messed up…" he kept taking steps forward and I kept taking steps back, until there was no room for more movements. I was stuck to the wall, while Rick was a few inches close, with his hand pinned to the wall just above my shoulders.

"A curse that I can't get rid of" his words ached my heart so much that I could feel it bleed. I wondered why he hated me so much, when his family was to blame for everything.

Before I could say another word, he pulled me close, his hand on my waist and the other pulling my head close to his chest, as we walked around a little. I felt uncomfortable because I knew Rick a whole lot more than I knew myself, he was planning something, and that something wasn't in my favor. He placed me on the bed moments before his phone rang. After he was done with his call, he gave me an evil grin. That grin meant a whole lot, one of which was doom. Apparently, his chauffeur called to inform him that his family were out for dinner.

He tied both my hands to the end of the bed that had pillar looking wood attached to it, while I stood there, speechless. He tore my top, leaving just my bra on the upper part of my body, and tied my mouth. I heard the gushing of the wind before I felt something straight hit my back. It was his belt. He was lashing out his anger on me, using his belt. I couldn't scream, as a way of letting out my pain and letting that pain suffice, because my mouth was covered. My moans were all I could hear, and they weren't the romantic kind.

After a few minutes, he let me go. I tried putting on my dress, but it was bright colored, and so it got stained with my blood. I couldn't bear another minute in this house, I needed a plan to get out. Just while I was trying to pick out a black outfit that would help reveal less of the blood stain, I had an idea, a shopping kind of idea. I know it's foolish to think about shopping during a time like this, but believe me, it wasn't for the purpose of purchasing clothes.

The next day, Roxanne wanted to go shopping and I asked if I could tag along. I knew she would want to say no, so I asked in front of her father. She was willing to do anything to get in his good books, and I was willing to listen to her bickering so I could escape, but my plan backfired. Rick wanted to come along. I told him it was not something he should burden himself with and that I could handle myself. Mr Fabian obviously thought we were having this cute couple squabble and agreed to Rick's request.

We got to the mall and I acted like I was trying to pick an outfit when Rick handed me one dress to try on. I swear I felt like kicking him in his balls at that time, but I had to act civilized, not even sure what that word means nowadays. I got into the changing room, pacing around and praying for some kind of intervention. When I came out of the dressing room to tell Rick it didn't fit, I heard him on the phone with some client, and they wanted to see him ASAP. Boy was I glad. He told me we would meet back at home and he had something urgent to do, and I just nodded. My escape plan was back in action. Once he was out of sight and Roxanne had both our bodyguards holding her stuff, I sneaked out of the mall. Walking as fast as my legs could go, I was finally far away from the mall and out of sight. The Oliver's were gonna get mad tonight over a missing bride. I had a little cash to spare, so I looked for a hotel to lodge for the night.

The next plan was to think of a way to survive after I had left the city the next morning. I knew that if I stayed any longer after my night at the hotel, that they would send out a search party for me.

As early as possible, the next morning I was already out of the city, using whatever cash I had left. I resorted to looking for part-time jobs that would offer accommodations too, and luckily, I did. I could finally start my life afresh. A new life in a new place and with a new job. Nothing was going to change this, or so I thought.

After a few weeks of getting accustomed to my new life, something started feeling off. I was feeling nauseous almost every time. At work, I felt a little bit more tired and sleepy than I should. I ran a few tests, and my body seemed to be fine, the only difference now was, I was pregnant. There was a little Rick in my goddamn body.