
Sharp Maws from the Abbys [R-18]

A fragrant aroma of sweetness and bitterness hit his nose, causing him to pause. He tried to place the scent, searching his memory for a clue. Suddenly, it came to him - "Dark Mintikar!" The rare delicacy from Jeerion was known for its unique, tantalizing combination of bitter and sweet flavors, derived from the fruit trees native to their land.

As Jurion inhaled the familiar, minty aroma, his face lit up with excitement. The scent transported him back to his childhood, a time of warmth and happiness on his home planet. Despite being born amidst the turmoil of war, Jurion's upbringing was filled with kindness and joy, and this familiar fragrance brought back fond memories of picnics in the castle gardens with his family, playing with his older brother and savoring the delicious jeerion delicacies. He couldn't believe that in this strange new world, he had stumbled upon a scent that evoked such strong emotions and brought back his past so vividly.