
Red Planet

Jurion opened his eyes, a familiar view of sand dunes in Valencia-a sandy planet in the Ulterion star system met his perception.

"How did I end up up here?" His eyebrows raised eyes wide open.

He looked up at the cloudless crimson sky.

"I did not remember Valencia's sky like this, last time I it was still blue, I wonder what happened here."

He turned around and looked at the surroundings, nothing but sand and rocks.

He looked down and he was slowly descending, "What? Wait! I'm floating in the air! How the?"

A moment later his feet touched the ground.

Startled his jaw dropped, "What just happened? Where is my suit?" he raised his left hand, his bracelet missing.

He inspected his body further, his bulky built before was replaced with skinny limbs and flat abdominal muscles, same skin tone remained, his pubic hair nowhere to be seen.

"Something odd about this, I feel like I am missing something?" he panicked, drums beating inside his chest, he hastily scrutinized his genitals.

"What the fuck! Where is my other dick?" only one dick remained, no sign of any surgeries or scars as if only one was there in the first place.

"What in the world! Is this a side effect of the experiment? My dick shrunk in half!" frown apparent in his face.

"If it is, I better have gotten stronger magic or else this a massive drawback!"

He closed his eyes and opened his palm up in the air trying to conjure something, he opened his eyes and looked at his right hand, nothing.


He stretched his hand facing on the horizon, grimace all over his face, he shouted,

"Fuck! I lost my magic abilities? Argh! This is unbelievable! Shit!"

Lines formed on his forehead, his fists formed a ball. He kneeled on the ground about to pull his hair with both hands, perplexed, he tapped his scalp feeling the missing hair but found two bony cone shaped about 2 inches long protruding on the upper forehead on either side.

"Hahahaha, what is this? Is this a dream?" He slapped his cheeks several times but he stayed awake, he pinched his cheeks and still the same.

"This is not a dream! Fuck!" He laid down on the ground sighing, "How can I fight the yarramans with this?" he blankly stared at the crimson skies for a long time.

"Hahaha! Damn experiment! I should have listened to professor Garth. I'm such an idiot!" Regret settled on his face.

He sat crossed legs, "Anyway how can I go back home?" He stood up, walked directionlessly.

A long time have passed since he started trekking but no plants or animals have crossed his way.

"This is strange, though mostly desert Valencia was teeming with life, where are the plants and animals in this area? How long have I been walking anyway? I need to find some water."

He marched tirelessly for what seemed like an eternity.

In the distance, molten rocks that flows like a river.

"Lava? Yes! Usually we have a power plants nearby volcanoes like this, better look for it."

He rushed along the stream of lava tracking the origin of it, at the end, his neck almost broken trying to find the tip of the towering Volcano.

"Wow this is outrageous, I have never seen a volcano this tall before."

Unable to see the summit, he went around it to look for the power plants but no structure of any sort can be found.

"This is odd, usually we used carbon fibers to gather the energy from volcanoes like this, did they miss this one? Oh man, I should go somewhere else then."

He spotted a silhouette of a settlement on the west of the volcano.

"Finally, a town!" he sprinted his way to the location of interest hoping to find anything alive.