
My Mecha System

Alex has reincarnated as Arthur Wright with a mysterious system on the planet Tera 4. Two years into the military academy an alarm has been raised in the empire. All military assets are to be deployed to stop an empire wide invasion force. Cadets are forced to stay behind while the military goes to take on the threat from the fringes of the galaxy. The world returns to daily life until the planetary defenses come on line in the face of an unknown invasion force. Communication is cut off from the rest of the empire and with the planetary defense force taking on the unknown threat, Arthur and a small team of cadets take to their mechas in a campaign that will decide the fate of the planet and will take him on a perilous journey through a galaxy wide war.

Razmus · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 13

On the sixth day of the academy Arthur and Strong awoke to do their usual routine. Today was the day they would start to learn Tactics and movement techniques. To say they were excited was an understatement. This was the foundation for a mecha pilot.

Arthur quickly got dressed and ran outside with Strong and met up with Mackenzie and Asura.

"Are you as excited about today as I am?" Asked Arthur to Mackenzie as they walked over to formation.

"You have no idea" said Mackenzie. I've been reading the movement technique field manual every night before I go to sleep. I even started trying to teach Private Brick, but I never know if he's actually listening or not."

All four cadets fell into formation and did the usual battle of Easy Hill that they had come to love so much. It was finally starting to get easier now that they had been training with Private Brick for 5 days now.

Once PT was over, they all got dressed and went to breakfast for their 5 minute meal of nutrient gruel that was still awful. They had gotten used to inhaling their food. Sitting and taking their time eating wasn't even a thought in their mind anymore. They ate for the sole purpose of fueling their bodies.

Arthur glanced over at Mackenzie and thought about what could of been if he had met her in his previous life. At 5 foot 4 inches, she was the perfect height in his opinion. Everything about her was what he used to look for in girls growing up in his previous life. She had long blonde hair that was put up in a military regulation bun and he could only imagine that she was as toned as his own 6 foot muscular frame. He quickly turned away and put those thoughts out of his head. He was living a different life now, one where he had a motivation and purpose. Revenge. He had to find his answers if possible, once his task was complete he would have the luxury to settle down and maybe start a family. That was years away.

Arthur learned, after a lot of conversation, that the system everyone had extended life well beyond what people from his past life lived. The Emperor had sit on the throne for 300 years. No one was sure what class system he had, but people here lived for 300 years plus unless they were killed by some unfortunate accident. He thought all this to assure himself that he had time to fulfill his mission and have a love life after. Life would be lonely for that long without a partner.

Back in reality, Arthur walked out to formation with the 3 cadets he now called close friends. Well, as close as they could be after knowing each other for only 6 days. They stood in formation and were directed by Payne to go to the outdoor training field where they would be practicing movement drills. They had all waited since last week for this day. This would officially start their military training.

Once they arrived at the practice field, they gathered around the instructor to listen to what sort of movement techniques they would be practicing today.

"Today we will be learning and practicing two different fire team formations. The first formation we will be practicing is the most common formation you will see and use. Can anyone tell me what formation I'm referring to and why it is the most commonly used?" asked the instructor.

"Sir, the wedge formation is easy to control, is flexible, provides good security, and allows the team

members to fire immediately in all directions sir!" yelled Mackenzie

"Outstanding answer cadet" replied the instructor. "Mackenzie had it right, out of the two movement techniques you will learn today, the wedge formation is the most adaptable and allows for fire in all directions. We will break up into groups of 10 and I will show you how the wedge is conducted. Break into your groups now."

Arthur and the 3 other cadets quickly rounded up six more people and stood waiting on the instructor to show them what to do.

[New Quest: Learn the Wedge formation]

[Quest reward: Instant level up]

"That's more like it" thought Arthur. He was wondering if he'd get anything special from learning military movement techniques and his question was finally answered.

The instructor walked over and assigned the squad leader role to Arthur, with Strong and Mackenzie as team leaders. The wedge formation was designed with a team leader taking the point position with a rifleman and a grenadier behind and to the left and right. It made a triangle, sometimes with an extra person on either side. Directly behind the team leader and the left and right soldiers forming the initial wedge is the squad leader. Behind the squad leader is another wedge thats capped off into a diamond with a rifleman taking the rear position. The squad leader in the direct middle of this formation has huge flexibility in determining the spacing of the wedge, he can contract or collapse the wedge in situations where the terrain is too rough or if its found that enemy contact is not likely.

The cadets practiced moving as a unit for the rest of the morning with Arthur giving commands to collapse or expand the wedge in mock situations. By the time lunch rolled around Arthur got the awaited system notification.

[Quest Complete: Learn the Wedge formation]

[Level Up]

[0/100,000 EXP]

[You've gained one free stat point]

Arthur quickly pulled up his status screen to check where he needed to assign the free point.

[Name: Arthur Wright]

[Race: Human]

[Level 6]

[0/100,000 EXP]

***Primary Stats***

[Points Available 1]

[HP 17/17]

[Strength: 11]




Breaking Point

"I desperately need more agility, I'll add the next couple of points there so I don't end up looking like someone else I know" thought Arthur with a smirk.

The cadets went to lunch and quickly came back to continue the second movement technique they would be learning for the day. Arthur was looking forward to another potential quest and a reward. A level up would be nice or a skill wouldn't be too bad either. He still remembered he had 'break point' but that application was limited for now.