
Cornering the Blood Wolf

Blood Wolf had secretly been observing Jiang Zhuying whenever he could for the last week. His ability was to devour the mutated cells of paranormals and absorb their mutation into his own body. He could hold to different abilities at the same time. Any more and his body would likely collapse under the strain.

The previous leader of the gang, the old Blood Wolf, was killed by him. After that, he had been looking for his next target and discovered Zhuying. Just seeing her releasing electricity got him excited. If he could obtain her ability, coupled with the previous Blood Wolf one, he would enter a higher level of power.

However, a big obstacle to his plans appeared, under the form of his target's brother. He had though he was nothing, until he saw the automated minigun being deployed on top of their armored car. His adrenaline level spiked, intincts screaming at him to get away from where he was and hide behind something very solid. His female companion wasn't feeling any better.

"A paranormal you may be, but I doubt that made you bulletproof."

As Liushi closed the door, Blood Wolf also reacted. His whole body bulged as he activated the ability gained from the previous leader of the gang. He turned into an impressive wolfman, his eyes and fur respectively turning green and red, his strenght and speed greatly enhanced, and jumped behind his hummer. The woman's reaction was similar, but she jumped back into the hummer, liying on the floor. They got lucky.

The moment the door closed, the sound of the minigun in action resounded in the area, followed by screams of pain and terror of its targets.

The 2 ordinary people that came from he hummer were killed, the doors of the vehicle having provided little protection. The windshield and windows of the vehicle were shattered, the seats were ripped appart, the dashboard was destroyed. Had she not been on the floor of the vehicle, the dangerous looking woman would have been shot. Blood Wolf himself was safe, staying low at the back of the vehicle.

It had taken less than a second. Liushi cursed in his mind because he had missed the leader and his second in command by a split second. The turret turned toward the rest of the assembled group.

One of the guys on motorcycle got ripped in 2 at the belly. The welded helmets provided no protection from the minigun, and heads exploded within them as the bullets pierced them. The vehicles were filled with holes, and those who didn't hide behind the engine blocks or the chassis of the SUVs, suffered grevious to lethal injuries. As the turrets turned to the other half of the opposition, some of them had gotten the time to seek better cover. They suffered less than their comrades.

When the minigun stopped firing, out of 27 people, 15 had survived, and not all of them were unscatched. Blood Wolf recovered from the fear he felt as his precious hummer got filled with bullet holes. And said fear was replaced by fury.

"Get them!" he roared to the surviving gang members. "Kill them all! But remember, Jiang Zhuying is mine!"

Most of the 7 still armed pawns obeyed on the spot, scared by the loud and furious roar of their dreaded leader. They had an AK-47 and older models of chinese firearms. The types numbered below 80, 3 handguns, 2 submachines guns, and a single mounted machine gun. The other armed people were either dead or dying, and the survivors didn't think to take their weapons, still shocked.

A barrage of bullets struck the Doomtrooper on Liushi's side, while Zhang Hai and Sun Kun retreated away from the doors. Most of the bullets bounced on the armor and reinforced windows, and Sun Kun and Zhang Hai prayed to not be hit by any ricochets. After all, half of the bullets that bounced ended in the warehouse, some harmlessly hitting the Doomsday Ride. The rest of the bullets smashed themselves against the vehicle, at most leaving cracks marks on Liushi's window.

When they saw that their attack had little effects, not even on the tires, they stopped firing. And Liushi once more went on the offensive.

The armored car bolted forward with the roar of the engine, and rushed toward the side with the higher number of enemy survivors. They were all dumbstruck at the acceleration speed of the vehicle, and only some of them got the reflex to jump away when they saw it rushing toward them. With a loud noise, the Doomtrooper crashed into one of the refitted SUVs, blasting it to the side, and reaching the unfortuate guy that was hidden behind in a crouch.

His head met the reinforced bumper of the fast moving armored car and burst open, the rest of his body was flung away, spraying his blood around. Liushi turned around and rushed toward the hummer. On the way, he run over the wounded people that had survived the minigun attack, or those who couldn't get away in time.

He saw Blood Wolf in his transformed form, and was quite surprised. He had already learned about the differents kind of paranormals, but the werewolf transformation was still impressive. It was also clear that it granted the leader great strenght and agility. He guessed it wouldn't be easy to him the guy, and he would be tougher than he looked.

Zhuying had been shocked at the start when the minigun reaped the lives of the gang members, because it was quite brutal. But when the vehicle lurched forward, she had returned to the kill-or-be-killed mindset that such situation required. She lowered her window just enough for her hand to peek through. When they reached the hummer, both Blood Wolf and the woman jumped away.


The hummer was pushed then over turned, and crushed another unlucky guy. At the same time, Zhuying managed to hit Blood Wolf with a powerful lightning strike, making him scream in pain. But it ended to soon in her mind, as Liushi was still racing toward the other surviving members of the gang. By then, they had all realised that their vehicles wouldn't protect them from the rampaging driver they though was easy prey. The remaining biker was already fleeing the SMC premises at top speed.

Having reached the other side of the encirclement net, Liushi turned the vehicle around once more, his sigh set on Blood Wolf. He, the woman and 5 other guys were the only remaining members of the group. 4 of the 5 guys were locked in a firefight against Zhang Hai and Sun Kun, who kept them busy.

"Use the grenades!" shouted Blood Wolf. "Bomb them to smitters!"

But Liushi wouldn't let them. He once more rushed toward them, forcing them to stop focusing on the warehouse. They couldn't just camp behind the ruined cars, as the Doomtrooper would just blast them, so they had to constantly change cover. Blood Wolf charged at the vehicle and jumped. He landed on the roof and left a grenade at the base of the turret before jumping of again.


The sound of nearly deafening for the trio in the car, and they winced while trying to sooth their ears. But the damage was minimal. It was the sensor and targeting array that suffered some damage. Seeing this made Blood Wolf grit his teeth.

Blood Wolf strenght lied in close combat. He was powerful, but the armored car was too tough for him. It was also very fast to target the tires with explosives. And if he stayed close without being able to hit the people inside, Zhuying would be able to electrocute him enough to defeat him. Their vehicles had been damaged by bullets and ramming attacks, so they couldn't even retreat. He needed to turn the situation around really soon or he would be dead.

"Qingping" Liushi called her. "Open your window and fire on them" he said, lending her his submachine gun. "We will get them in a crossfire between us and the guys in the warehouse."

She received the firearm with some trepidation, silently annoyed at being given an order by him in such a crips manner.

"Lu" he called, knowing that the com was still on. "Get your gun and cover Haizi and Sun Kun as they narrow the opening of the warehouse door. That guy may be fast enough to get in if he stop focusing on us."

"On it" came the cold reply.

"Zhuying, there are 2 hand grenades in the glovebox. They tried to blow us, we will blow their covers. Be careful with them, it's different from what movies show. If you pull the pin, you have to keep the lever in place until you throw it. Releasing the lever activate the grenade."

"I know."

"Don't you dare drop it inside the car while trying to throw it. Focus on the woman, Blood Wolf is too fast, we will deal with him last."

His orders were given as he made another quick pass in the middle of the enemy survivors, separating them in 2 groups. He also lowered his window and readied his custom shotgun, the one he made when he arrived in Nanjing for his injured arm. When he turned the vehicle around to face the Blood Wolf, they were all ready.

Instead of rushing directly at them, Liushi made a pass in front of the warehouse door. Then he went for the weaker group, which was made of 3 normal guys. As they dodged in 2 differents directions, Qingping was able to shoot one of them, wounding him. Zhuying dropped one of the grenade near the guy on his side. He didn't notice as he was rolling away from the vehicle. It was actually well done on her part.

The grenade was between the last 2 uninjured men, and when it exploded it took them out of the fight. Fragmentation grenades can deal damage in a radius of more than 10m, and the 2 men were within that range. The man injured by Qingping was shot by the guys in the warehouse. That left the 2 paranormals.

I wasn't sure about how the battle should go...

Yep, some corpses were run over more than once during that battle. Poor guys.

Tonyorobskycreators' thoughts