


He chuckles and I look at him unsure of what to say or do.

"Do I look like a dog to you?" he asks.

(What's with that blunt expression of his. How am I supposed to tell if he's teasing me or if he's seriously asking that.)

I rub the back of my neck and look at him," If there will be nothing else, please excuse me."

I move to stand but he grabs my wrist and I turn to him.

"Please my pet, can't I have a decent meal with you? Think of it as a… what do you humans call it… hmm…" he rubs his chin before snapping his finger," date."

"Excuse me?"

"A date. I want you to go on a date with me."

"You must be out of your mind if you think I will agree to go on a date with someone like you," I wretch my hand from his grip and head towards the door before stopping and turning to him," for your information, I wouldn't date you even if you were the last man on earth. Goodbye!"

I walk out the door slamming shut behind me. Finn opens the door and cautiously walks into the room.

"The lady seemed to be in a hurry, did it go well?"

Leo looks at his hand and smiles," I'd say it went rather well Won't you?"

Finn bows his head," Yes my lord."

  "Let's head back, there's a lot of things I need to know of the human heart and once I please her, I will take her as my bride."

I open the door and kick the shoes from my feet before proceeding into the room.

"What took you so long Miss Nine?" Peta asks and I bend down to rub the back of his furry ears.

"Did you miss me Peta?"

"Of course I did. I missed you so much but… his scent is on you."


I sniff at my clothes and look at him with a raised brow," What do you mean? I don't smell like anyone, this is my normal scent."

"But Miss Nine, you smell like the lord."


"Yes Leo, you were with him right?"

"Um… no I wasn't… stop assuming things Peta."

"I know that smell anywhere and it belongs to Leo, his sweet smell is all over you Miss Nine. Can I take it that you two are getting along?"

"You shouldn't assume such things Peta. Am feeling sleepy."

"But you haven't had your meal yet. You shouldn't sleep on an empty stomach you know… what if you accidentally fall ill? What will I do then?"

I cover my face with my hands and let out a frustrated sigh.

(He's starting to nag like Black. Don't tell me he picked up his behaviours?)

"Miss Nine? Would you like something? Master Black prepared something for you."

"Oh right, where is Black?"

"He went out a while back."

"Oh… then I'll head up to rest goodnight."

"Miss Nine! What about dinner?"

"Am not hungry."


I head to my room dismissing him before he can say another word about food and illnesses. After a relaxing bath, I sit on my bed book in hand.

"A nice book is what I need."

A knock on the door startles me and I nearly drop the book in my hand.

"Who is it?"

"Sister? Are you asleep?"

I roll my eyes at this and lean against the pillows ready to successfully ignore my stupid brother.

"Sister? Hello?"

He knocks on the door and I emerge myself into my book.

"Am coming in."

The door knob turns and his tall figure appears before me.

"Black! Ever heard of knocking before coming in?" I ask half serious and he looks at me with confusion.

"I just knocked four times and you didn't answer."

"Well, don't you think you should wait for my response before actually coming in?" I ask raising my right brow at him and he hangs his head low.

(Did I go too far with my teasing? Why do I feel like I just scolded a kid?)

I shake my head, close the book and clear my throat. I tap on the space next to me and he reluctantly takes a seat beside me. I focus my gaze on him and he shifts in place.

"So… where did you go? Peta told me you went out in the early evening."

"That damn dog! I should teach it how to shut its big mouth," he mumbles and I smile.

"If you dare hurt him, I will be very angry Black."

He sits up taken a back by my statement and I can't help but laugh at his over exaggerated reactions.

"Will you tell me where you were or do you want me to find out for myself and believe me, if I do that, you'll be in big trouble."

He scratches his hair before turning to me," Remind me again, who is the oldest between us?"

"Are you going to say I nag like the elder one?"

"Well, you aren't wrong sister but you actually sound like a parent scolding a kid."

"What do you expect? Did you forget am a children's doctor? I get to yell and be stern with kids who don't do as they are told and act recklessly."

"Oh, so now you're calling me a reckless kid. Is that right?"

I quickly raise both hands and wave them frantically," Oh no I wouldn't dare call you a child you are a man who is at least over two feet tall. And not to mention your well built body, you'd crush someone who pisses you off with that huge hand."


His eyebrow twitches in anger and I let out a nervous chuckle," Just forget I said anything okay?"

"Forget you just insulted me straight to my face? Oh I don't think I'll let you off the hook that easy sister."

I gulp ad quickly get down from the bed before an unknown force pushes me back down.
