

"Luna… slow down will you?"

She huffs at this but obeys and comes to a sudden halt.

"I seriously hate him!"

I nod my head and shuffle her hair," Yeah I know. You aren't exactly doing a great job hiding that."

She smiles and shakes her head," I guess I should work on that then."

"Um? Is he supposed to be following us?" Honey asks her index finger pointing to the two guys a stone throw away from us.

"Seriously, am going to…"

I place a hand on her shoulder and shake my head dismissing her thoughts," You should head home with Honey."

"What about you?"

"I think I have a thing or two to say to him, his appearance is quite annoying."

"Then let us stay with you, who knows what will happen to you once you are alone with him. I don't entirely trust him."


"You're probably right, I don't trust him at all."

I smile and look deep into her pacific eyes," I know you're worried about me but look on the bright side, if I talk things out with him, he might actually listen to me."

"You do know you are a paediatrician not psychiatrist right?"

"I've handled a few wild kids before what worse could a man do?"

"I admire the optimism but can you be serious?"

"Head home Luna, I'll be with you soon."


I hold up my hand silencing her and she lets out a defeated sigh," Okay fine! We'll get going but be careful."

"I will. See you two at home."

Luna holds honey's hand and I watch their backs till they disappear out of sight. Taking a steady breath, I turn around and almost bump into Leo.

"When did you get here? I didn't hear you move."

"You want to talk?" he asks and am taken a back by his polite tone.

"Not here, let's go somewhere with a little privacy."

"Do humans need to talk in private areas? I didn't know that, did you know it Finn?"

"Not at all, first time hearing it."

Trying not to roll my eyes, I walk past them.

"Hey! Wait up!"

"Luna, will Nine be okay?" Honey asks once they are a safe distance from the building.

"She'll be fine, she's stronger than she looks."

"Mmh," she replies and tightly grasps her hand.

"Honey? Is something wrong?"


Luna eyes her and shrugs her shoulder dejectedly," I know a short cut follow me."

"But Nine said taking short cuts at dusk is dangerous."

"Did she now, don't worry, this one is safe. You trust me don't you?"

"Yes I trust you but…"

"Great! Let's get going then."

Firmly grabbing onto her hand, Luna takes a sharp right turn and Honey struggles to keep up with her quick strides. 

"This way!"

After walking past a few trees, a dark figure drops in front of them and three more appear behind them trapping them.


"Shh, it's okay. What do you want?" she asks her question directed to the one in front of them.

"Is that anyway to great your friend Luna? I see you haven't changed at all."

Luna places her hands over Honey's trembling hands," Did you have to make your appearance so anonymous? Look the poor thing is shaking with fear."


"Don't start a fight with her, tell me Luna, what did you get yourself into?"

"Nothing am just an ordinary doctor."

"Really? I doubt ordinary describes you. After all, I think that girl has the attention of the elders."

"Let's talk about this alone," Luna says and the figure chuckles.

"Alone? Okay then. Get her."

The three immediately pounce on Luna and she easily side steps them readying herself for an attack when a cold blade presses against her back.

"You've gotten rusty Luna."


"Luna! Let go of me!"

"Struggling is pointless child."

"Make her silent will you? Her cries are annoying."

The guy holding her captive strikes the back of her neck and her limp body falls to the ground.

"You could have gone a bit softer on her, after all, she's still a child," Luna says.

"Is this private enough?" Leo asks and I look around the restaurant.

"Such a place exists?"

Finn leans closer to Leo's ears and whispers," This is the part where you ask her what she would like to eat."

Leo clears his throat and I look at him," What would you like to eat?"

"Thanks for the offer but I prefer it if we get down to business."

Leo looks at Finn who nods and walks out the door.

I open my mouth to speak when he suddenly holds up his hand," Before you say anything, I'd like to speak first."


He crosses his hands over his chest and I shift uneasily at his expressionless face.

(What's with that face? How can I tell what he's thinking? How annoying!)


"I recently realized that how I treat you is wrong. I would like to apologize for my behaviours."

I spit the wine in my mouth and cough twice.

"Are you okay?"

(What the- did he just apologize? No way, something's not right here. But the sincerity in his tone… he might be actually sorry… but HIM? Sorry?)


The sounds around me become faint as I slowly process everything that Leo had just confessed.

(Should I believe him? But Black said wolves shouldn't be trusted. He must be coming up with a plan to abduct me or something. But, he hasn't done anything since we got here so maybe I should…) 

He slowly raises his hand and I pull back from him n shock," What are you doing?"

"You looked like you were conflicted, is it because of me? Am so happy that now I make you have internal conflicts."

I look at him not bothering to hide the disgust in my tone," That's nothing to be happy about you stupid dog."


I bring my hand to my mouth surprised that I just said my thoughts out loud.
