

Honey nervously tugs at my pants and I pull her to my side gently placing my hand over her shoulder.

"It's okay Honey, they won't hurt you."

She peers up to me and mouths," Really?"

I smile and get down on one knee so that am at an eye level with her.

"Do you think I'd ever put you in danger?"

"Well… no… but…"

She looks at the guys then back to me and lets out a sigh.

"Great more mouths to feed. Hey sister, are you going to pick another stray cat or dog and bring it home with you out of pity?"

"Honey is not a stray cat or dog, she's the kid I was taking care of and now, she's part of the family."

Black walks up to us and eyes Honey causing her to cower behind me.

"Black, you're scaring her."

He scoffs and walks towards the kitchen and I feel Honey's body trembling behind me.

"Does the tall man hate me?"

"He doesn't hate  you. He just has a problem with getting to know people that's all."

"Miss Nine, is the little lady okay?"

"She's fine, she just needs some rest. If you'll excuse us."

I stretch my hand and Honey grabs it. Together we make our way to my room and I softly close the door behind me before turning to Honey.

"I don't have any free rooms so you'll have to sleep with me, is that okay?"

She yawns and rubs her eyes sluggishly and I smile. Gently I tuck her in bed and she drifts off to sleep almost immediately.

"Hi Honey, how are you?" Luna asks petting Honey's head.

"Luna! I missed you so much."

She chuckles and stands up straight," Now here is an odd sight, Nine showed up when I requested of her."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Honey wanted to go to the movies and since it's the weekend, I thought why not let the kid have f-"

Luna's hand covers my mouth silencing me and I look at her with a raised brow.

"No need for endless explanations," her hand drops from my lips and she turns her attention to Honey," let's go."

Honey nods excitedly and grabs both Luna's hand and mine and together we head down the halls.

"Finn is this okay?" Leo asks adjusting the collar of his Brioni suit.

"Marvellous. This will surely impress her."

Leo looks at his reflection in the mirror and smiles confidently," I dare say, I look hot in this outfit."

"Sir would you like anything else?" the saleslady asks not tearing her gaze from him.

"This will be all beautiful lady, here you go."

Finn swipes the card and they leave the store. All eyes are on them as they walk through the halls grabbing the attention of everyone both male and female.

"Do you think he's a celebrity?"

"Oh my, a guy with such amazing features shouldn't exist."

"He's hotter than Kahiki himself, and he's the hottest guy ever."

The murmurs grow louder and louder and Leo smiles amidst himself.

"Keep up Finn."


He hurries behind him as they continue further down the corridors flooded with swooning  and screaming women.


"How did you like the animation?"

"It was perfect. I loved how the princess finally got to do what her heart wanted," Honey replies happily swinging her arms to and fro.

"Let's get some food, am starving," Luna says and we all nod.

"Let's go Honey."

She nods and grabs my outstretched hand. Just as we are turning the corner, we bump into someone and fall to the ground. Without thinking, I immediately check on Honey.

"Honey are you okay?"

I grab her face in my hands and turn her head searching for any injuries. A sigh of relief escapes my lips once I spot no scratch on her.

"Won't you check up on the person you bumped into?"


Heart beating loudly in my ears, my gaze slowly trails up and settle on Leo's eyes and I let out a shaky breathe.

"What are you doing here?"

"What. Can't I be here?"

"That's not what I-"

I sigh dejectedly and smile," Excuse me."

I shove him aside but he grabs my hand spinning me into a tight embrace. With my back pressed against his toned chest and his arms tightly wrapped around my waist, I could smell a hint of is perfume and this made my heart beat crazily.

"Let- let go of me!"

I struggle and turn in his arms trying to break free but his grip on me only tightens. He leans closer to my ear and slightly blows on it causing me to let out a surprised gasp.

"Stop that!"

A small crowd of by passers surround us and my cheeks flush from the sudden unnecessary attention. 

"Kids nowadays are free to do as they please in public."

"That couple is so bold in broad daylight."

The murmurs arise and this makes my ears heat up in embarrassment.

"She's embarrassed? Who knew someone so cod would actually be embarrassed in public?" Leo mumbles to himself. Feeling his grip on me loosening, I summon all of my strength and finally,  I manage to break free from my captor. I stand beside Luna and dust my skirt.

"I would really appreciate if he wouldn't be so touchy in public," I mumble inaudibly. 

"Nothing to see here. Get moving now."

His sudden shout immediately dissipates the crowd and my nerves relax.

"Nine, you okay?"

I manage to weakly nod my head," I'll be fine after a breather."

"Interesting, the cold brute is actually embarrassed of large attention. Aren't doctors supposed to be brave?"

"Why you! I'll-"

I grab her hand and shake my head," Don't Luna."

She looks from me to Leo, huffs and stands back. She grumbles something that I fail to catch but can only assume she's cussing him out.

"Did you just insult me?"


She grabs both Honey's hand and mine and walks down the path.

"Luna.. slow down will you?"